Great post. What is it Occam's razor? In a sane culture we wouldn't be jumping through all these hoops to try and understand or explain the obvious. There were no piles of bodies in the streets in 2020 because there was no pandemic.

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Thank you, Clay. 🙂

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Actually there was a massive increase in US deaths in 2020, which lasted through 2021. Deaths increased 19% in 2020--6 times larger than the largest previous increase of 3%. Most people are totally unaware of it due to a very effective coverup of the official data. You can verify the numbers at this link--data starts about 1/3 of the way through. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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I was out and about during the scamdemic didn't see a single dead body, only know one person who was essentially so scared to death they got pharmacided. Localized murder of people on the margins can be concealed, but an actual mass murder event would be noticeable because people would be missed...

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It's just a question of numbers. For example, the NYC mass casualty event killed 50k extra people in 25 counties over 8 weeks. The population of those 25 counties is about 20 million. So unless you lived in NYC metro and had a circle of at least 400 local friends, you would not have noticed anything.

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Have a look at Jessica Hockett’s substack “Wood House 76” - she has undertaken numerous FOI requests from multiple sources of the NYC event and has clearly shown the numbers don’t add up and may well have been fabricated/staged to bring in the fear and emergency powers that followed.

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I don't know what you think Hockett has proven, but if you think she has made a good case for any fake deaths, I would ask you to read this first--second section down called "Recent fake death propaganda." https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7

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and the only reason people 'noticed anything' about it was due to STRANGERS that TELL A VISION of viruses, pandemics, contagion...etc....etc....otherwise Virginia you are saying i would have NEVER noticed....eh?!?!

Amazingly I live and spend 99% of my week with the amish on an amish organic farm, that delivered its produce to Covid Ground Zero NYC.

There was zero covid amongst the workers on the organic farm I work on, no one died, no ones masked up, distanced themselves or any of the other Simon says covid nonsense. The amish are not cloistered, they are out and about, shopping at Wal-mart, costco, going out to eat, taking vacations and not for nothing Amish country Pennsylvania is the #1 retirement spot for people from NYC as well as a big vacation spot in general, so amish stores and business are always full of out of towners especially New Yorkers

I wonder why covid did not settle on the amish????

Well this is Clear I witnessed a whole community impervious to covid. NO one died in the amsih community and if they did I would know it, I would not need a circle of 400 friends to know amish were dying of any type of mass die off.

Fact is Covid does not exist Virginia....Covid is just another marketing ploy for the allopathic Rockefeller medicine men business model.

If all you could do is give me the names, addresses and next of kin to those that supposedly died off at least that would be concrete and somewhere to start, but statistics from the government? Yea........ the government is not to be trusted....

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Sorry about the last reply, I intended to respond to a comment in another forum. Here is a link to the mortality data, which starts about half-way through--since everyone who does the same search will get the same results, the contents of the database are matter of record, not a matter of opinion--so we can all agree. As I note in the article, this mortality data has nothing to do with Covid--it is about counting deaths from all causes, which EXPLODED in 2020 to unprecedented highs. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Yep, no immune system but a garbage collection system.

That's why when one died the other went after... No more garbage collection leads to gangrene etc.


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Now that you mention it...when I was @12 y/o I contracted/had chickenpox. As one of 6 children, I was the only one who had it. Neither of my parents acquired it either. I don't recall being isolated (although I was kept home from school for several days and in bed- I did feel crappy but milked the attention I got from my Mom!) Sure, there are always exceptions. But these instances make a bold statement.

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Thanks for sharing your story, Bonnie. I agree that experiences like these make a bold statement. It seems that many people tend to focus on the times they believe they caught an illness from someone else, often forgetting the numerous occasions when they didn’t get sick or didn’t pass on an illness to others. If people honestly reflect, I think many could recall similar stories. 🙂

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Brilliant as always, Mike. The same applies to couples. My wife used to always get regular colds etc until we cleaned up our act mentally and physically.

On a separate note. I was always more of a Spiderman fan.

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Thanks, Calvin. Spider-Man is great too...but Superman would kick his @$$. 😉

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Dear Mike, thank you for today's post, and for all this time of so many articles.

I wonder what do you your brothers think about your writing against this entrenched error of germ theory. But I don't want to pry. After all, no prophet is accepted in his own country.

I knew about Abby and Brittanny and Chang and Eng, but I didn't know about the others. What an awful start Masha and Dasha had. The martial mindset fosters the worst horrors.

Your posts almost always leave me with a mix of sadness and joyful hope. I appreciate that.

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Thank you, Agent Roger W. 🙂

My brothers definitely know about my work. My twin is mostly on the same page with me now, and stopped vaccinating his children. Sadly, my older brother is still a believer in the lie. I hope that he someday gives my work, as well as that produced by many others exposing this pseudoscientific fraud, an honest read.

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What an excellent writeup.

The next paradigm will be guided by these sorts of "edge cases" - yet to be incorporated into the holistic picture (hint: the mind/body connection)

Consensus virology absolutely stumbles here, so clearly, it's almost laughable.

My thoughts have always led to the nocebo phenomena being of utmost importance - the problem though is its partly "conscious" and partly unconscious. It's not even understood at all since it's intertwined itself with this thing we call "consciousness" (a placeholder of sorts)

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Thanks, Ben! I completely agree that the nocebo effect can play a significant role in our health. I think this area is vastly understudied, as research often prioritizes invisible pathogens over the powerful impact of our mental state.

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hi mike, i will get in touch soon, been busy. great thought-provoking and well researched article as usual!

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Thank you, Carolyn. I look forward to catching up. 🙂

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Hiya, Dr Hamer also talked about Masha and Dasha. He would, I think, obseve their differences in handedness and blood pressure as to why one became ill when the other didn't. Disease corresponds to areas in the brain and emotions, and as these were separate so was the physical manifestation in their bodies. https://mikestone.substack.com/p/the-wonder-twins

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