GREAT one, Mike!!

One addition. You say at the end, "Had people actually listened to Dr. Snow and the many prominent voices speaking out against the unscientific germ theory of disease when it was first developed, perhaps this fraudulent house of cards would have never been built up in the first place. "

The crucial factor here was that Rockefeller interests were able to push measures which legally enshrined germ theory and gave it a monopoly over medical education and public health practice.

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Thanks Jeffrey! I appreciate it. 🙂

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Thank you again for your great work. It's so helpful to realise that so-called germ theory has been dogged by refutation from the getgo and that so-called anti-vaxxers don't only comprise parents worried for their children which is what the authorities would have us believe ... or now since covid that group extending to "conspiracy theorists".

In my article, 12 logical fallacies unmasked in the use of the terms "conspiracy theory" and "conspiracy theorist", the second logical fallacy is:

2. Only the majority expert voice counts, the minority expert voice is to be derided and ignored - the Appeal to Common Belief fallacy


Prompted by your post, I've added the paragraph below with a link to my post listing covid dissenters with a separate list of those writing in the 19th/early 20th century taken from your article:

"Note: The claims of the alleged sciences of both virology and vaccinology based on Pasteur’s germ “theory” have been dogged by refutation from eminent doctors and scientists since the second-half of the nineteenth century; the notion of so-called anti-vaxxers comprising mostly modern parents concerned about their children suffering side-effects is pure propaganda."

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You are very welcome, Petra! Thanks for the link as well. 🙂

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Mate, that was long. Very good though. I have a number of books about Beauchamp and Pasteur. I also researched Royal Raymond Rife extensively. Probably the first victim of the AMA. His microscopes were amazing. Using refracted light to colour living cells so they could be recorded.

Over the years I had many discussions with others around the topic of the source of disease.

I will ask people just one question. “If you went to your backyard and saw a large pile of rotting garbage, and saw it was covered with rats, mice and flies, would you assume those vermin built that pile of rubbish?”

So it is within your body!

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Thank you for another excellent demonstration of the fraud that is germ theory.

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You are very welcome, Roxanne. 🙂

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Excellent article! I have one question that needs clarification. Apparently, when Europeans arrived in the New World, the indigenous people "caught" diseases that the Europeans were already immune to. If not caused by "germs" what caused the population to be almost wiped out by disease?

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Thank you, Michael. 🙂

Dawn Lester, author of "What Really Makes You Ill," wrote a very good article dispelling this myth. I hope it helps!


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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

And just look at the money and power that has arisen from the COVID lie. It has now resulted in the threat to the sovereignty of every country by the WHO/UN and there proposed amendments to the IHR and CA+ (Pandemic Treaty) all built on lies for money, power, control and I believe depopulation.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Everything you need to know about the farce that germ theory is. Without germ theory, modern stone age medicine would drop from being a $4 trillion industry to $1 trillion.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

I'm amazed at your energy to write such long articles! Kudos Mike on yet another great article - worth archiving for posterity.

I'd love to read more on Dr. Pettenkofer - let me know if you have any references - much like what Dr. Willner did with AIDs (I think he injected blood from a AIDS positive patient). I've just started reading his book Deadly Deception.

These doctors deserve a docu series - of course Wikipedia calls them deniers and what not. That's a badge of honor I guess.

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Dr. Mullis (inventer of the PCR) was a firm believer that AIDS was caused by life style not HIV. He tried to obtain proof that HIV caused AIDS but no one could ever provide the proof. Many well people who had tested positive for HIV but we're not sick ended up dead because of the AZT given to them not AIDS. He said people that were sick lives extremely unhealthy lives. Drugs, alcohol, poppers, poor diet, unhealthy sexual practices etc. Dr. Mikovits also said she came across AIDS patients who tested negative for HIV. Go figure. I have long believed sickness came from inside our body not from the outside. Germ theory came about to make money and was perpetuated by the wicked money hungry Rockefellers and continues today by most of the scientific field and Universities that want the huge amounts of money they get by continuing the lies.

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"This undoes the whole Medical Science and proves it a fraud, pure and simple and that it is not a science at all any more than witchcraft but does far more harm because the percent of deaths are so much greater from the poisons used as remedies." Quote from the editor of the El Paso newspaper that published Dr. Snow's article.

I've been reading about the history of western herbalism, and I've learned that even as early as the late 18th and early 19th centuries--long before the Flexner Report--herbalists and homeopaths were offering non-invasive and natural treatments, whereas the medical doctors, who already scorned those natural practitioners, were administering poisons like mercury and using practices like bloodletting.

So very ironic--the medically trained doctors were actually using practices that were dangerous and harmful and not very scientifically valid, and the herbalists, many of whom were called "root doctors" because they simply learned the plants from Native American and local folk healers, were healing people with herbs, fasting, sweating and other non-invasive methods.

Even more ironic is that mercury/blood-letting and homeopathy both had their origins in medical knowledge of earlier centuries, including alchemy. But while the medical men took the "poison heals" notion (from Paracelsus) and applied that, the homeopaths went with "like cures like" (also rooted in Paracelsus) and developed it into a science. Later, of course, there was a coup by medicine and the new pharmaceutical industry (continuing the practice of using poisons to "cure" disease) against the other practitioners, including the homeopaths with their by then well-established network of medical schools.

I just thought it was interesting that the predominant medical model of using poisons to treat disease goes back to well before the pharma industry got started. And also wonderful to know that the homeopaths and herbalists had a very strong presence in 19th century America and are still (or again) sought by many people suffering with illnesses, despite the violent efforts to dislodge them. Flexner Report be damned!

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Mike, this is great. However, I did not understand this: "For if you come in contact with anyone who has any kind of an issue from the flesh, go bathe theyself”—Bible. And is in perfect accord with the conclusions of these great Scientists that cleanliness is the draining of swamps, to keep their poisons from being inhaled into the system and isolating one's self from contagious persons lest the poison matter from them poison the same parts of your system and thus produce the same disease in you provided the nerve has already been weakened to that part by drugs…" — "isolating one self from contagious persons"? — Contagious persons? I loved the entire essay by you and particularly any harking to Scripture, but the OT believed in contagion to a high degree. Thanks for any feedback on this one passage in the excellent work you have done here.

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Hi Kyra, I believe that section was by the editor and not by Dr. Snow as the writing style was different and it looked as though Dr. Snow's section ended when they concluded with his name. Whoever wrote the last 2 paragraohs appeared to live in and have knowledge about El Paso. From what I could find, it appeared that Dr. Snow never lived in the US. It seems that the person who wrote the last 2 sections still had some misconceptions about contagiousness.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

That would explain it. It's an overall great essay by you and am reading it again. Thanks.

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Thank you Kyra. I really appreciate it. 🙂

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"According to an excellent article by Merinda Teller, MPH, PhD for the Western Price Foundation, much ... "

I think you mean Weston A. Price?

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Yes, thanks for catching that, Niclas! I'm blaming autocorrect. 😉

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So are you saying that people get sick from bacteria, but not viruses?

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Okay, Mike. I spent six months in Belem, Brazil at the mouth of the Amazon in 1990. I was working a big production film. I was 38 years old and in peak health and condition.

And yet, I had dysentery every day, sometimes two or three times a day. I lost 30 pounds from 189 pounds to 159 pounds. I'm 6'1" tall.

So, why did I get the heavy cramps, sweating, shits, every day? Was it the equatorial sun?

Mike Stone, if you don't think germs exist or some other pathogen, I suggest that you spend six months in the Amazon.

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Very interesting read, thank you. A few things: 1) Might it be an idea to start from a clean slate as it were, listing organisms (regardless of size) related to disease for which Koch's postulates have been satisfied? (e.g. protozoans, hookworm, etc..); i.e. experiment trumps theory. This would have been the scientific progression which was de-railed by ego and money, as would: 2) How do diseases not satisfying Koch's postulates occur and can they be transmitted (or triggered)?, how does the body recover (or fail), and how can it be helped? 3) On the 'smoke & mirrors' aspects, it occurred to me that finding themselves failing to satisfy Koch's postulates, the Germ Theorists & big money may have decided to 'double down in the other direction' by 'imagining' a new class of 'things' that are 'neither visible nor can they be isolated'. This gave them most profitable control of 'the narrative' - they cared little about advancing understanding of human biology beyond that, perhaps worse.

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Since waking up in 2020, I started doing home canning without the use of any FDA approved equipment. I no longer believe in germ theory, but still have fear of botulism toxin. Can anyone steer me toward information about it, hopefully information debunking it, so I can relax and eat my canned goods with a smile? Since it is described as a neurotoxin, and not a bacteria, does it actually exist and harm us the way THEY say, ir is it also a lie to scare people away from storing food long term? Any advice is appreciated.

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Why are Terrain Theory and Germ Theory mutually exclusive? Why must one be an absolutist on this subject? Why must one not believe in Tobacco Mosaic Virus, or malaria parasites, in order to also not believe that HIV causes AIDS?

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As I said, you are free to believe in them if you want. The issue is that there is no scientific evidence supporting germ theory and virology. No microorganism has ever even satisfied Koch's Postulates. If you are comfortable in believing in hypotheses that have never been scientifically proven, and have actually been disproven via contagion experiments, you are more than welcome to do so. Personally, I require compelling scientific evidence in order to convince me, and none has been found to date. Quite the opposite in fact.

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Are you familiar with the work discovering Tobacco Mosaic Virus?

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Yes, I wrote about about it here:


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Thank you.

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You are welcome. 🙂

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