Thanks for the TB!

It's a great conversation-opener.

Something tells me that Dr. JJ may not last a long time as a consultant of RFKJr's CHD. He seens to be talking out of the party line.

This current melodrama about Jordon von Pfizer (who in a previous life may have been Prince-Elector of the Palatinate) is unhinging the foundation of everything. Full blast psyop warfare on the dissidents.

It's incredible to watch.

I think this evening they will come out admitting it was all fake, to measure people's gullibility.

What a macabre theater this is!

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Theater is a great word for it. 😉

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I'm sure I read something criminally fraudulent that was then hushed over once on Koch but cant find it. Of course the 'medical treatments can be seen as such' but were not, as the reputation of scientific medicine had to be protected.

Some more on the topic here


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Awesome! Thanks for the info Binra! 🙂

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Wonderful article, many thanks to Mike Stone. I just started reading and will finish tonight, but in the meantime, I could not resist posting the following comment:

Mike's article displays this quotation from some establishment journal or similar source...

"Many infectious diseases are caused by viruses—very small biological particles. They are far too small to be visible under a microscope and could only be identified with the help of the symptoms they cause..."

Here's my hypothesis on "disease" causation...

Many infectious diseases are caused by witches---quite invisible biological/spiritual things. They cannot be seen with the naked eye, nor under microscope, nor through telescope and could only be identified with the help of the symptoms they cause..."

In some future installment, I promise to provide my hypothesis for contagion-by-witchcraft. Another subject for another day.

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Thanks, Rider! I like your hypothesis better than the mainstream version. 😉

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Thanks for the great work Mike! You can't make it up...the guy's name was "Fib-bigger"!

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Thanks for the great work Mike! You can't make it up...the guy's name was "Fib-bigger"!

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First, I'm going to agree with you that people would rather follow narratives than think. Then I'm gonna prove that you're no better. Then you're going to prove me wrong or right? Unknown.

The brain produces endorphins just when we identify something FAMILIAR. It also does this when see something may be easier than supposed. Following is easier.

So what do YOU do when something unfamiliar but factual is presented? Let's see. 1) As chapters 7 & 8 of https://betterness.com/wp-content/uploads/TheInvisibleRainbow.pdf show clearly, there is no such thing as a contagious virus. Many have been tested, none have ever spread through contagion. None Ever.

2) As the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us, it IS 100% illegal for Even The President to use one's public office for personal gain i.e. receive gifts or $ from ANY private donors while in office (or even running for it) AND No Politician is exempt from any laws. Legally, they are all themselves Private Citizens as subject to the law as you & me.

This means that if the politicians can be overwhelmed by Mass Public Support screaming AT THEM to arrest themselves, the same mass public support for the legal, non-violent effort to arrest them whether they agree to be arrested or not can also be too large for them to ignore or block as well. We do not need their permission to hold them accountable.

Granted, you won't get mass support if you present to the public your Movement To Arrest All Politicians but that isn't even remotely insurmountable. If it's illegal to receive any $ that creates a conflict of interest, then it's illegal to pay it too. The movement could be against corporate tyranny, power & influence.

It could be worded in a way where even only SOME of the people putting out anti-vaxx newsletters would sign on, then that would becomes the new narrative they & the rest of them follow. Then their readers would see this new narrative & have hope & sign on to it. Eventually you would also get every anti-fracking anti-GMO & pro-reinstatement of the articles of the constitution website AND their followers.

So: will you even discuss doing this? Will you even CONSIDER CREATING the New Narrative that allows the populace to defeat the harmful mandates?

Or will the Psychological Discomfort YOU FEEL from even contemplating going against the narrative that We Need Politicians to Protect Us cause you to reject this legal, non-violent approach that can save the lives of children?

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I'm not really sure what you are talking about here as this article had nothing to do with politics.

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