Mike, I've learned so much from you and you're always my go to for references. You and Tom Cowan have done wonders in rooting out the fraud simply by employing logic.

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Thank you so much, Calvin! It is an honor and a privilege to be mentioned along with Dr. Cowan. You made my day. 🙂

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In one of our first interviews, Christine Massey, that woman in Canada, also summed it up this way: Koch's really are about some sense of logic in the thought process. In her reserved and low-ball way she was rather funny: Anything, give me anything. Any trace of logic. Please. That focused the whole idea for me.

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First some reason, those who defend virology aren't very fond of logic. 😉

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and it's come on really hard times in the digital age of total mashup of intellect and culture.

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Yes Koch was found fraudulent but the principles assigned his name are simply logical postulates.

If they reveal no 'pathogen' in application there needs to be a logical basis for the claim of pathogen to hold as factual. The elaboration of complex stories operates a denial of service to being questioned or openly exposed to a culture of self-honest enquiry.

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Spot on, Binra!

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My email notification links to here get blocked!??!

I didn't see a link to here on the Viroliegy.com (where i went first)

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The science is in a sense the possession of the institutional and corporate culture running in the name of science as the authority from which to demand or leverage funding, and frame the official parameters for further research.

I see little gain from contesting directly within such a framework as if it 'should' adhere to principles that it claims to follow. For its defences are virtually infinitely funded and emotionally supported as an 'official reality'.

Yet the devices by which it operates will persist while hidden within our own thought.

These operate at the level of thought -and take expression in the world as socially reinforced narrative identity.

I noticed the following recently:

"The extensive poliovirus vaccination programs of the late 1950s and early 1960s lead to the accidental infection of millions of individuals with an unknown virus (SV40) possessing cancer-causing 'potential! This mistake sparked a massive research enterprise to understand this newly discovered virus. Many of the early tools and foundational discoveries of modern molecular biology, as well as the origins of important regulatory compliance policies, derived from this beginning and still echo in both research and society today."

Its spell was then sanctified or sealed by the following quote:

"The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.

~ Thomas Berger"

Now I read this as a detective reads a crime scene because the poliovirus (like AIDS) ran a shock and fear program for mass 'immunisation' whose damage could then be interpreted to justify funding the creation of 'molecular biology' as a scientific dogma or mind-hack, by which to map human thought, feelings and behaviours, to its operating system.

The 'Biotech' agenda is a corporately funded technologism marketed as for the Human Good, while running stealth for masked or dark agenda - that run from milking wealth from sickness and sacrifice, to experimentations on captive lab assets. Technologising science is its own 'mind' or agenda of marketising and weaponising thescience under primitive but effective incentivisations that are recognisably a 'Mafia' of organised crime running terrorism as social normals that mask the nature of the beast when compliance aligns permission to live or escape undue penalty.

The stated intent of the covid psyop is a global biotech 'revolution' or world order. Its process on the mass mind runs out of counter intelligence strategy and procedure; the intent to undermine, break, divide and destroy and control the target. Here's your 'virus'!

Malice set and funded by 'war on evil' runs a captive mindshare as necessary sacrifice, collateral damage or an ultimate test and price for a ultimate goal. - where the narratives are arbitrary, fluid, mutable and shifting in and out of focus.

This is how evil or guilt attracts rather than repels, to use our own mind as a 'genie factory' for lies given power to go forth and multiply fear, pain and loss as 'solutions' that protect and persist the problem.

What is a problem?

Something to get rid of or 'resolve externally' by dissociation and diversion?

Or a call to heal - by bringing the problem TO the solution?

If we choose to use guilting or gaslighting manipulation as a source of self-worth taken from the denial or invalidation of the othered - then we are staked in and driven by the 'problem' for what we believe it gains a private or special function that inherently attracts guilt regardless the 'victory' set in terms of progressive 'controls' over a pathologically defined 'life'.


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The quote is from

"Viruses: Intimate Invaders" by Van G. Wilson

Chapter heads include:

Polio – A Force for Change

SV40 – An Obscure Monkey Virus and the Golden Age of Molecular Biology

The Infectious Beginnings of Cancer Research

HIV/AIDS – A New Pandemic for the Twentieth Century and Beyond

From Adversary to Deliveryman – Harnessing Retroviruses for Gene Therapy

Needless to say I stand on a different predicate for existence than pathological countermeasures - however 'well intentioned'.

I see the book offers a roadmap of the development of microbiology aka biotech as the crisis funded countermeasure.

Just as an 'accidental contamination' of SV40 (assigned as cancer causing) justified a significant leverage to the setting up of microbiology aka biotech, so I foresee the same shaping of accidental or even malicious mRNA damage' to a global emergency - enter Global Biotech Control Solutions for the sub-humanned.

I would rephrase Berger - for the source of all knowledge is the mover of a true questioning of a false assumption to knowledge.

It is our 'masking reality' that is drawn back by questioning, to the revelation of a knowing that is not objectionable - and yet will guide and harmonise our consciousness, such that our questions open to receive rather than restate problems in the form of questions as if the answer must fit its predicates.

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"This mistake sparked a massive research enterprise to understand this newly discovered virus."

Mistake? Nah. It is all done on purpose...

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The unstated intent of the Covid psyop appears to have been to cover for the depopulation of millions worldwide, including 1.2 million in the US, from 2020-2022, with over 450k in 2020, pre-vax. It has been very successful, because 99% of people, no matter what they think about Covid, are totally unaware of the official mortality data. It is summarized at this link, if you are interested. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-kjl68

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Thankyou. Yes - perhaps those who want to be aware or are ready to be aware, are, and others run whatever kind of masking filters to protect their mind and world as they currently define it?

I don't automatically assign all excess death to the injections - nor do I accept the claims of function of the biomedical stakeholders. There are many ways of looking at what is happening. Corruption brings dysfunction and death - however well masked in 'cover stories.

I look for the underlying signature patterns, which is where I see underlying causation. Our thinking is not as free as we ...think.

Our 'reality' (our sense of self and world) is breaking down as the underbelly shows what had been masked over.

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I'm sure individuals have their psychological defenses, but that is not the main problem--the problem is the mortality data pointing to democide is being concealed by their sources of information--and I can assure you this concealment is very intentional. I summarize the situation here. https://www.virginiastoner.com/writing/2024/8/30/the-us-democide-of-2020-2022-in-a-nutshell-bw8p7

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I see collective 'psychic defence' protects the problem as its salvation. What is a Military Industrial Complex without threat of War?

Likewise a masking 'reality' limits and denies awareness as a means to not know a hated, feared and damning disclosure.

The decision to mask or hide from feared truth is itself denied, hidden and masked over. So I share the frustrations of seeing self-suicidal and destructive behaviours, but I live in a free will Universe.

Where is the Source that I turn to for truth?

To look within is not introspection but 'within the very moment at hand'.

Madness and death can both run psychic defence against pain of humiliation and loss of self (face).

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Interesting. I just have no idea what it has to do with the fact that 1.2 million US citizens were murdered by some means as yet unidentified from 2020-2022, and the media is covering it up.

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Denis Rancourt is worth keeping in with - as is Sasha Latypova & Katherine Watt.

Kill box is a military term. The population at large is the target. Such actions are almost incomprehensible and potentially mind-breaking. So whatever you do, hold to your spiritual connection (all that holds you grounded and connected in your life).

What runs underneath has been building for a long time. There are different ways to look on any situation. lets say that I am not moved to see it in the frame and narratives that fear generates as 'controls'.

The 'control mode' that was supposed to protect and guide has revealed itself malevolent and destructive.

Why do people align in sickness and death under false pretences?

What is 'the Media'? It is an arm of the state - not a viable independent business model.

What is the state - it runs as a debt-captive under regulatory and contractual capture to financial and corporate cartel interests.

Nothing in our world is as appearances led us to assume. BUT - let the revealing of untruth ignite desire for truth - not diving into lies as if to discover meaning. We need true guidance and direction instead of the false that we took in and were taken in by.

I am responding to you as a fellow human being. It is not my part to tell anyone what to do or not, but i find a willing freedom to illuminate the choices that ARE being made from another perspective than the psyop of manipulative and masking deceits.

I see awakening as the emergence of a greater perspective or embracing awareness that our current mindset blocks or defends against. It's all unfolding in any case so this is the time of our life, and yet to live this day is all we ever have - which includes blessings past and future.

It's worth (I think) noting that much of the 'covid OP related death' arises from reactions to media-shock driven fear and threat of pain, and loss via guilting manipulation.

The deceiver is to be denied access - yet many are already wide open to every kind of manipulation - having been groomed as an asset by an inhuman system that uses weaponised language to maintain a captive market/mindshare.

Thanks for your engagement and your witness. There will be some who 'find your site' as part of their own way - as you are finding in Mikes' here.

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It's all so complicated. No wonder your twitter colleagues don't come to your substack to complain about your "Denialisms".

The contention that only fragments of the "virus" have been demonstrated to occur in vivo or in cell cultures - while forever neglecting to demonstrate the postulated seroconversion-causing "HIV virions" - is routinely misconstrued to be equivalent to stating that since the Koch paradigm has been silently discarded - without acknowledgement as such - then it follows that: "AIDS is fake"; or that HIV seropositive individuals should forgo taking nucleoside pills; or that allografting semen stuff through the rectum couldn't possibly result in seroconversion.

That the medical community has clearly discarded Koch postulates has consequences, for example, by limiting research to the forever-elusive "virus", thus excluding to explore alternative mechanisms of seroconversion, such as autoimmune etiologies due to MHC incompatibility -

Semen alloantigens and lymphocytotoxic antibodies in AIDS and ICL

R. Root-Bernstein, S. Dewitt

Published in Genetica 1995

"Data prove that immunologic exposure to sperm and lymphocytes is theoretically capable of initiating lymphocytotoxic autoimmunity and will need to be addressed clinically in high risk individuals regardless of HIV status and regardless of the success of anti-HIV prophylaxis and treatment"


What is so confusing is that the doomsday predictions based upon the 1980's explosion of "gay cancers" never materialized and instead, seroconversion as well as disease progression remain relatively rare events, by all accounts attributable to healthier habits. (And of course, the "virus" of the 1980's mutated into "a more friendly companion", although hard to say if the reality is that the "retrovirus" seroconversion phenomena came out-of-Africa not as an "emerging pathogen" only 50 years ago but maybe, like in the other apes, it's been happening unnoticed for past 1,000,000 years ago). Presumably the modern nucleoside analogue pills help too, by reducing the rate of CD4 depletion, and there's no way Big Pharma is using trickery to brainwash the doctors into being pill-pushing zombies.

The problem here is that virologists always speaking with forked tongue, claiming that their field of inquiry is so rigorous that purification of biological specimens, controlled cell culture experiments, reproducible transmission experiments, and other elements of Koch postulates are all standard to their laboratory routines - while the reality is just the opposite: virology is at least 50% Lysenkoisms. So lots of open questions about what constitutes over-treatment of "virus" illnesses, as exemplified most convincingly by The Covid Hoax Fiasco.

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A masterful, forensic disassembly of the myth that HIV causes AIDS. After diving into this brillant debunking of this widely accepted folklore, only a bumbling fool or loyal minion of Big Pharma would dare to assert otherwise. Sadly, they are everywhere to be heard parroting this dangerous nonsense.

A Huge thanks to Mike for providing the music that helps us to dance our way out of the misinformation conga line!!

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Thank you, Factsinator. 🙂

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Thanks for this, and for all of your efforts and activities at the head of the spear.

In the Heads or Tails chart the CDC claims that there is a 90% chance of transmitting "HIV" from blood transfusion. I also note that all of the other circumstances included in the chart are indeed very low probabilities, but all of them are non-zero. Any idea how they came up with this?

Thank you.

Gerald Brennan

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Thanks, Gerald. 🙂

The CDC's estimate likely relies on the use of unreliable "antibody" tests, which are deeply problematic. Blood transfusion recipients are tested far more frequently than the general population, increasing the likelihood of "positive" results. However, these tests have never been properly validated against a purified and isolated "virus," making the interpretation of their results as indicative of a "virus" entirely fraudulent.

In addition, the health status of transfusion recipients—often ill or "immunocompromised"—may further skew the results. These tests detect nonspecific markers of "immune" activity, likely related to inflammation, rather than "HIV" itself. As a result, the perceived transmission risk is inflated and disconnected from any actual "infectious" agent.

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Congratulations, you have ruined my coffee break. Now I must add yet another trigger to my existential crisis dis-ease... but I couldn't live without you. You are impressive. I must laugh harder at the follies of humankind and remember that with all the ways they try to cull us we continue to thrive. I suspect that we have as much love and support as the demons do?

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Did you know that the cheap solvent, benzene , produces the same exact symptoms as the Aids 'virus' and has been known to cause cancer and diabetes, both of which my late, beautiful benzene damaged lady had as well as the birth defects and tumors this poison creates and this was known to the Doctors and Scientists of the day back in the 1890's and still the rockefellers/rothschilds brought this evil to us all thru the rockefeller creation that was funded by the rothschilds back in 1905 with the creation of Standard Oil of Ohio, now Exxon-Mobil, and where the pharmaceutical industry got its start!

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Hey Mike awesome work. Did you ever think about writing a book, and if you did do you think it would get published?

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Hi Dwight, thanks! While progress has been slow, I am in the process of writing a book. I'm hoping to pick up the pace in 2025. 🙂

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Awesome Mike, I can't wait.

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Thank you Mike for all you hard work exposing the "virus" lie ... I have added a link to this article here -

Is HIV a "virus" that causes AIDS?


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Thank you, Andrew. 🙂

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Not entirely on this subject, but I stumbled on this video recently, and was wondering if you'd seen it, and what you thought about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW0H4llB06c

I was particularly intrigued by their suggestion that those small living particles that Bechamp called "microzymas" are actually strands of DNA, that can morph into bacteria, fungi or protozoa. I haven't read all the way through any of the material on DNA and the problems with it, so if any of those articles would answer my questions, do point me in that direction!

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I haven't seen that yet. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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Germ Theory redirects focus from the continuing poisoning of this earth and its inhabitants.

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