Had to read this excellent article from Mr. Stone twice because it is packed with information on a complex topic. Most of his articles require multiple readings as they deal with difficult subjects and he puts a lot of material into them. He cites the actual research papers by the authoritative institutions and supplements them with his more layman friendly synopses of these scientific works to facilitate comprehension. There is a lot of work and thought going into these analyses. Thank you for your efforts to enlighten your fellow man to the con game called virology Mr. Stone. As for this particular topic of antibodies and their role in the fairy tale of virology, he shows how weak is their applications, filled with speculation, contradictions, caveats, circular reasoning etc. so that it is astounding to believe they are thought to be supporting scientific conclusions. More hogwash by a compromised profession.

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Thank you so much for the very kind words, BuddhistRothbardian. I really appreciate it, and I am happy that you find the articles beneficial. 🙂

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The corona antibodies mostly cross-react with green ink.

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Good one. Green ink seems to be a key molecular presence in viroliegy.

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I would seek the underlying principle - or lack of principle to the branching of deceits that then follow from false witness (to self and to others).

So once I have the gist of the devices or means by which apparent facts run as accepted truth as gain of private fiction - I don't go over and over the same ground as if to convince anyone the truth of which they desire not to know.

I look always for the growing of a unified perspective through the release of lies or invested self-illusion to a clear and direct appreciation of who we are.


The above offers perspectives that I believe you will appreciate as part of recognising and releasing a false and destructive perversion of science.

I haven't seen you acknowledging some of its key findings - such as to suggest you are not clearly aware of them - though by revealing lack of substance in much 'claim of fiction as fact' you are on the same track and share many of the same conclusions.

It is hard not to see a volitional development of medical 'science' as weapons of stealth. But despite that I see the compulsion of a masking lie to seek any and all means to forfend catastrophic exposure (in its own terms).

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