At some point they will start selling the "all viruses are good, we depend on them, they are symbionts, sorry about vaccines all these years, haha"

The ultimate form of damage control: admit everything and blame death scientists from the 20th century.

But the system works and the agencies regulating scientific research are not corrupt at all.

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Yes, I could definitely see them transitioning to that as an out. They already sort of started with exosomes. They want to have it where there are good and bad versions of all of these fictional entities so that they can cover their bases.

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Wow!! One of the best articles that I've read (aside from the amazing Dr. Sam Bailey) that exposes the contradictions (lies/falsehoods) of isolation and purification of "viruses".... As an RN - it's taken me a while to come around on this topic given how we are "educated" and conditioned (brain washed) into believing the established germ theory narrative - but I think I'm finally there.. Thanks so much Mike for this very well written explanation!

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Wow, thanks so much for the kind words and support Loofly! I greatly appreciate it. 🙂

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Great article, Mike. Truly excellent. The criminal fraud known as virology is inexorably entwined with its blood brother in murder and mayhem, vaccinations. Together, globally, they reap a trillion dollar market in pain, suffering and death, especially when you factor in all of the poisonous pharmaceuticals prescribed to people ill from the destructive vaccines. Dr. Sam Bailey noted that nothing will get you banned faster from any mainstream platform or site than if you question and expose the lies of viruses and vaccines. The people who push and administer this evil fraud and the ones in the shadows who have planned and directed it are sub-human monsters and should be dealt with accordingly.

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Thank you Hereticdrummer! I noticed saying anything challenging PCR and the vaccines quickly got me banned from FB every single time. Now Twitter is blocking Substack articles. The censorship is ridiculous.

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You're more than welcome, Mike. These people directing and effectuating censorship of vital truths are sub-human, scum, This travesty (and all System travesties) are the result of pre-meditated, cold calculation, very often years in advance. The monstrous Covid criminal hoax was formulated 20 years before the satanists actually sprung it upon the global populace.

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Great post- this is the final nail in the coffin for viroLIEgy.

If our cells are so busy replicating hundreds of trillions of viruses, then how do they have the bandwidth to replicate ourselves?! 🤣

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Thank you CK! 😁

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I'd like to see virologists try and explain how a fit for purpose cell culture method can be designed. There are such a huge number of claimed viral particles in living tissue. How can a cell culture method be engineered to only propagate the claimed target virus species ?

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Exactly James, especially when they claim that we have trillions of these "viruses" within us and they have no clue what they are. There is no way that they could tell whether they "grew" the right "virus" or not.

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One thing I haven't seen addressed, by "virologists," "virus denial de-bunkers," nor any of the no-virus crew: Why do virology researchers incubate their cell cultures in an environment of 5% CO2? I now look for this when I read one of those "virus isolation" papers. The cell culture brew, if it is incubated, is usually incubated at 37 degrees Celsius (logical--that's human body temp), with 5% co2. The latter is NOT logical, since the earth's atmosphere is less than 1/10th of that. Have you investigated this, Mike?

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I have not investigated that aspect specifically, but it is definitely a great point and something worth looking into in the future. 🙂

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Great! Thanls

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Mike this is excellent! Clearest thing ever. I'd like to repost to my Substack and to Nevermore, if you don't mind.

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Thanks, Tobin. Go right ahead. 🙂

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Are we able to print your newsletters to share? I have older peeps that don’t do the internet if you can believe that.

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Hi Bryant, I'm sorry I must have somehow missed this comment. Please feel free to print any of the newsletters that you want in order to share the info. 🙂

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Thank you

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Mike. Can't thank you enough for your tireless efforts. Your stuff is the gold standard for refuting these charlatans, which seem to be everywhere.

On another (unnamed) Substack site which I regularly visit and comment at (mostly about the lack of evidence of the existence of viruses), I was recently countered with a link to this paper: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29255-y#Sec11. Was wondering if I could get your assistance is analyzing that paper for proof of virus "isolates," which is referenced throughout.

In the Methods section, it states that "nasal brushing samples were taken from a healthy 25-year-old female, and a SARS-CoV-2 infected 61-year-old male participant turbinates using 3-mm bronchial cytology brushes. SARS-CoV-2 infection was PCR-confirmed from swabs." Note that it seems to assume "infection" in the second sample. Also states that the "nasal brushings were placed in PneumaCult-Ex Plus medium and cells dissociated from the brush by gentle agitation. The cells were seeded into a single well of collagen coated plate and once confluent, the cells were passaged and expanded further in a T25 flask. The cells were passaged a second time and seeded onto transwell inserts at a density of 24,000 cells per insert. Cells were cultured in PneumaCult-Ex Plus medium until confluent, at which point the media was replaced with PneumaCult-ALI medium in the basal chamber and the apical surface exposed to provide an air-liquid interface (ALI). Ciliation was observed between 4–6 weeks post transition to ALI." Is any of their use of cell culture media (and other manipulation) ultimately valid -- i.e., for claims of having obtained virus "isolates"?

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Hi Michigan Rob, thanks for the kind words! Cell culture is definitely not valid for many reasons. I explained some of them in my latest article here:


Before any culture could be considered valid, the particles claimed to be a "virus" would need to be purified and isolated directly from the fluids of a sick human or animal first. These particles would need to be studied, characterized, and proven pathogenic naturally via adherence to the scientific method. Only once the particles are studied can one figure out how to culture and grow more of them. This has never occurred. I have more about cell cultures here:


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Two words that do not appear on this lengthy article; "contagious" and "gain" as in "gain of function". Billions of $$ have been spent on gain of function research. Function of what? Also what makes people in close proximity become ill with similar symptoms? I am no scientist but I have been on Earth for 73 years and seen plenty of flu going around as the say. I had Mumps, Chicken Pox, Measles. I traveled with a band that all got sick at the same time. How can you categorically deny the existence of viruses and not offer some alternative explanation of common observation?

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Hi Arnieus, contagion has never been proven. In fact, it was pretty much disproven with Milton Rosemau's experiments during the 1918 Spanish flu. You can read about them here:


As for gain of function, these researchers cannot create "viruses" that can infect other people. They can't even scientifically prove such a thing as a "virus" exists in the first place, let alone conjure one up in a lab. The only "viruses" they make are in the traditional definition of the word, i.e. poisons, that are injected into the body. These articles about GOF may be helpful:


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As I am sure Mike knows, the Rosenau experiments were not the only contagion experiments that failed. There were many.

As for getting sick with your band, maybe you all stayed up late too much around the same time, or did other things that weakened and stressed your bodies. Often it seems that people traveling together get sick. Traveling can be stressful.

These are just a few things to consider, but the thing is if you can't actually show that a "virus" exists in human fluids before mixing it with a bunch of other things and bombarding it with antibiotics and starving the culture, too, then you can't blame a "virus". You have to consider other possible causes. Even if you could show it exists, you would need to somehow prove what you have isolated and purified causes the illness you think it does. All attempts at this have very poor and dubious results.

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It's rather obvious the issue is not viral,,,, but something was making people sick and killing people,,, take a look at the papers detailing the venom in Italy's postmortem. It's all online. Someone was poisoning these people with many kinds of venoms. Check out Dr. Bryan Ardis online. Was it put in the water?

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While I agree we are being poisoned in many ways, I have not seen any evidence that snake venom was used to create a new disease called "Covid." In fact, there is no new disease as there are no new or specific symptoms related to "Covid." As for Ardis's snake venom theory, I covered that here:


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