Nowadays they don't even isolate things.

They just invent viruses out of thin air from genetic sequencing.

No wonder why the dummies like Zach Bush think that humans have a virome.

No shit, if you test a sick person, you'll find DNA fragments all over due to cell damage and death.

That's the result of sickness, not the cause and those sequences are of broken DNA, not some imagined new virus.

Genetics is such a scam that hasn't delivered much, if at all.

Now that virology is obsessed with it, it's a tool of obfuscation. Hide real causes of diseases with the "detection" of genetic codes called viruses. What a joke 🤡


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Fantastic article. Easy to understand.

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Jan 20Liked by Mike Stone

I could imagine a logic flow chart.

where the option to revise initial assumption - ie contagious transmissible agent.

The issue in all this is not a matter of establishing truth, but of protecting investments of identity that reflect in the social corporate order in which truth is sacrificed that lies can be saved.

The mutative entity is thus the mind of evasions by which to maintain the face of control - albeit framed in sickness, sin and death.

Investments are protected unless re-cognised as liabilities of mounting or unacceptable cost.

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Logic will never been out of date in science, but it is out of date when dealing with pseudo-science and pronouncements by the Department of Excuses.

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Feb 10·edited Feb 10Liked by Mike Stone

Mike, Not sure if you have seen Miles Mathis document Terrain Theory is a Psyop? Here is the link http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html and just CtrlF and search for terrain.

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Jan 27Liked by Mike Stone

Learning about Koch's Postulates, and how they have never been satisfied, in early 2020 was likely my biggest light bulb moment regarding the fraud. Thank you for this comprehensive but reader-friendly piece that any dumb-ass who can read should be able to comprehend. I hope it is also a chapter in the book I am looking forward to seeing in print.

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Jan 26Liked by Mike Stone

This is like reading hieroglyphics to the medical crowd. They are dense and blind. I am convinced that viruses do not exist as they are pretended to be by the doctors and big pharma. It's 100% a scare tactic to sell drugs and medical tyranny.

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Hey Mike :)

Has anyone from your side ever dealt with Patrick Jordan's claims? Here is his latest stack on this topic:


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I am trying to understand what happened to the two controls in the study published in Cell Research on July 7, 2020 using rhesus macaques. It's my understanding that the prevailing assertion is that the "exposed" monkeys became infected, developed disease, and developed antibodies to the virus and that this did not occur with the controls. I (admittedly) am having trouble understanding from the study what the heck happened with regard to the controls (which it appears were also given a DMEM mixture minus the "virus" via the same method). I mostly want to understand if they showed signs of disease. I believe the study is indicating that they did not, and that the exposed animals did. However, I am an admitted rookie trying to figure this stuff out! Is there any resource you can recommend for understanding what occurred regarding the controls in that study (and whether they were true controls)? [I hope this question makes sense --- Again, a total rookie here in trying to understand the evidence and arguments regarding the question of whether viruses exist.]

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I concede. I had four commenters on my stack make the point that anyone still defending virus theory is either stupid or in on the con. This was in regards to Malone (who we all agree is in on the con), Meryl Nass or the Breggins. Some sent me here, some to Tom Cowen's video, Terra Times, and Sam Bailey. I don't know if I would make that harsh a judgment on the Breggins but after reviewing these, I concede the point. There's no logical data to show that viruses exist. Here's the article: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/meryl-and-malone.

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I like you Mike, but you have never been in the real frontline healthcare situations. If you had observed what I have experienced, patients developing the same or similar symptoms within very short period of time, probably because of close contact, like being in the same room of 8 or 4, you would doubt yourself.

You can go on with your supposed evidence, but unless you see it, you will not become a believer.

I don't think viruses cause whatever people believe, but contagion is real. I don't think whatever SARS-CoV-2 was labeled as is a new "pathogen", but Dr. Kory's experiences with something spreading like wildfire within the hospital wards was real. I have seen worse in 2016-17 winter. Our hospital was overwhelmed with mainly elderly patients from nursing homes with flu like symptoms of whom 95% plus received the life-saving flu vaccine. Our hospital gym was closed and converted to the overflow unit. May peopled died. Too many...

I have a theory what can cause contagion without spreading microbes. Only if I could prove it...

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