Great piece, Mike. (I'm reading back issues after joining your page a few days ago.)

In the interview you quoted with Dr. Broadbent, that there are 1.67 million viruses yet to be discovered and 827,000 of them are potentially pathogenic to humans, I wish they had included the part where he said, "We just pulled these numbers out of our ass."

Just this afternoon, I had a conversation with my housemate where she reminded me that, while she still isn't sure about the existence of viruses, she believes Covid-19 is a bioweapon because "people really got sick." I said, "People get sick every year. They just reclassified typical respiratory conditions. While people were getting sick and dying of Covid, hardly anyone got sick and died of flu or pneumonia." She countered that she knows people who work in hospitals who definitely saw "something different." I replied, "That's the signature of a psyop, people seeing what they're told is there." Those hospital workers are a bit like the person you interacted with who couldn't tolerate the cognitive dissonance of hearing the truth about vaccine history and the decline of smallpox, polio, etc. The programming is very deep and insidious. But I have hope for my housemate! We try to keep the frequency high around here. Eventually she will see it.

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Thank you Betsy! You are spot on that they continually reclassify the same symptoms as new and/or different diseases depending on what narrative they want to sell to the public. It also depends upon the region as well as to which label gets promoted. Ganted, we are seeing this change now with malaria popping up in the US. They can keep this sick cycle carousel spinning indefinitely as long as people continue to fall for it.

For what it's worth, I also wish that they had included the part where he said, "We just pulled these numbers out of our ass." 😉

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