Exciting!! I'm so grateful for everything you do, Mike - as I'm sure many others are as well :)

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Thank you, Christine! I am forever grateful to the amazing work you do. We have been able to make massive inroads based upon the FOIs you have accumulated. We wouldn't be as far along today getting the message across without your monumental work. ❤️

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

I consider ViroLIEgy the best newsletter on Substack. Mike your analyses are brilliant and I am continually returning to the archive to discover things I missed upon first reading.

I am excited to hear that you're working on a book. May I suggest that the bulk of the book be centered on the Covid fraud? Of course the antecedents are critical in how the foundation for the fraud was established and I hope particularly that you go into the polio con because that's always used as "proof" of the efficacy of vaccination.

I think the Covid section should be presented chronologically highlighting each player and whatever lie they were peddling at the time. It's important to identify each player and how they added to the overall fraud. Some of the "players" might not be an individual person--it could be propaganda put out by a social media platform or a government agency.

Most important is publishing their argument and analyzing it, pointing out the deceptions (e,g, loss of taste and smell" as being novel to "Covid").

I would add a complete bullet point summary at the end categorizing the deceptions point by point (I imagine it might add up to a couple of hundred) as the fraud has many tentacles that stretch sometimes beyond the imagination.

I have updated my Alternative Covid-19 Narrative Handbook which constitutes a collection of useful links. One of the links in the essential reference section is your brilliant "What is Covid-19?" blog. People can get the free PDF download here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/updated-alternative-covid-19-narrative

Thank you Mike for your great work and I look forward to all your new material in the future.

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Thank you for the kind words and suggestions, Turfseer! I appreciate it. 🙂

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I clicked "other" simply because I am more than happy to contribute what I can financially to support you working on your book. Updates and short articles written at your convenience would of course be welcome. But I like to imagine you holed up in a dark room writing a VERY IMPORTANT BOOK on your phone and feel my money is being well spent! 😎🙂 Don't feel obligated to please your subscribers to the degree that you hinder your ability to write this VERY IMPORTANT BOOK. No pressure, though. 😁🤪

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Thanks, Carolyn! Rest assured, I will definitely be holed up writing everything on my phone as I can not seem to do things like a normal person. 😉

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Thank God you're not a "normal person". That's why I like you so much.

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Lol! Me too ...

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My ex is a personal trainer/fitness coach & he always was 5-10 years ahead of “current science”..

Last week in the hospital only the Meds were wearing masks 😷. None of the nurses & staff bother. .. they all understand it by now

Be proud of your history 🙏

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Thank you, Julie. I definitely am proud of my history. I know that those who defend germ theory like to use my background against me, but I am happy that it provided me with enough knowledge to see through this scam. 🙂

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

I live a journey of unfolding perspective that includes recognition of bent & bought science but looks beneath to its terrain or context in our cultural assumptions - that are largely invisible, and our self-manipulative intent to hack, break traditional cultures of ways of survival to impose or install technocratic controls set on modelling that reflect a war or trauma mindset - ie pathological thinking.

I was already unconvinced by virus theory & aware of medical mafia monopoly fraud but operation covid induced me to go deeper in terms of articulating such and awareness as part of bridging to those who took the bait -in case they became reachable.

I've appreciated your contributions, but live my leading edge. I m not into a 'no virus' movement or any other reactionary movement that inevitably taked definition from what it is against.

As for what you choose to give your time and energy to, I don't presume to influence, but invite you to tune in to where you are coming from and who you are speaking to - as the natural expression of who you are now. So I imagine you could write a concise set of questions that institutional & corporate 'science' evade, avoid, fudge or ignore, that reveal the lack of science, reason or concern for truth. I put it that way rather than invite a book of counter claims. We've touched on this before.

But so can others write it - and thus what is actually gestating for you may not be what you could do or think you should or must do, but perhaps what isn't even clear yet but is pulling you out of a comfort zone as part of bringing forth something from a greater embrace.

My sense of seeing the pattern, allows a non linear recognition of an unfolding 'paradigm' that we can only bring forth by giving it a freedom to register within us, & thus to move, inspire or shift the nature of our giving & receiving.

There was no pandemic and no novel virus, and the groomed medical conditioning to submit to expert models is a sickness of a mass production of sickness management.

The seat of fear of contagion pre-existed its modern scientific masking & mutating narrative and is not a rational belief, but fear of dis/possession whose defences DO the very thing purported to magically forfend. BUT undoing the rational reinforcements of such masking fears supports a willingness to more directly face them and by bring to awareness move through to a native or integral freedom.

Resonance & relevance to who you accept yourself to be.

Live this day well!

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Exciting to hear of your book plan! I know you are so familiar with the other books written on germ theory and virology and covid, that you already have your thoughts about this book offering a new perspective. And I'd add that your perspective is already unique, and your reputation strong enough to carry you to success with a book. Go for it!

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Thank you, Betsy! I greatly appreciate the encouragement, motivation, and support! 🙂

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Mike Stone

Do whatever you need to do Mike! You offer something different from the other books in that you debunk the "virus" claims using the "scientists'" own papers. That adds a whole new layer of if information to the mix. I think your book should be a compilation of those writings all in one place that is a portable, shareable, hard copy and cannot be deleted. Thank you for all your hard work!

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Thank you, Robin! I definitely love to use their own papers against them. 😉

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I meant only the Doctors 🥼 were still mask 😷 wearing

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Good luck with your book, Mike. I'm puzzled - you're going to write it on your phone??? Won't that take absolutely ages or are you going to dictate / use a phone keyboard? I loathe doing any extended writing on my phone and am utterly amazed anyone would write a book on it.

Just to say that David Crowe definitely isn't the hero I used to think he was:



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Hi Petra,

I write everything on my phone. It's a bad habit that I haven't been able to break. 🤣

I've seen Anthony's stuff on David and even discussed it with Anthony. He admitted, in the Paranzee case, to not speaking with those directly involved. Anthony had weak indirect evidence that he used to try and paint David as a "no virus" gatekeeper and saboteur. While David may not have been perfect, he was not the villain Anthony and others have tried to make him out to be. David was very adamant that "viruses" do not exist and that germ theory was fraudulent. He did much to promote this message through his work. Was David perfect? No, but then again, none of us are. However, IMO, there is nothing there showing David to be the villain Anthony believed him to be.

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I prefer your irregular strenuous dumps in Pfizer's toilet. Cheers!

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