Too bad MSM won't ever publish your articles. You are too dangerous to Billions of Dollars of vested interests. Great article. As per your usual.

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Thank you, Greg! 🙂

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I am so sorry I can not convince my friends and relatives doctors at least to read other points of view or proofs, or history, I can't convince them at least to be curious, they are like the most, cold walls ...

Thank you for sharing this information with us.

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It is definitely frustrating, Papillon. I've faced this resistance as well with friends and family. All we can do is try to plant the seed and hope that it will sprout in the future. 🙏

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The “official” medical paradigm is denying, belittling or rejecting information like presented in this great article. What does it mean?

If this information is obviously false, the medical paradigm people would not have any problem disproving it. But they don’t even want to discuss it.

If this information is obviously true, the dominant medical paradigm people should dive into it and implement it in their daily practice - because their motto is to help people. You can’t help with false or incomplete information. But they don’t do it.

If this information is unclear or intriguing or interesting, the medical people should immediately challenge it - as threatening the integrity of their “true” help to people. Challenging requires neutral, unbiased, science-based discussions. But they don’t do it.

If this information is useless, irrelevant or unimportant, the medical community would not even bother to address it. But they hate it, fight it, censor it and suppress it.

What does it tell you?

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I almost think that this issue is more important than the "no virus" issue. That's mostly because the mandates and restrictions imposed by the "health authorities" are presented as ways to save those around us, and therefore refusal to comply is inherently selfish and dangerous to our neighbors. If people fully comprehend that, regardless of what causes someone's illness, they are of no danger to others by their presence and their breathing, then that "reason" for the mandates has no validity.

By analogy, If I like to dye my hair in wild colors, the dye or method I use makes no difference to anyone around me. No one thinks that my wild colors will "infect" their perfectly normal hair. They may laugh at my crazy hair, but they won't demand that I keep my distance, cover up my hair or take medication to prevent my wild colors from infecting them.

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I agree, Rose. I think if we can get people to understand that they can not get disease or pass disease on to another person, the implications will be huge and the dominoes will start to fall. 🙂

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And *this* is exactly why I maintain my ViroLIEgy paid subscription! Pure gold, Mike!

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Thank you so much, JP! 🙂

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My father was a doctor, he was sending me to the nursery school every time there was an outbreak of childhood diseases, such as measles or rubella. I never got one of them, even if I was a very fragile, unhealthy kid :) this fact was puzzling him :)

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Isn't fun to personalize your visuals with AI? I love what you did here! LOL

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Yes, absolutely Gregory! I am having a great time using AI to my advantage. 😁

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I've long said that if "STDs" or any contagious disease was real, then most women would be riddled with dozens. Retort back at the people challenging you to "sleep with someone who has an STD" that if STDs were real, their wife and daughter would have dozens.

It's a bit crass, I know, but it's the truth and really the only way to get to them when scientific logic and reasoning fails.

Personally, by high school, I don't get how people still believe in germ theory when you see (during lunch) girls making out with or hanging out with a different guy each day, married female teachers hugging/flirting with some of the athletes, hell, the 2010s and 2020s for much of the world has basically been Aldous Huxley's Brave New World and Idiocracy come to life.

Plus, all the rules during "COVID" like no hugging or social distancing weren't followed by NELK and other Youtubers, TikTokers, or celebrities. Politicians didn't stop hugging each other and there's even a picture of several of 'em doing so with a mask on.

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Thank You so much for posting this excellent article, Mike :) I'm a retired nurse who has discovered more n more of what Big Pharma colleges taught me were lies.

W/so much happening over the past several years, Germ vs Terrain theory has yet to be deeply explored by me. I'd love to hear of a book or two containing the cases chronicled in this article. Thank You, again.

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