So totally brilliant, can't wait to get my hands on that book. Mike stone I've READ ALL your latest on covid viruses etc etc followed along meticulously and kept up. A BIG THANK YOU, FOR REALLY OPENING MY EYES and others

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Thank you so much for the kind words and support, Keith! I greatly appreciate it. 🙂

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Love your work!! Viroliegy.com what a treasure chest. Can anyone help me out? Are ribosomes an actual thing or an artefact of EM?

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Thank you, Factsinator. 🙂

I believe that Dr. Tom Cowan has looked into it, specifically by reading the work of Dr. Harold Hillman. The conclusion of both was that ribosomes are an artefact of EM.

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Love your work!! Viroliegy.com what a treasure chest. Can anyone help me out? Are ribosomes an actual thing or an artefact of EM?

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Just enjoyed your expose of Fan Wu‘s genomics nonsense. Ive heard he made up his genome to match Barics in order to sell the lab leak turkey. Is that right?

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Turfseer’s latest hit song WELCOME TO DISEASE X. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/welcome-to-disease-x. Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

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That's great, Gary! I'm glad you promoted Dawn and David's excellent book as well. 🙂

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So Prof Tim Noakes is a 'renowned (I always mistrust anyone who is given this adjective) nutritionist (he has written books but has no nutrition qualification I can see) and sports scientist' is he?

He reminds me of psychologist Jordan B Peterson. Really slimy. But on a more objective and scientific note; they both moan that they're being censored by the establishment (while both being totally pro-establishment and pro-industry) when they are in fact being censured by their professional bodies, rightly, for professional misconduct. This involves being rude about people with poor mental health in JP’s case and in giving direct internet advice, not allowed for anything let alone unevidenced and potentially harmful neonatal nutrition for which they are not qualified, in TN’s case. They can't do these things under the terms of their registration nor keep their professional status if they do so. No one is trying to censor them.

And I'm still pissed at the Baileys for blocking me for not wanting to discuss the errors in their logic over the farming of animals. Or perhaps they didn’t like me pointing out what they say about evil globalist henchman YNH shows they haven't done their research properly, or at all. Disagreement is helpful and the point of science, and substack.

I'm having a convo with Eric C on this very topic https://planetwavesfm.substack.com/p/in-the-real-world-virus-advocates/comments#comment-50776922

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It's a good thing Tim doesn't have a nutrition qualification as we all know exactly what these designations mean. Schooling is the downfall of the population.

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I’ve read several books refuting germ theory and I get what the Baileys are saying. However, I’m not “there” yet. I have long taken personal responsibility for my health and try to avoid the allopathic care system. My perception is that the proponents of terrain theory feel it is sufficient to demonstrate lack of proof of viruses, yet don’t offer alternatives. Like defense attorneys who only need to disprove evidence against their client without having to prove who actually committed the crime.

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Thanks for sharing how you're seeing things and feeling. That's a great analogy you point it, I use it often! Well yes, it's sufficient in saying client XYZ is innocent, aka viruses are not to blame. So what is the cause or causes is a separate issue - and I haven't seen anyone say that is not important. So in terms of overall living life, it's not sufficient to stop there - it is very important, and is that not separate?

It's also a good idea to keep separate because the solution could be anything; it's getting away from the mentality of "you have disease/condition abc, therefore follow prescription/steps abc". The same people could have the same root cause, and express illness differently. Likewise, different people can be showing the same symptoms, but this could be from different root causes.

There have been instances where many proponents of the terrain perspective have offered other options - there are many but have the same kind of core attitude of caring and trusting in nature (of which we are a part of nature). I said other options and not alternatives, because native is natural - and alter is other - so it's not other than natural! The current mainstream side is alter-native ;)

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In the book “Virus Mania”, the authors analyze all real causes of illnesses, among them pharmaceuticals, lifestyle drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, pollution, malnutrition and stress. You also might want to consider the book “What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong” by David Parker and Dawn Lester. Plenty of the necessary and sufficient evidence (you know, bona fide science) to prove “who actually committed the crime” (i.e. what really causes diseases, illnesses, sicknesses). Happy investigating, Michael. 😊

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I really liked Dawn and David's book too. They are both vegan but felt that they really pulled their punches on the evidence of the benefits of a plant based diet versus the harms of animal products in order to appease their audience.

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On the topics of nutrition and diet and health, I really enjoyed the nonfiction book “The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals” (2006) written by Michael Pollan. Ever heard of it?

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Yes. It's just an opinion piece though not evidence and is biased; globally there is only a tiny portion of land that can't be used for plants and neither manure (and humans themselves coud provide plenty) nor chemical fertilisers are necessary to fed the world with plants (using about a sixth of the land currently used, the rest could be reforested and considerably less emissions, eutrophication, and water and fossil fuels use). And small scale animal farms selling to locals and allegedly using no fossil fuels (apart from the vet), or hunting wild animals? Most of the 8 billion of us live in cities, way to go getting food to us! Large ruminants are not necessary nor helpful to the environment in the context of agriculture.

More here https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/yet-another-unsuccessful-attempt?utm_source=%2Fsearch%2Fgreenwashing%2520yet%2520another%2520attempt&utm_medium=reader2

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The “final solution” ???

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HUGE THANKS!! GREATLY APPRECIATED!! THIS is another arrow I can use on comments frontline war against those peddling the virus lie. Meryl Nass being a chief culprit. LOL 😄 Had a guy say that the mRNA does what it says on the label and that ribosomes are involved. Do you know anyone who has done a take down of that claim? Your website is AMAZING!! HUGE THANKS!!

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It would be good journalistic practice to ask whether renowned low carb high fat 'nutritionist' Tim Noakes or the Baileys receive any funding from Tom Cowan's Weston A. Price Foundation or other such animal ag industry funded front groups. The Bailey's video on bugs that I was initially blocked from was disingenuous and heavily biased in its favour.

I think that the opposite of the Murray Gell-Mann Amnesia effect ('you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story (you know about), and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate') is happening. We read what we agree with, maybe it crystallises what we subconsciously suspected, about 'viruses' and health for example, we research ourselves and everything checks out. We feel part of a wider group. We then turn the page and because we now like, trust and feel allied with the authors we don't do the same critical analysis. Or maybe we do know better but keep quiet, like Dawn L and David P so as not to be dumped out of the group and lose our followers.

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There are no long term health studies on low carb, keto nor carnivore diets yet industry funded Weston A Price, Tom Cowan and Tim Noakes get to recommend them to health freedom with impunity. Everything we know about the human body suggest these diets will be very bad for you; yet these dudes get admired and reverenced for promoting them on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. https://jowaller.substack.com/p/claims-of-weston-a-price-which-are

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Seems to me that the unevidenced, no long term data, claims of the low carb, paleo and carnivore diets, can be promoted with impunity by health freedom even though Joe Rogan looks terrible, cholesterol goes through the roof (yes it does, particularly when oxidised in meat and cheese, increase CVD risk-studies only compare very high cholesterol with even higher cholesterol, not someone with actual low cholesterol (sometimes associated with not but causative of ill health with cancer or old age) and of course outcomes aren't improved by statins that block the body's ability to make and balance it while still being exposed to its harms), that people have constipation, brain fog and even strokes, yet still continue with the diets as they're told it's part of the process!

Yet mentioning the microbiome, the beneficial ones only feed on fibre which is only found in plants and which in paleolithic times they probably got about 100 grams of (most Americans don't get even the recommended 25gms) and the benefits of only eating fruit, nuts, legumes and seeds (because the increase in well being means we're more likely to stick with it and never go back) is met with concern about health, mistrust or even insults.

I think it all comes from the zenophoobic propaganda about eating ze bugs.

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Talk about uninformed, biased statements, you sure have it all in all of your comments and your multiple accounts with different names. I dare say you don't know much about animals nor farming. And yes, I most certainly do. I don't know exactly why Sam blocked you for your comment on big ag, (no, I'm not a proponent of big industry in any sector), but as I read your comments more and more I can maybe start to understand. Surely you also know that "long term data" is a farce, regardless of the subject.

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