The ability to choke farming is extendable to any other animals domesticates, pets or wild, such as to mandate culls, unaffordable or unfeasible regulations, and dictates of biosecurity on regions - on a whim.

No one in the farming business seems to question or challenge the basis of such claim at the level of asserted science. The smaller people need to co-educate and draw in allies. The bigger business is probably incentivised with benefits or too vulnerable to economic threats that can be inferred or insinuated - or simply feared and believed real if speaking against "The Science" which is now being reinforced with a population of plant based highly processed virtue signalling.

Ideological capture to a zeroing out of human consciousness and civilisation.

I find our treatment of nature sick and sickening. Not farming and taking food to eat, but industrially organised sacrifice to blind, loveless agenda. That generates a sense of collective guilt that is repackaged and fed to us as factory pharmed assets.

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While researching this, I also found out how baby male chick's are ground up alive because they are considered useless to egg production. It is disgusting what farmers are doing to these animals.

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A wild chicken lays about 14 eggs a year not one a day, it’s uncomfortable at best and she is trying to have a chick family not provide you with breakfast. Let’s hope all this attention puts all humans off eating dead chickens and their eggs for good

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Highly recommended for everyone on this post: https://WhatReallyMakesYouIll.com/

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Again it's not a war on birds, apart from the inhumane farming them for food, it's a war on those who want to eat them. The 'government' is picking up the tab for the culling - that is the tax payer- the price as you rightly say is going up- so consumers and tax payers pick up the tab for a hoax in an already heavily subsidised (by the tax payer) industry. The culling represents only a tiny percentage of the billions of chickens born into and slaughtered by the industry.

Animal ag and pharma are one and the same industry - the demand for chicken vaccines is all over UK media- bird flu is a win for them. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/increasing-the-price-and-demand-for


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To mistakenly believe that they wouldn't start culling humans over a virus, fake or not, shows naivety. They've been culling humans since time immemorial. What do you think wars are about? They've been slaughtering millions of humans through wars of conquest for millennium. They're still doing it today. With Ukraine being the latest example, albeit, not on the same scale as wars of the 20th Century, or wars of conquest from earlier epochs. And, if you don't think the war in Ukraine is about wars of conquest on either side then I have bridge in the Everglades I'd like to sell ya.

As it stands the government has made promises they can't keep. That includes Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and all other forms of social benefits. And, now that the Boomers are retiring en-mass the taxes needed to pay for all these social programs just isn't there. Along with all the workers needed to replace the retiring Boomers to continue paying into the system. The Federal government has been borrowing massive amounts of money from domestic and foreign creditors alike to pay for these programs. And, in order to continue to borrow money Congress keeps raising the debt limit. So, since creditors aren't as keen to lend money to their favorite Uncle Sam lately. And, in order to keep up the same level of spending and pay back the creditors he's been inflating the money supply with money he created out of thin air.

So, it appears that culling the Boomers is a good way to relive stress on the system and eliminate the very people starting to demand their share of the pie. After all they've been paying into the system for 40+ years. Now it's their turn to sit back and enjoy their golden years. Anyone that unwittingly lined up to get the covid fauxines were, how shall we say, culled. It may just take a little longer with some. Studies have shown that those that unwittingly accepted the jabs have compromise immune systems and damaged hearts from the spike proteins.

It's theorized that the spike proteins never go away. That the mRNA that causes cells to produce the spike proteins gets transcripted into their cell's DNA causing the jabbed to become spike protein factories for life. And, that if all of this is true the majority of people have, at most, five years to live. Only theories mind you. But, as the mysterious Sudden Death syndrome becomes more pervasive. It should become quite apparent to even the most dim-witted among us that something is seriously wrong. And, it seems a little strange that no one at the CDC, or the FDA, or the AMA, or Pfizer or Moderna, is the least bit interested in investigating why all these people are mysteriously dying. Especially athletes in their prime.

Now, admittedly, the culling of humans is a rather delicate operation. We wouldn't want the peasants to catch on to what were doing or they might rise up, hunt us down, and eliminate us first. So, we have a few options if we want to kill off large numbers of humanity without getting our hands caught in the cookie jar, so to speak. One of our best options is global wars. Our banker friends make money, our industrialist friends make money, our political friends make money, and we eliminate a lot of the useless eaters at the same time. Another good option is murderous political ideologies that end up killing millions of humans. Communism and National Socialism come to mind. But, it takes a real Man of Steel, an avant-garde to push the envelope on human depopulation. Can't let personal feelings get in the way.

Another good option we discovered was during the so called Spanish Flu epidemic. It appears that everybody that was vaccinated for meningitis back in 1918 helped cause the world wide epidemic, "...the pandemic was caused by a misguided – and very experimental – Rockefeller Institute meningitis vaccination program..." that ended up spreading all over the world. Just theory of course, but, very fortuitous indeed. And, we've all been regaled with stories about how many people died at the time.


So, the moral of the story is, culling humans is nothing new under the sun. Well, to us, the elites, it's nothing new under the sun. We understand you just want to plod along in your meaningless lives. We get it. But, to us, you're just cattle to do with as we wish. And, right now we wish that quite a few of you would drop dead. If you get our drift.


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AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) guidelines for the depopulation of animals.


Reading this document, its hard to believe 'Our Passion/Our Profession' are the people tasked with the care and protection of animals.

Not unsurprisingly (as with their AMA human counterpart) they would also be the people fully in bed with bogus, predatory "research" and the industries that could put that research to nefarious good use; Big Pharma, Big Ag and Big Chemical.

When did science become so sordid.

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Are we constantly going to be reacting to what we think the WEF are planning? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-climate-is-always-changing-and what are our solutions for how we can all live together? x

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