The scientific consensus is determined by those who fund scientific research i.e. the "truth" is up for sale.

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and actually "scientific consensus" is an oxymoron as well as an outright lie. An oxymoron because scientific inquiry is in many ways the opposite of a consensus process. A lie because the definition of consensus is that ALL the people affected by a decision agree to abide by that decision. If they have some reservations, they suspend those for the time being, and agree to abide by the decision.

But, with every single hypothesis, theory or issue where "scientific consensus" is claimed, there are numerous scientists, both professionals and citizen scientists, who disagree with what's being called "consensus," and they definitely do NOT agree to suspend that disagreement. Cases in point: global warming/climate change, due to human-caused CO2 emissions or not; the big bang; evolution in its myriad forms; germ theory, to name a few.

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I wonder what the public reaction would have been had the official voices of the plandemic been honest about the science, as you ask in your "what if" paragraph. I wonder if most of us are so indoctrinated with the ideas of pseudoscience, so used to expecting definitive answers from science, especially regarding health, that there would have been a demand for those voices to say what they actually did say, purporting the "science" in regard to SARS-CoV-2, vaccines, masks, etc., was settled and proven. Maybe I'm in that kind of mood today. I just wonder if the generations of indoctrination about viruses, vaccines, medical interventions, trust the experts, etc., would have allowed people to even hear anything different from Fauci et al. than what they said. (Not to mention, of course, that they would never have said those things, since they are perfectly aware of the non-scientific nature of their claims and have other reasons for saying them than being true to science or to common sense, meaning their purpose was manipulation and control of the public. Which is news to no one here.)

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Hi Betsy! Thanks for the comment. I am a bit of an eternal optimist at times and I tend to hope that people would come to their senses if the MSM puppets actually told them that they can not 100% prove anything that they claim. However, I also agree that the decades of indoctrination may be too strong to the point that most would still believe in the narrative despite the puppets admitting to not being able to prove their claims. It was pretty sad seeing how easily people fell for the same tricks over and over again throughout this "pandemic." Granted, I am hopeful as I have seen quite a groundswell of people waking up to the fraud because of this recycled madness. I remain optimistic that most people will ultimately realize the truth sooner rather than later. 🙂

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Allopathic medicine sowed the seeds of it's own destruction with this scamdemic. Although they still have the majority, a significant number of people started to 'look into it.' I already knew that germs do not cause disease, and about Pasteur vs Bechamp, but I learned that viruses have never been proven to exist. Thanks to Kaufman, Cowan, the Baileys, Lanka, and many others for that. The scamdemic also helped me settle into the truth that most of what people believe is wrong, and that especially includes the various fields of science. But, I'm kind of a strange duck, in that I want to know the truth, whatever it may be, and I know that most people are not wired that way. Nevertheless, I think more people are skeptical of allopathic medicine than before the scamdemic, but as to the exact percentage, I couldn't say. For sure, not enough. I suspect "they" won't try to pull off another "pandemic" anytime soon, if ever. They will, however, continue to try to milk this one for as long as possible. Winter is coming...

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I gotta figure that at age 73 and no vaccines in over 50 years, all these viruses and "baddies" only exist in the minds of the modern stone age medical mafia.

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Thank you for that well written explanation. It’s amazing what people will believe when they are afraid.

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Thanks Phil! I greatly appreciate it! 🙂

Fear is a powerful weapon that they continue to use on us time and time again. It is very effective at corralling the sheep (for lack of a better term). People who are afraid turn off the logical part of their brain while looking for the parent figure to protect them and to tell them what to believe.

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This is a wonderful post. Thank you very much!

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Thank you! 🙂

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Excellent article, thank you.

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Thank you Alex. 🙂

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Science is never settled. Look at the holy mantra of the big bang. With new info from the Webb telescope, even that cherish cultism is now suspect.

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