Keep going on the straight and narrow Mike. Your work is commendably unemotional, fact-based and easily corroborated through the many citations you provide. We none of us can ever completely understand the motives of another, but actions are usually a strong indication of their degree of sincerity and believability, or otherwise.
I don't support either of you. Or rather I support both of you, except that I won't support either of you against the other. You have both done good work - stop fighting like 5 year olds.
Reading all the post, I would not classify anything Mike has done as "Fighting"
My question to you is why frame it in such a manner?
What is the point of that?....
It is clear not only in the exchange with Mike but with others that Jaime is immature, cannot conduct himself like a man, has his feelings easily hurt that then leads to him lashing out (immature) with the ad hominem attacks, but most of all when he is thoroughly questioned down to the nitty gritty he will not explain and instead goes around in circles....and then the attacks start. I have witnessed this too many times. As a Flesh and Blood man Jamie is a fraud. His work may have a bit of merit but he ruins that when he muddles everything up with his childish, immature, unprofessional behavior.
If anyone is 'controlled op' I'm looking at Jaime. He is the one sowing dissent in the movement.
For me it came down to when Eric interviewed Jaime.
Jaime did not give up a good vibe and or interview, nor did he speak well or answer all Eric's questions....and then there is the Jaime behavior afterwards towards Eric all because Eric wants to see the Data.
How can anyone take Jamie seriously at this point with that mouth of his?
Oddly I rather thought the opposite. Admittedly I only listened to about half the interview but I concluded that Eric was doing some sort of a hit job on Jamie. He kept interrupting and chopping and changing during Jamie's attempts to talk and explain, making it very difficult for the listeners to actually get a sense of the points Jamie was trying to make. On top of that Eric seemed to have a very oppositional attitude and to be trying to put Jamie in the wrong the whole time. He did this to such an extent that I concluded it was deliberate.
Eric set the tone for the interview right at the start, that he was going to interrupt and keep it focused on topic. And Jamie went on a monologue raving about himself without getting anywhere near answering the first question why he was calling his initiatives as "control experiments". And then he couldn't even say the title of Lanka's paper he claimed to be dovetailing off. And next he claimed to be engaging a lab but not giving them any samples to test? What kind of lab does testing with their own samples? And the sample from a healthy individual is a "positive control"? After all this nonsense, how do you expect Eric to be any more patient with the narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to be a citizen scientist? You are defending someone who publicly attacks Mullis while in private chat claims that pcr diagnoses sickness. The guy's actions are all suspicious with a clear intent to contaminate and obfuscate the no virus message.
Eric Coppolino is a loon Astrologer that all of you agree with his level of conspiracy psuedoscience.... Has Mike ever asked him about the scientific method of Astrology? Think not... because it is hypocrisy city here........ The bloke didn't even know what a Negative Control was, which is taught at high school... It is no wonder deepely paranoid and mentally unstable trolls like PChefouhevefoiajefpof follow nutters Like Dr. Cappucino
......nevertheless how can you take Jamie seriously with his conduct here on substack?
His conduct is nothing short of vulgar. If you so much as dare to question him you risk being called a 'twat' or worse.
If what Jamie is doing is truly important it behooves him to conduct himself in a dignified manner at all times....even when others may not. Behaving the way he has behaved towards Mike, Eric and other posters on substack is anything but dignified.
That's correct... Mike Stone, Eric Coppolino, The Baileys and Christine Massey have orchestrated direct attempts at smearjobs on me over the last 6 months... It is exceptionally obvious to anyone that does the slightest bit of investigation...
Why? Who knows...Who cares...
Claiming like I am party to this is not true though..
The Baileys managed to do an entire feature length hitjob on a single EMOJI I gave someone online... They will carry out these attacks whether I participate or not... that is the point.
It’s amusing that you view my sharing of your own words as a "hit piece." If you don’t like the impression you’re leaving, perhaps focus on staying civil and respectful in conversation.
JA is clearly clueless about details and his knowledge is superficial and does not come close to that of Mike. He appears to be insecure (and behaves like a cornered dog) as he personally feels questioned every time Mike has a good question. As you say, he's a fraud. One way or another, he's a fraud and he has an agenda beyond the ones he stated.
There's no science coming out of you to speak against. You can't even say the title of Lanka's paper you claim to be dovetailing off. You call a sample from a healthy individual a positive control. And you privately claim pcr detects sickness while publicly attacking Mullis. Zero science and all duplicity & fraud.
Criticizing someone for using swear words isn't ad hominem.
Choosing to take swear words as a character smear on the science is the dictionary definition of Ad Hominem... Do you know what a dictionary is? Or too thick?
Based on my observations and my own personal experiences with him, Jamie is not capable of having an adult disagreement. He sent me furious but contradictory emails after I dared to "like" Sam's Narcissists video, while in the same breath insisting that it was meaningless when HE "liked" Craig Hutchinson's evidence-free hit-piece on the Baileys. He also accused me repeatedly of lying and attacking his project, but couldn't show even 1 example to back up his accusations.
He was also furious that I chose not to get involved in his project (which I only found out about along with the rest of the world) and acted as though I had some obligation to get involved based on the fact that he had taken the time to answer some questions that I had privately posed about it. After receiving his answers I was still not satisfied or comfortable with the project, for various reasons, and choose not to get involved. Recent events have validated some of my concerns.
Now Jamie admits to having "trashed" my very polite recent emails where I asked him to explain his recent claim that PCR covid tests "correlate with something expelled during respiratory symptoms". He cannot explain what this alleged "something" is, even though you obviously have to know what a thing is in order to observe "it" correlating with something else. This is not a good look for no-virus.
Jamie's outrageous claim that there is an onus on no-virus people to run experiments to refute virology is especially troubling ("incumbent" = imposed as a duty : obligatory). He is feeding the false notion that dissidents of a narrative bear the burden of proof, rather than the narrative-pushers. This is dangerous and illogical. Very strange.
In addition to the concerning behavior you’ve noted about Jamie, I’ve observed that he regularly contradicts himself. For example, he once said, "We are not trying to 'prove a negative,' i.e., prove something doesn't exist." Yet, in another instance, he claimed, "I have run experiments to prove that viruses don't exist." This kind of messaging discrepancy is the same issue that made me wary when he simultaneously claims DNA/PCR is fake and fraudulent, while also asserting that PCR positives correlate with symptoms of disease and detect something expelled during respiratory illness. Either he can’t make up his mind, or he is being disingenuous.
I'm thrilled you "dissociated." That is a perfect description. This person is a toxic, disruptive provocateur. We spend a lot of time wondering who these people are. By their shit ye shall smell them. Anybody who tells me to fuck off when I ask for their data is merely here to disrupt work. Those were his words.
When I first heard of that whole control studies, I responded an hour later with this parody — DIY Moon Landing. We're sick of the debate! We're going ourselves! And let's see if there is a curve! All aboard!
You got told to Fuck off because you were harassing me for private information looking to dox the labs I was working with.... Stick to Crystal ball gazing...
You are immature, make accusation that you can never back up but speak as if they are the truth Jamie.
Now what is Private about a Laboratory?
Care to explain?
..........what the whole control studies are not 100% transparent?
What is the reason the laboratory cannot be known?
Also knock it off with the harassing talk.... you were asked a question and failed to answer when it should not be difficult at all to do so. That is not harassment and it certainly fails at the legal definition.....
Oh and a 'Reply' to a question does not denote an 'Answer' an answer to a question. need to learn to 'answer' questions and not allow your feeling to get hurt when challenged or question....that alone is a blackmark on you, and says more about you than the person that asked the question.
Eric wore your ass out in that interview, besides exposing you and though I am not one to censor or shut off any avenue of information, I have paid much much less attention to you and the cohorts involved mostly do to behavior.
Also you have a problem with understanding language, words, their meanings, etymology and when question you get butt hurt, you cry, whine, is pathetic.
Clearly Mike or Eric did not behave in the same manner....what more needs to be known?
Eric, you banned me from your forum (where I was a paid subscriber) for 100 years, for asking for your US mortality data--isn't that just a woos way of telling me to FO? I see you are still busy trying to convince people the mass casualties of 2020 never happened--no wonder the mortality data scares you so much.
Not to get in the middle of all of this, but people who claim that there was an excess in death in 2020 and want to blame it on an "invisible" virus seem to know nothing about how the lack of early treatment can lead to bacterial pneumonia, how the introduction of Graphene in various items (masks, medications, cereal) increased the ability of people's bodies to pick up EMFs which then increased the bodies absorption on toxins (Glyphosate, etc.) making the detox of 2020 seem more "novel". How lack of sunshine (lockdowns) decreases vitamin D-hormone in the body and thus stifles the body's detox ability. These same people also don't seem to know anything about the ineffective and deadly hospital protocols for treating people with "flu-like" (detox) symptoms i.e. Midazolam and Remdesivir protocols. I have links to expand on this if needed.
It doesn't look like a virus--more like a chemical weapon or some some from of radiation poisoning, due to the pattern of deaths occurring in localized spikes or waves. I am open to any hypothesis--except those that have been repeated often by many for the last 4 years, and still have no mortality data to back them up--not even basic investigations correlating the times and places the death waves occurred with the alleged cause. Pretty obvious that's because the data does not support any of the commonly repeated causes.
Prof. Rancourt and his team have done a brilliant job exposing the view that there was no need for the existence of an invisible "virus" to quantify the death tally witnessed pre-jab roll out. They don't seem to include the deaths through the murderous Midazolam and Remdesivir protocols
Midazolam, Morphine & Ventilator caused Deaths in the UK
Denis Rancourt also foolishly denies that climate change, now primarily attributed to industrial pollution, is not real, despite the clear ever-increasing evidence to the contrary. He also claims that there was no excess mortality during the viral outbreak beginning in 2020, despite widespread evidence showing otherwise. Rather than addressing the link between pollution and the rise of respiratory viruses and other illnesses, Rancourt appears to downplay this connection.
His views that viruses do not exist align with the "No Virus" movement and their anti-science narrative, and, in my view, seem inconsistent with the principles typically associated with his academic background.
Denying the existence of a viral outbreak overlooks the evidentiary facts of human suffering and its underlying causes, many of which are linked to the overwhelming exposure to toxic industrial byproducts, causing environments ripe for virus manifestation. To dismiss these facts is to disregard human biology and the need for environmental awareness and sustainability.
The is issue is not whether iatrogenic deaths occurred--it is whether they could have been a primary cause of the US death spikes (there were 2 1/2 of them in 2020).
I'm not banned most places, actually. The few places I'm banned, like your site, is of course not for asking mere questions--it is for asking questions about the massive increase in US deaths in 2020, which pretty much everyone no-virus is covering up, or, in your case, blatantly lying about.
This is why you should be banned. You may be right about the increase in deaths, though I've never seen that data anywhere else; but you are speculating about the coverup by no-virus people, which is me kissing your ass reluctantly. In my case blatantly lying? Where is your proof that I KNOW you are right, and am deceiving the public about that? That's what would qualify as a "blatant lie."
You are a second-class operator. Mike Stone is a saint though I've asked him to pay attention to your comments and accusations.
The mortality data is A MATTER OF RECORD--not a matter of opinion, and it is freely available online 24/7 --so there is no excuse for someone who regularly opines about mortality, like you, not to know about the official data. You either DO know you are lying about the data, or you SHOULD know you are giving out false information--especially given the data has been handed to you on a platter numerous times.
Virginia prove to me beyond all shadow of a doubt that the numbers you have used are 100% Accurate.
Yes the math may be correct but the numbers?
Do not give me numbers alone and call it proof.
If anything can be twisted to back up ones assertions or make a claim that is incorrect it is NUMBERS!
Now I suggest you view the youtube channel "Lincoln Karim"
Lincoln lives in NYC and was a former CNN cameraman, so his camera skills are professional.
From Day one of the so called pandemic Lincoln would record covid news stories of STRANGERS that TELL A VISION of covid deaths, overcrowded wards, hospitals busting at the seems, mass deaths, refrigerator trucks holding all the excess deaths...etc....etc....
Then Lincoln would hop on his electric bike with camera, pulling a cart with more camera equipment and would go to those NYC Covid hot spots and film the so called crowded hospitals, makeshift central park hospital, Javitts Center...etc....etc....all day long, but the best thing that he recorded was how NONE of the refrigerator trailers were used for the so called excess death/bodies at all the hospital locations, not only that Lincoln realized the refrigerator trailers were not even powered on. This led Lincoln to riding his bike to a refrigerator truck mechanic shop and asking a mechanic all the question about their operation and then going back to the refrigerator trailers at the hospitals filming them for hours on multiple days showing that none of them were operating.....It became clear the freezers were NEVER Virginia I need you to tell me where all the excess deaths/bodies were stored in NYC during the lockdown......If your claim is legitimate this fact must be known....correct?
Also for such an increase the evidence cannot only be numbers on paper, there would need to be physical evidence. That many excess deaths should be apparent in physical sense.
Lincoln Karim proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that covid was theater, staged, vision telling, just another branch off of the business model known as allopathy created by John D. and his Rockefeller Medicine Men.
Lastly I call BS on covid simply because I live and spend 95% of my week with Amish on an Amish regenerative organic farm...there was zero covid, no Amish died, and they are out an about as much as anyone else, they travel, they vacation, they go to wal-mart, they ride buses, trains and not for nothing they delivered organic produce to NYC during Covid and through it all zero covid, zero excess Amish deaths....where are the excess Amish deaths Virginia?
There are none, just like there was no pandemic, no virus, no covid, no excess deaths.....just Strangers that TELL A VISION of the aforementioned.
So somehow it isn't enough that I show the official records raise suspicions of mass-murder, that that those records are being covered up? How far can you move that goalpost?
Was the spike in 2020 mortality constant across cities/countries or concentrated in certain cities? All increased mortality in 2020 were iatrogenic hospital murders. Midazolam and remdesivir and ventilator deaths. Look up the sales of midazolam and remdesivir and how they correlate to mortality rates. Midazolam *was* contraindicated in respiratory illnesses prior to 2020. And they revised the guidelines to *increase* the recommended dosage for the elderly. No one from no virus group is covering it up. The data is all out there in public.
I'm open to any hypothesis about cause--but when a hypothesis has been around for 4 years, like this one has, and there still is no basic evidence correlating the cause with the characteristics of the deaths, not even the times and places they occurred, then the mortality data must not support them.
I haven't summarized all the county info in the US, but based on what I've seen, excess deaths were clustered, similar to the way they were in the NYC mass casualty event.
Mike, your tolerance of rank assholery is unlike anything I've ever witnessed. It speaks well of you as a man to handle it all so calmly and to take every opportunity to attempt to achieve a peaceful resolution. But when I consider your importance in this arena, it troubles me to consider the time you have given to these fools, that could have been used for your valuable research. I'm not sure that there is a single one of your readers who believe that this clown was worth even half of the time you gave him.
Thank you, Gerald. I agree that it is a waste of time. However, with the amount of baseless accusations directed at me by Jamie, I felt the need to defend myself and clear the air. Hopefully, this has been put to bed now. Thank you for your kind words and continued support. 🙂
Sticks and stones. Propaganda is a lie repeated often enough that people start to believe it. Just remember, most of the troll accounts are bots, government programs or ideologically possessed morons. So do what you think is correct, but do not be discouraged. Keep up the good work.
I disagree it is a waste of time because we can all learn from this interaction.
I commend you as being very lovely & reasonable in face of glaring troll tactics, & with you gently seeking resolution.
If this interaction is invisible it may make things harder for peoples to see bigger picture.
To me it looks like BOTH camps have opportunist usurpers involved, mangling decent people intentions & efforts.
I think you are with honour & integrity. I do not think Steve Falconer, Eric or Smedley Butler are, nor Poisoned Kiwi fruit, Andrews & many others. SO maybe it is tactic among plants to discredit both sides as bickering obsessive children. From that people feel repulsion on entire topic.
It may seem to some people that I am hypocrite (an epidemic on internet these days!) because I am very horrible to ALL trolls I encounter, but have different ways & I have no patience to please such Time Vampire Space Invaders at all. But still, I make no pretence to be nice or reasonable to unreasonable & 'undeserved' malicious comments.🙂
you paid to read that? lol .... who is next on Mike's "Everything a random person ever said to me" Substack... this really is tragic levels of obsession, I really think that Mike is mentally unwell and needs to calm down.
Why all the anger? I wasn't rude to you was I ? It seems that you may have the same problem as Mike... unable to debate calmly and in a civil manner....
You were never called a fraud by me. That was your incorrect conclusion, and I suspect you are hiding behind this false allegation because you cannot support your positive claim that positive PCR results correlate with disease and detect something expelled during respiratory symptoms.
Jamie, you have made it pretty clear that you are the one who is mentally unwell. Your antics are harming this important topic and ironically you are starting to look like "controlled opposition".
Hi Mike!!! This was my favorite read of 2024! What a way to end the year and to catch up after being out of the loop for so long. (Oh, and hi Jamie! I see you are reading every comment here, so I thought I would say hi. You don’t know me, I haven’t been involved for a couple years. In fact, this article by Mike was my introduction to you. Made quite the impression. I am looking forward to you finding something insulting to say about me even though you don’t know me…see below for material.)
Mike, hear this: this was not a waste of your time! Not at all. As someone who has supported the building of the “virology is a pseudoscience” rabbit hole and understands its importance, I think your disassociation is a key move in preserving the integrity of this …er, rabbit hole. I never know what to call the “structure” this epic assembly of souls (living and deceased) has built over the years, but I know it’s brilliant and foundational for the future of humanity.
I am not shy about saying that I think you are among the most brilliant researchers and writers alive right now. But your character is what really stands out as exemplary, even beyond your epic skills as a writer. You are a true leader, leading by example. You exemplify courage, grace, discipline, rigor, fairness, and genuine kindness.
You “suffer fools” better than most of us, but that’s because you know how to draw a line and create a real boundary. You know how to NOT react and give people a second chance, but you also know when to disassociate.
In this case, it’s more than blocking on social media. You are a professional making a professional move, as I see it. It is obvious to me that this move was very necessary.
Well done, as usual. Masterful.
I could go on, as you know, so I will stop here. 😎😁
Thank you so much as always for your kind words and support, Carolyn! You always know exactly what to say to help keep me motivated to carry on. I value your insight, and I truly appreciate your friendship. 🙂❤️
Do you not find Andrews a little bit funny though?
He pops up like ghost of Christmas past or punch, in Judy puppet show,
has nothing constructive or particularly insightful or funny to talk of,
just a nasty little quip sputtering from his tight cheeks,
With his avatar image of tiny little goblin being, just appearing among many informative , considerate debates & there he is gloating away with horrible outpourings, I think he is entertaining angry idiot we can learn from, via aversion !
'Christmas day' was recent , but not the excuse to celebrate what my friend consider 'Christmas' that still occurs into new year in UK & later elsewhere.
Again you prove to me you have a feeble & stupid mind , while addicted to years of lying!
''The 12 Days of Christmas start on December 25th and end on January 5th, culminating with the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th.''
So Christmas officially & traditionally extends until NEXT WEEK & this time when I write is Christmas still.
I know you are too busy doing furious dancing fairy goblin performance to think like decent human, or even compassionate creature, so you have regressed into mindless protozoa unable to expand & disappearing into the vacuum of your damaged personality instead.
How someone as 'thick' & useless as you , drunk on own delusions of superiority can imagine you will impress anyone here is quite incredible to comprehend. What a way to go out !
I just want to add to my own comment above a more substantive critique of what Jamie was doing. My opinions and conclusions are based solely on the information presented here by Mike (that’s the advantage of the way Mike works, he gives us so much in his signature long and “tedious” articles that one feels confident in forming an opinion…it’s called “presenting evidence” in the legal world, not tedium).
I do acknowledge that I don’t know Jamie at all and have had no interactions with him, and that I have been out of the loop for a long time (and never was in the “inner circle loop” so to speak) and thus I am at a disadvantage in terms of making an argument, but it is not a worry for me because this isn’t personal and this isn’t even about current happenings in the “no virus” world.
In this comment, it is not my aim to judge Jamie (I already judged him in my original comment and then in my response to his response to me I explained that character counts and people judge others based on this - and that’s just reality.)
But this comment isn’t so much about Jamie as it is about a pattern that Jamie is illustrating through his actions. (Really, it’s not personal Jamie, I hold no ill intent against you, this comment is NOT ABOUT YOU specifically but is a GENERAL comment spurred by me reading about the conflict between you and Mike. As you will see, I am actually making an argument that in a weird way…plot twist!…ends up defending you in a certain kind of way🤯.)
It’s about the dynamic that occurs in ALL groups I have ever been involved with. And I mean all! This is a dynamic that fascinates and confounds me, and, I think, all of us. Why does this always happen?
The dynamic has been described as infiltration, but that term implies that it is always about a conscious (and presumably paid) operative that has conscious intent and a long term plan that is well thought out. This is the go-to accusation and has many terms associated with it, such as “controlled opposition” etc.
None of what I am going to say precludes that this may be exactly what is happening in many cases. That is, someone is trained and paid to infiltrate and disrupt. I am not naive and I am well aware of this being a very, very real occurrence throughout human history. Because humans do shit like that! All the time. For forever. Absolutely.
BUT! But… not always is the disrupter paid. FACT. Not always is the disrupter even conscious of any ill intent. FACT. This is the confounding part. Human nature, or let’s say “the psychology of humans”, is such that one does NOT need to be a trained or paid actor to disrupt a group! FACT!!!
It only takes a review of your own personal experience with ANY group (family, church, work, neighborhood, city council, school board…) to see that this shit happens without the CIA helping out! Not everyone is a paid agent. That’s my point. It simply cannot be.
If there is a group of humans, there is going to be drama. We are psychological beings primarily. FACT.
So, in my attempt to use logic here, if there are exceptions to the rule the rule isn’t a rule and cannot be applied in all cases (life is always like that, despite our egos wanting clear rules).
So this means that there is a more basic underlying dynamic going on. A dynamic that underlies the paid agents and actors, yes… but also underlies just regular humans doing disruptive stuff in groups.
We must here talk about the human ego. Yes, that is just a word someone came up with. Is it a thing we can measure? NOPE! (We are in the realm of psychology here, and the psyche is not a material object, actually all material objects regardless of their seeming solidity are also psychological in nature which means materialism is bunk, but I digress). But the term “ego” points to a VERY key aspect of ALL humans.
I like to call the ego the “me-go”. Because it’s a focusing aspect that allows us to focus on…me! Me me me me. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s a way that humans focus in order to live in and actually create physical reality. It allows us to me-go! To go go go. To live. To focus. To perceive. To project. It’s our home base. It’s not a bad thing.
But!! It (“it”) can and does get inflamed, inflated, confused, frightened, terrified, and absolutely obnoxious. We ALL do this.
You don’t have to be a paid agent to disrupt your family. You just have to have an ego that wants to be right.
Can you relate? Of course. We all can.
In my opinion, this psychological perspective is VERY OFTEN IF NOT ALWAYS ignored when a “movement” is disrupted. The accusations fly fast and furious and suspicions are raised and all nuanced psychological analysis (let alone compassion and understanding) is left in the dust of the battle of egos. Because ALL the egos involved are triggered and become defensive. And “defense is the first act of war”, as a wise woman named Byron Katie has said.
It’s all very understandable. But I personally think it’s high time that those of us on the “leading edge” of these movements take into the psychological dynamic AS WELL AS the “he’s a paid agent” dynamic, which as I said I am absolutely NOT in denial of.
Why? For many reasons.
For one, the old way of analyzing these disruptions isn’t working. It’s not getting us anywhere. I mean, yes, being aware of paid agents is helpful I suppose, to a degree. But it’s usually impossible to prove so it gets us nowhere.
I do acknowledge that being aware of how the agents commonly work is helpful. When Mike described how Jamie was theorizing that Duesberg et al were controlled opposition etc, I was like “oh God here we go again”. It’s a common tactic of the agents to accuse the leaders of the group (even more effective if they are conveniently dead) of being agents themselves. But I don’t know that Jamie is an agent and I never will. As Tom Cowan say, it’s not wise to speculate on another persons motivations.
Because we don’t know shit about another persons motivations. THEY THEMSELVES don’t know their own motivations, oftentimes.
But it’s a common tactic. But my point is that this tactic is OF THE EGO. The ego LOVES to make up stories, in fact that’s all it knows how to do.
So how do we tell the difference between an agent of the ego (that would be all of us) and a paid agent that is trained and has nefarious, conscious intent? I would argue that usually we can’t. It would be nice if we could and we can try and a lot of the time we might be right.
But so what? Where has that gotten us? I think the “awakening” is not as much about waking up to “the bad guys” as it is waking up to our own psychological nature. Because that’s where the juice is. That’s where the solutions are.
This isn’t about letting the bad guys off the hook or not investigating crime or exposing mass deception… that’s all very necessary and good.
But there’s a reason why all the spiritual teachers say it’s about “going within”. Because it’s about coming to terms with our selves. The enemy is not out there, despite all appearances. It’s all a projection and the projector is… us. Each of us.
So all this to say that this dynamic of disruption CAN be identified and resolved but it’s more about judging character and taking action based on that rather than hurling accusations. In my opinion.
See, Jamie, I am not accusing you. I don’t know you. But your behavior warrants action. That’s all Mike is doing. Maybe you mean well. Maybe you want to expose the lies. If so, I would advise you to be more kind, honest, humble, forgiving. Work well with others. Be transparent. Don’t do what you accusing others of doing. Take your own advice. I will try my best to do the same.
By the way, if I knew for certain that you were a paid agent I would give the same suggestions.
' this shit happens without the CIA helping out' is profound point & that is how it is devised if you read their manuals (available online if you hunt).
Much you say= I say yes to.
ego however is not 'just' an idea it is mythic(*1) process of awareness. EGO & (as) consciousness are inseparable components of being modern individual human. We need ego as constructive force while aware of its indulgently destructive temperament.
Why is there problem with psychological awareness?
1st it is demonised.
2nd it is qualitive not quantitative science as you mention & modern science only deals in quantities, or lack of in 'virology'!
3rd it is not fashionable among uneducated minds of today.
Example with Fancissy Leader when I mention Freud (who I am not saying TRUST, but be aware of, like Machiavelli, War strategists, Albert Pike, Anton Le Vey, or Brzezinski, Klaus the cenobite & $ill Gates etc) she go into little dance of being utter nutter mental screaming hysteric, & call me nasty things & 'to go away to have sexual intercourse in crude manner' , in only 4 letters ! 🙄😂
The same on Iaini Davisis , when mention of reading Pikes ' very excellent ,& useful book 'morals & dogma' was made, suddenly I am called devil worshiper, & calls that no one should ever read that book !
Yet everyone is keen to mis-quote it.
So, what the biggest problem is maybe 'fashion & virtue signalling'. With people very eager to push everyone into partitions? & who would benefit most from that ?
The same dehumanising Navigators, that statisticians of oppression & marketing serve & service.
(*1) = mythic is not meant as 'fanciful' here, that is modern fallacy in thinking, it is the archetypical, 'allegorical science of nature'.
[edit: This comment got obnoxiously long and choppy and rambling, read with caution! lol this topic akwsts gets me going…. ]Hi, yes, the ego isn’t “just” an idea, I probably didn’t word that very well. I haven’t reread my comment but I didn’t mean to apply a “just” to it in the sense of demeaning it in any way. Yes, it is mystical in the sense that it is a creative and essential part of the human experience , messy as it is. I get your point, thanks for the correction. In my understanding (btw I pull a lot from, but not solely from, the Seth material/Jane Roberts if you haven’t read I very highly recommend, for me this work transcends all other teachings in terms of lack of distortion, although other teachings are highly undistorted also) the aspect of ourselves/our psyche that we refer to as the ego (is Freud the one who named it that, not even sure… I think that’s what I meant by “just”, as in “it’s just a word referring to an aspect of ourselves “, because in this crowd 😎❤️ I am wary of the terms I use because I potentially will get back “prove the ego exists!”, that was where I was coming from) is( sorry for this rambling sentence) …the ego is closely related to “the conscious self/ objectively oriented self (Rahu/head of dragon or North Node in astrological terms, imo) and the “unconscious” (which really is conscious, there is nothing in actuality that is unconscious, but in relation to our ego it’s unconscious!) or subjective self (Ketu/south node/tail of dragon) is sort of the opposite of the ego , in that the subjective aspect is the “knowing” part of us, the aspect that knows it is an aspect of the whole. Finally a period at the end of that “sentence”! The objective, conscious “I” or egoic aspect is blind to this whole self because it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to focus tightly. It doesn’t have to be sooooo ignorant, though, it CAN learn to “know its place in the scheme of things” and stop being such an asshole but it’s not easy as we all know. 🤪 But anyway, my overall point is that “the ego” is NOT BAD (gets a very bad rap) and I think you are emphasizing that point. It’s an important point. I think of it as a guardian that is prone to paranoia lol. Very prone. It’s very loyal to guarding its idea of itself. It’s like a dog on a bone. Don’t fuck with me. It’s fearful of losing that bone. It’s fearful of losing its focus, it’s perspective. This is where it gets interesting and tricky because, why is it prone to fear? Because it’s not actually real. That sounds like I am contradicting myself but I don’t mean to. The ego is an idea (not “just” an idea) that is all about the belief in separation. From the whole, or God. So it’s in error, fundamentally, because there is no actual separation from the whole, or God, or Source. It’s a delusion. Anyway, difficult to word this without creating distortion (words do that!) but my point is that it’s paradoxical because the ego IS a lie and in those terms is not real …BUT our experience of the ego is real!!!!! So both are real, both are true, both perspectives are EXPERIENCED as true and real. This is where we get to the “point of paradox” which is paradoxically 😏 where we get closest to the truth, imo. As I understand it, and I am merely sharing my reading and studying and what I resonate with, we cannot have the experience of physical reality without the ego focusing mechanism which allows us to… focus! In other words, close in the aperture. In other words, deny data inputs. In other words, forget. In other words, go into denial of the larger reality. But we get to experience this magnificent physical reality as a result!!! Wow! How entrancing. How amazing. We are hooked. And then we experienced pain and guilt and really got hooked. A little more hooked than need be. But there are no mistakes. it’s all good, all God. God is nothing if not allowing. We are so free we can create bondage. The gift of free will is awesome in its implications and potentiality. We are free to focus tightly. In our focusing, we are creating our reality experience. It’s a lie, an imaginative experience, a dream of sorts, because it denies its dependence on the whole. Unless we remember, and that’s what we are doing now! That’s a big shift to say the least. The ego thinks it can “go it alone” and be fine. It assumes it has nothing to remember. It’s dis-membered. A head without a tail or body. Yeah, good luck with that, see how that works out! But we simply forgot. It’s understandable. We are so entranced by our projection and creation that we are spellbound and walking around in a daze of believing in objective, material reality and we think it’s not connected to US, to our own creative mind, let alone God. We cut our psyche in half and wonder why we suffer. We don’t know we suffer from believing our thoughts. We don’t know thoughts are powerful projections. We think we are in a material world being material girls and boys. We think things are solid, matter “just is” , and we have no creative relation to it. We don’t realize we are more than our confused and fearful egos. Deep down we know, though. And that brings more fear and shame and guilt and terror. So we need to SOOTHE THE EGO not go to war against it. It’s a lost child that needs a home, a sane parent, a whole self, and a relationship with the whole self, and God, and no longer deluding itself that it can actually be separate from the unconscious, from the whole psyche, from God. It is REAL in terms of VALUE! This is key. The ego is extremely valuable or else why would we have created it? Why would God allow it’s creation? Why would it work at all? Why would we have this magnificent experience of self as “I”? Why would we WANT to forget? And can we be physically focused beings AND be happy and healthy??!!?!?!? Now there’s an idea! It’s all about value fulfillment”, a term Seth/Jane Roberts uses. Consciousness is creation, “it” lives to create and expand and here we are. Seemingly expanded “into” physical reality. But we are creating physical reality and THAT is the truth that the ego denies! And the truth that frees us from the ego’s paranoid fear. We not just our ego, indeed! 😁 We are multidimensional, creative beings of immense accomplishment and potential and the ego would have us stay small and tightly focused because it’s freaked out. Because it knows it doesn’t know. It knows it’s making up a story called “I am separate from God” and the guilt and shame of that lie causes fear. The ego needs our support… “our” being our whole self.
My opinion my be irrelevant on this, but I consider 'god' to be everything in existence, & also beyond comprehension that generate existence,
so NATURE is 'god' , as in Environment, the things within it, & how they grow & flower & die, is all bits of 'god'.
Also our inner Nature is part of that , yet we are all unique individuals (I hope but that is very questionable by internet standards ?!)
The ALL or ONE is self oscillating point that germinate everything , but all things are not the ALL, just part of it, yet interconnected always. So we are not 'god' ourselves but always god is part of us & we are part of god.
One part of this one-ness maybe diametric opposed to another part though, & untimely that antagonism & process is mutual . For example insects & plants are symbiotic, although people do not want insects to life among what they are to eat themselves!
I love ALL the points you make in this comment and especially about everything being interconnected, all these “ bits of god” as you say. And our inner nature being connected always to this Oneness , thus all the bits are “of One” or of God AND ….drumroll … coming into being IN EACH MOMENT (everything is happening simultaneously and our concept of linear time ….past, then present, then future in that order….is the “king” of all illusions) and I only mention this to bring in the concept of pleomorphism which I am sure you a familiar with. Modern science is a creation of the modern ego I would say . Thus it is myopic and blinded and cannot understand pleomorphism because it undermines the materialistic and egoic view of the body. It simply rejects such a wholistic perspective that works outside of our conceptions of time and space. Again, it’s not so much the bad guys and the CIA as it is our hamstrung concepts, bound by our ego, which limit us. And blaming outside agents… the ego LOVES that! Truly the best distraction ever. Takes the attention off of itself as the culprit. True self inquiry and genuine self investigation of taken for granted beliefs is the only way to liberate the ego from its own delusions. Those of us on this somewhat obscure rabbit hole have courageously done this work to some degree. But it’s just a beginning.
'pleomorphism' is a new word for me to digest. Thank you.
I do not know how valid is idea of the 'cell' as some clever people (Howard Hillman ?) have discovered there is no cell membrane/wall & the 'units' integrity may be resonant field, type of static, or similar 'glue of correspondence ?, I do not know the words, but it would not surprise me if almost all we are conditioned to believe is invalid in many ways.
I try not to believe anything, I know something , or I am speculating. Belief to me is another word for THINK, Imagine, 'consider at the moment', but still 'legally' 'Belief & thought 'are different things!
Modern Science was invented to help us forget about the fundamental fact of magic infusing the universe, maybe ?
Of course your opinions are not irrelevant!! ❤️. I agree and align with everything you said and I share your conception of God. Very well said , much more clear than what I said!! In fewer words! These are difficult topics to write about without being misunderstood. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Ah-ha, I have heard of her works, the Seth communication.
I would be wary, as Seth connect with intimate ways of SET (silent 'H')
& we should all be wary of SET cult inclination.
However all things can become constructive for growth & I have not read contents so can not judge. What do you think she has done that is most exciting to consider?
Hi, I have never met you either... nice to meet you... although you have already A insinuated I am a fool and B Agreed with everything that has been said without hearing the otherside of the story..
That is what I have come to expect of people that have been duped by Mike... prejudice and hypocrisy...
That is precisely what happens when you fail the “good character” aspect of being human. After witnessing abuse, people won’t bother listening to your side of the story any longer.
Those verbal bombs you tossed count (and the internet lasts forever as they say, and that evidently includes Telegram posts, who knew?).
Those contradictory statements count - turns out people actually do remember.
And most of all those of with actual experience in this rabbit hole have learned well and good how to spot a fool, because it’s about logic and common sense and pattern recognition and we have those skills honed pretty well.
Character matters. A lot.
I am surprised everyone put up with you for as long as they did, but then again I understand how that can happen.
In your own way, you taught everyone how this kind of “structure” CAN be taken down. Historically, it only takes one person or a small group to compromise and weaken an otherwise worthy and stable organization (using that term loosely here). Because the general public will not look into accusations tossed around like hand grenades.
“Mike Stone is a liar? Omg! I knew I couldn’t trust this rabbit hole! I’m out of here!” Literally it only takes that much to dissuade the new explorer. The ego craves ammunition that will prop up the status quo belief (virology is a valid science etc) and will take whatever crumb it is given. And of course full on character assassination does happen.
The point is you only get a few chances before the risk analysis doesn’t look good and you are OUT. If it was a real job you would be fired and no one would HAVE to listen to your side. Because character matters.
Character is the way we read each other. That’s why it matters. People wanted you to be legit and helpful and honest and kind. It was your own doing and that’s that.
That’s my assessment and it’s based on my trust DUE TO MY LIVED EXPERIENCE for three years doing work in this rabbit hole (2020-2023), during which I CLOSELY followed all of those same people you worked with. There is a small army of folks like me. Beware. 😎😁😡
Many of us relish the opportunity to defend a man like Mike Stone.
You didn't address your prejudice and hypocrisy... you just doubled down on it.
I am not here to try and get you delusional twats back I am here to say please stay away from my very important science project. Because instead of engaging in the science you have decided to preoccupy yourselves with the STRAWMAN of English verbiage on social media...
Do you have pink hair and a nose ring? Do you need a safe space to protect your ears from the naughty words?
All of you have clearly never been on a trading floor or infact ANY high stakes professional setting... That kind of language would be used before your morning coffee..
Try not being Woke tossers... and address the science at hand
What is your oh so impressive professional experience anyway? I am curious, I admit. A tiny bit curious lol. But seriously, I am clueless about you. Do you have a science background or?
Is the science at hand some sort of solution you have magicked into existence from that useless tool you are lumbered with?
How many tissues do you need for all your issues Jammy ?
You raise many questions in my thoughts concerning your petty sadistic masochism dynamics here, while being unable to you raise your own point adequately for anyone at all it seems.
Jamie in this setting I will conduct my self in a serious manner, however I lived in Philadelphia for 35 years and I can talk smack with the best of 'em.
The matter at hand is my feelings do not get hurt when logical common sense questions are asked of me and you do, otherwise answer the questions and don't get upset, miffed or bent out of shape.
If your work is so important why even take a chance at turning someone off to it???
Sadly, Jamie doesn't realize that his project has nothing to do with science. He’s playing in a pseudoscientific sandbox and falsely claiming it’s legitimate scientific work when, in reality, it is the opposite.
In this blockbuster video of his (25 views, 1 comment) of two months ago he brings up PCR in the first few minutes. Not in regards to saying it does show a correlation to disease though. 🤷♀️
Regarding your comment on him doing the opposite of science, that was a fascinating part of your write up. It truly was a great read. I read every word over a couple hours, taking breaks. I admit don’t always read every word of your posts (I mean, who does? lol). No seriously I usually scan your work now and am ALWAYS massively impressed. But this one was great for me because I knew nothing about this saga.
I have so many questions for you Mike. Like, did he actually get people to give him money? Let’s start there. ❤️😎. This little fucker has been messing with my beloved rabbit hole and I had no idea. I’m a gonna get him. First I need to catch up. (Drawing fire is fun on New Years Eve! lol. I know you love it, too, my warrior friend!)
So the 30yr accredited and experienced Laboratories we have worked with don't know how to conduct a scientific experiment but the former Personal Trainer that goes around with a john wick avatar playing social justice warrior on social media does? Lol..... I will be sure to let them know...
Carolyn did not need to say one word for me to think you are a fool....I simply read your own words, observe your lack of decorum, politeness, professionalism.
Mike nor Eric deserve any of the vitriol you spew.... you are making your own way in this respect.....
It is certainly good advice not to speculate on what motivates a person that we encounter in daily life. In this case, however, it seems important to try to understand why Andrews is doing what he is doing since it is having ramifications for many. It seems his purpose is to create havoc in the no-virus position. Anyone who reads your even-tempered, unflappable responses to his mud-slinging insults and complete inability to address to your questions can clearly see he has no honorable intention.
This just breaks my heart, on one level, because we are at a critical moment, I think, in getting the no-virus message out, and it hurts to see the waters being muddied yet again. I started my Substack, This Changes Everything, last February when there was suddenly a lot of trolls in social media being jerks to anyone who DIDN'T say "viruses don't exist." Thus attempting to sully the no-virus camp by making them look like a bunch of nasty, intolerant people. But now, there's this happening, which looks like another similar attempt from a different angle. So on another level, it's a reason for hope! Because it is a sure sign that we--you, the good doctors, Alec, Christine, Eric, et al.--are right smack over the target.
That's a bit of a strawman, Charles. As I have said, this has nothing to do with the merit of the work commissioned by Jamie. It has everything to do with his slanderous accusations against myself and others. These are separate issues.
So you are confirming you are carrying out a Strawman and Ad Hominem on me to attempt to discredit the scientific work...
You can't discredit the scientific work because you are too thick so just stick to writing boring articles about all the times you have been called what you are.
Once again, your reading and comprehension skills are sorely lacking. I never straw-manned you or resorted to ad hominem attacks. In fact, you are the one who has repeatedly engaged in both straw-manning and ad hominem attacks against me. This is a clear case of projection on your part.
Ok enough entertainment, it’s time to put an end to this silliness. Mike are you not able to just block Jamie from your group? He is clearly not on the same page as you. Let him be himself and you be you. People with any sense will be able to make up their own minds who they want to support. Sorry but this to and fro-wing is going nowhere.
Keep up the good work, Mike. In my humble opinion, you were too nice to Jamie Andrews and his ilk. The ferocity with which they are going after you in this comments section speaks many volumes. What a piece of work. Good to hear about the dissociation from him by Alec Zeck. His lies about the people who have done the key work regarding the "no proof of virus" position, people like you, Mike, Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, and the science investigative journalist Eric Francis Coppolino, reveals his method of operation.
People can consult this very revealing interview of Andrews by Coppolino and the complete absence of science in his method.
Thank you, Jeffrey. I truly appreciate your support, as well as Alec's backing throughout this situation. It’s important that we send a clear message: this type of behavior is inexcusable, regardless of the side one is on or the work being done.
lol... Mike and The Baileys are all Team Astrology..... you are correct we didn't note the lunar cycles in the scientific experiments the 30yr experienced and accredited labs that I worked with .
Labs whose identity you keep hidden. You've been consistent,... in being sketchy. The dissociation from you of Alec Zeck, who went all out to promote your work, says enough. Your demand that people like us need to probe there is no virus shows a frightening degree of cluelessness on your part regarding basic science, the impossibility of proving something doesn't exist. Go ahead, knock us out, prove that there are no purple-colored species of canines and felines.
You and this group have continously requested sensitive information that could land people in trouble.
Be that as it may. I would like to know if you are also a hypocrite.
How many of the CROs names and laboratory results did you request for the control experiment that was done by Stefan Lanka? If this lack of information by Lanka is not an issue for you then you are indeed a hypocrite.
But seeing you are a man of high integrity I will assume that you see Stafan Lanka in the same light as Jamie. Have you voiced your frustrations to Lanka as well?
What Mike has been doing I have been already doing publicly on social media platforms in direct exchanges with virologists and their supporters since the beginning of 2020.
Ah another thicko that doesn't understand the first thing about experimental science... Not proving a negative that is impossible... Falsifying the positive claim... which we have done COMPREHENSIVELY...
I keep the identity of the independent labs hidden as it doesn't change one iota the results... It would only be of use for some sad twat to dox them... rather like Mike Stone and his publishing of private communications.
Just FYI Jeff... in 2 weeks time I am publishing the VIDEOS of the lab work taking place... I expect your fawning apology when I do so....
P.s What has Mike done with the money you all give him? Has he conducted any experiments to back up his cause or just trousered it and wrote fucking TEDIOUS articles like this?
Videos! Now there is something convincing!! Hollywood has proven all sorts of things about the world using videos. 🤣 I bet you have good directors too.
Right, you attacked Christine Massey for not doing experiments to back up her work, which is all about FOIA requests.
so when the videos come out.. you are just going to say they are a hollywood conspiracy... it would cost about 5x the amount to do that than just doing the experiments... are you sure you are OK? Like is everything OK upstairs?
You seem drunk in conceits & arrogance still Jammy.
Is it not true that the moon effects menstruation of females?
So, moon obviously effects half of (human) life on planet yet it is insignificant to your thoughts?
From what I have read here from you proves you are actually a very shallow & stupid person, a lost soul in choreography of self destruction.
Maybe you need some love in your life, instead of being fueled by this toxic poison of envy & bitterness? If so please remember a pet is for life, not just Christmas (that is still occurring!).
I looks like Jamie is a PMO (perception management operation). He is trying to discredit you, your work and that of others who have been working in this area for a long time.
"Perception Management Operations (PMO) are designed to control the cognitive environment by influencing how populations interpret events, policies, and people. These operations deploy psyops tactics, disinformation campaigns, and active measures to manipulate the information battlespace, turning narratives into instruments of influence and coercion."
This is both fascinating and disturbing. I support you 100%, Mike. One of the reasons for my loyalty to you is the respect, kindness, and patience you consistently showed me, even when I struggled to understand concepts about 'germs' or 'viruses.' As a newcomer, it was evident that you genuinely wanted to educate and inform rather than assert superiority. Even during times when I may have seemed to disagree, your approach proved your authenticity. I could never work with or associate myself with someone who resorts to expletives and vulgar personal attacks. I'm grateful that you've chosen to take the high road and refrained from retaliating in kind. It's commendable that you refuse to speculate on why or how he is behaving this way.
As an outsider, however, I will take the liberty to speculate. I believe Jamie has been consumed by his own ego. While I think his intentions were good initially, pride seems to have overtaken him. He appears to have forgotten that what originally brought him to this fight was a passion for truth and a sincere desire to share it with others. What unites all of us is the humility we’ve had to embrace in order to arrive at the beliefs we hold today. When the goal shifts from seeking truth to proving everyone else wrong and oneself right, pride inevitably fuels irrational attacks and unnecessary expletives.
After dedicating countless hours to his cause, I think Jamie has lost sight of humility. His project now seems more focused on self-promotion than on advancing the truth. This shift is dangerous—it risks undermining the very cause he set out to support. If he doesn’t reflect, regain his humility, and return to working for the right reasons, he may do more harm than good.
I will pray for him and for all of us.
In closing, the opinions I’ve shared here are my own and may not necessarily reflect those of Mike or others.
I think you’re spot on here. I supported the project wholeheartedly at the start, even sending a small donation (all I could afford at the time). In the past six months or so I’ve lost all interest in it, mainly because of the growing hubris of its main proponent and his potty mouth. If you can’t debate a topic without resorting to ad hominem attacks, you’ve got no skin in the game. All you are is a trouble-maker, and we have enough of those in the world to deal with as it is.
There was no debating of topic going on... Mike he made a very serious allegation of calling me a fraud... Instead of backing up his allegations he has chosen to lie about it ever happening...
This "trouble-making" is coming from one side only... a side that desperately doesn't want to provide the experimental evidence.
As far as I’m concerned the methodology used by virologists to ‘isolate’ viruses exposes itself as fraud. You don’t need to be a scientist to comprehend that. As for the PCR, once you know how they came up with the genetic code/s they used as the basis for their ‘tests’, you know it’s all bollocks, so I really don’t understand the point of carrying out endless experiments with PCR.
Didn’t John Magufuli lift the lid on the PCR scam in 2020?!? And look how he ended up. So I’m not sure you’re doing anything particularly radical or useful, apart from trying to undermine an ‘elder’ in the Terrain movement who knew all about the virology fraud years before 2020.
The fact that you continue to claim I called you a fraud, despite clear evidence that I never once used those words, makes your assertion unfounded and irrational.
You didn't use those exact words... but the context of what you said is an accusation of knowingly engaging in fraud... hence you were accusing me of fraud.
I would respect you more if you even owned up to your own words... the fact that you are too much of a disingenuous coward to do that is why we are here.
Why would I take responsibility for your misinterpretation? Do you need validation for your inability to comprehend what was written? As you acknowledged, I never accused you of being a fraud. I have no interest in validating your incorrect interpretation just to gain your respect.
No that is right.. you never gave me any respect... you never talked to me like an adult... you chose to try and harrass me on private chats as if it were some court room... of "positive claims".. which is why again you got chucked out for being an annoying twat.
It isn't debatable that suggesting someone is "validating fraud" is an accusation of fraud...
To make any other suggestion is to plead insanity or stupidity
Respect is earned, not given. Your interactions with me and others have demonstrated why you have not earned it. The fact that you claim I "harassed" you in private—without being able to provide any evidence—says far more about you than it does about me.
If you call what you are doing as scientific experiments, then you are validating fraud. Because virologists have not conducted any scientific experiment at all. Reification logical fallacy and confirmation bias say hello here.
I will also say I heard you are a petfelcher & dog dicked arsehole!
You are not doing any work, instead you are here being little squealing hypocrite bitch thing.
What is clear is you act mental like werewolf Jackled & Hyde sometime, & you admit this about lack of self restraint & uncontrollable eruptions of passion before to Mike. You even apologies for being petty little bitch towards him, & try & lick his hand like puppy afterwards.
Then a tiny tremor in integrity becomes another earthquake & you quack about like cockless chicken again!
The peculiar fact that I get many trolls baiting me who ALL have you subbed to them is final piece in jigsaw puzzle. I ask you in polite way about this fact, & you play silly games.
So now it is all over, it is the end of your little show , you just haven't comprehended the fact yet & like a headless chicken are still running about making a terrible mess.
Phew! That was a whirlwind! Effective communication requires conflict resolution, humility, kindness, heart-centered dialogue, deep inner work, and a genuine commitment to understanding. Without these, true connection is impossible. Mike, I appreciate your logic, calm demeanor, and respectful approach. Resorting to name-calling, mocking, slander, passive-aggressive behavior, or emotional outbursts reflects a lack of emotional maturity and self-awareness.
As a holistic health practitioner with over 17 years of experience, I’ve had great success using vitamin D (should never be used in isolation, must be with its cofactors). I work with very sick people on sometimes more than 10 different drugs! You have to step them down and supplements are very successful at helping them do so. It’s frustrating to see people, without any hands-on experience, attacking and condemning its use. They blame those of us who work with it effectively, all while having no tangible understanding of its benefits. It has a place!
Back in naturopathic school, I learned about the plan to restrict access to our supplements. So, here I am, risking my career to whistleblow and protect that access—only to see non-practitioners and so-called truthers, with no field experience, throwing them and all those who use them under the bus! We seriously need to break this bad habit of condemning things and people out of ignorance. A compassionate person would listen and strive for understanding, even if they disagreed, instead of immediately blocking and using completely unwarranted, unfounded, and slanderous accusations.
We need to remember love and empathy and give access to the other archetypes inside of us (like the lover and the alchemist), instead of just the burnt-out warrior. We don't have to argue and fight or "win". We need to move from alpha to sigma...
Many aren't aware of our biofield layers and how to shield them. Unfortunately, psychic attacks are real and could be one explanation for ungrounded and negative attacks coming through...basically like a type of possession. Take it or leave it...don't come at me bruh! Lol.
Now onto our dear Bill, RIP. When Debbie Rose died, Bill started to unravel. I tried to help as much as I could but, in my experience, when someone is very ill or dying, their body-mind-spirit complex can be overwhelmed by fear, pain, and unresolved emotions. Unfortunately, it can manifest as paranoia, aggression, or irrational behavior, even toward those who are trying to help. I will post one of his last emails so you can understand the energy. I wasn't the only one he was behaving like this toward, Christine also, and I believe Eric and The Bailey's and I am sure there were more.
He wanted to be seen, so much. He had a huge, core abandonment and self-loathing wound that especially reared up around the summer 2023. Broke my heart... But no one was attacking Bill, he was creating a lot of his own misery.
"Thank you Amandha.
I hope you get people caring for your needs too.
I ADORE Christine.
I have NEVER said an unkind word to her or about her.
It's not just Christine.
It's Mark and Sam, Kevin Corbett, Eric Coppolino
now Steve Falconer....
Everyone is looking for a NO VIRUS CULTIST to BURN.
Everyone is looking for a scapegoat.
Those are good questions.
Am I calm? No. I am deeply disturbed.
I'm a shitty yogi.
My chit is all vritti.
I am plagued by fear, panic, anguish.
I am plagued by DEEP SELF LOATHING.
I am terrified about what will happen to me.
I am frightened by the thought of being homeless
and dying alone, and unwanted.
I do not know what to do.
I do not know what I should be doing with my life.
I thought I was doing it.
But now I am hated by everyone.
Part of my Ho'opono Pono practice
is taking full responsibility for the situation.
I am trying, but I honestly do not know what I have done.
I thought I was doing the work God wanted me to be doing.
I am in such SOUL ANGUISH.
I am sorry to burden you.
Ultimately, I do not matter.
I am a worthless piece of shit.
I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
This is just a small sample of the communications. It got way more out of control from here.
Sending love to you Mike and to all, and may 2025 be the year where more people turn inward, embrace radical self-responsibility, and commit to authentic conflict resolution.
Thank you for the kind words and the insight. It is unfortunate that some on the same side choose to focus on slight disagreements, turning them into burdens that weigh others down like an albatross. They often become so fixated on these differences that they overlook all the good the other person is doing and the common ground they share. They create division rather than the unity that we so desperately need right now.
I appreciate you sharing Bill’s message. I noticed the same thing—a man deeply affected by the loss of a close friend, overwhelmed by sorrow and grief. Bill was certainly in a dark place after Debbie’s passing. I had hoped he might find a way to overcome the negative energy and rediscover the will to truly live. Sadly, it consumed him and ultimately took his life away.
Sadly, I can confirm Amandha's assessment re Bill. I also received countless emails from Bill (over a long period) telling me how much he felt hated by the world and that he hated himself and felt lost and didn't know what he should be doing. For me, our relationship was based on the no-virus issue but over time his emails became more and more focused on his personal anguish and disappointments and lack of money (after having earned very well while working) and they were very repetitive, long and draining to read.
I'm not a counsellor and had no money either so could only wish him well and urge him to look for paying work. Only towards the end of our relationship did I learn that he hadn't paid rent for a full 2 years and was facing court and possible eviction. He was not willing to take any responsibility for this situation, from what I saw. This is when he started lashing out at innocent people, from my recollection. I once apologized on his behalf when he went ballistic on someone for sending us info about harm from jabs. And yes, the passing of Debbie was around the same time and a huge factor. From what he told me their relationship had already come to an end before she passed (she didn't want to hear from him anymore). While claiming to "adore" her he also accused her of being unstable, harsh and cruel to him, which I now question based on my own experiences with him.
He also accused me of being "cruel" and "attacking" him, for daring to point out his own logical fallacies in posts where he was condescending and insulting to anyone who had a different point of view on other topics. He was either putting me on a pedestal or accusing me of cruelty. Nonstop high drama. He was a very troubled man when it came to personal/emotional matters (but very clear-sighted on the no-virus issue!) and his troubles began long before he knew us, and no one was cruel to him that I know of. I personally could only take so much drama and had to cut ties.
Jamie and others appear to have taken Bill's accusations at face value. No one, including Bill, was ever able to show me evidence of this alleged cruelty from no-virus people.
I hope he is finding peace on the other side. Anyone reading this might say a little prayer or send him some good vibes.
I read the same '100 YEARS OF "VITAMIN D':" Historical aspects of vitamin D" ( ) and concluded "Vitamin D" has never been isolated. Here is a summary:
I came to a same conclusion on "Vitamin A" and "Vitamin C". The "Vitamin" deficiency game of the early 1900s is today's mRNA script (i.e. immunology hoax).
Isolation is where biochemistry fails to qualify as a proper science.
Wow Amandha. This — — was quite the link. It reminds me of the traditional belief that unclean spirits cause disease and that there is spiritual power over these unclean spirits. It makes a lot of sense to send these unclean spirits into the light. The existence of these “entities” makes a helluva lot more sense to me than invisible and hypothetical bits of RNA, which can be inhaled and exhaled, and which the pseudoscientists say are from 20 nanometers long to 250-400 nanometers long.
Saul Alinsky wrote the following rule: "always accuse your opponent of what you are doing."
Exactly the behavior of Jamie Andrews.
One feels entitled to ask if Jamie is a hired troll of someone, and if so, who hired him.
I've been saying for a while: don't eat your own and do not take this issue as unimportant. It is very important to know the causes of diseases, and whether they are contagious or not, and how.
And I've seen multiple trolls out of control. But they usually give up after there is no more attention to feed their narcissism. But in Jamie's case I don't understand why he trolls so much. It's a useless behavior and an ungrateful attitude.
What a sick person! Does he kiss his mother with that mouth? This alone would be enough for any rational critical thinker to kick Mr. Andrews and his project to the curb. What a shame! Maybe someone with integrity will take up the challenge. Those of us who have put and continue to put time and energy into reading/researching and sharing the myths of "science" deserve better. KUDOS TO YOU MIKE!
I'm guessing "no-virus" people are making substantive headway, going from these attacks against yourself, the Baileys, etc.
I have never heard Sam Bailey recommend statins, so I'm not sure where all this is coming from. As for the vitamin D thing. I used to take it too. I don't now. People change their perspective, as their knowledge changes. I actually stopped taking supplements because I think it is better to get everything from good food.
This was 5 years ago; before she became enlightened and discontinued her medical practice. She has produced hundreds of videos since, rebuking the Pharma industry and all drugs.
Most of all us shared the same views on this before we saw the light and converted.
There is a HUGE difference between spending a large proportion of your career telling people to what they now admit is poisoning themselves and suddenly "finding the truth"... Have they ever profusely apologized for the people they recognized they poisoned? They took down their recommendations of the HPV vaccine because it didn't really meld with their new found image. But have decided to KEEP vitamin D (rat poison) and Statins up.... seems a very deliberate thing to do...
You can make excuses as Mike has done... infact the REASON why I swear at Mike in the way I have done is PRECISELY because of the hypocrisy of protecting The Baileys STILL pushing this stuff.
If I had ever done a video recommending something which I later figured out was a poison, I would 1) immediately at least put a big fat note on the old video stating that I changed my mind regarding this issue and that I no longer can recommend in good faith whatsoever anyone take this poison, and 2) point to a video detailing exactly why I think this
I might also delete that video if I thought it was harmful enough
Baileys haven’t done that and that is fucking shameful
Apologies, my mistake—I thought this was the comment section of my article rather than a note. I'm still getting used to the SS app. Regardless, you said:
"Thanks, Mike, you are trying to boil a pot with no water in it, just causing the pot to get hot. I'm not interested in a role in your next Tolstoy novel here, we've said our parts so please respect I would not like to continue. Best wishes. -PM"
It seems you are now doing what you accused me of doing. I’ve given you my reasons and have no intention of debating why I unrecommended your SS here or on my article. So, as you said to me, please respect that I would not like to continue. Take care.
Thanks to Mike Stone for his impressive, extensive and valuable work. Thanks to Jamie for his valuable control studies project, that I do hope he continues to advance to completion.
The reason exposing the fraud of virology is a huge endeavor is very simple.
Big P and the Medical cartel is based on this fraud. It is greater than 99% of the rank and file.
Out of these ashes perhaps something resembling health might arise.
Most definitely not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
The battle outlined is a war with many skirmish, more and more about less and less.
Some of us have known the Virus fraud for 3 decades, and we were not early.
Dr. Len Horowitz did an exhaustive documentation re the AIDs hoax in '96, at that time being a virus chaser like many truther physicians who cannot wrap their heads about the fraud.
The more modern virus exposes relevant for newcomers. The fact that it is now common for renegade MD's to blow the cover instead of running cover is commendable.
Very pleased you are in the trenches fighting this "battle". Virus as agents of infectious disease do not exist. Let the walls crumble, no get out of jail free passes. The truth emerges regardless of the silly infighting.
Keep going on the straight and narrow Mike. Your work is commendably unemotional, fact-based and easily corroborated through the many citations you provide. We none of us can ever completely understand the motives of another, but actions are usually a strong indication of their degree of sincerity and believability, or otherwise.
Thank you for the kind words and support, Oriorda. 🙂
I don't support either of you. Or rather I support both of you, except that I won't support either of you against the other. You have both done good work - stop fighting like 5 year olds.
Reading all the post, I would not classify anything Mike has done as "Fighting"
My question to you is why frame it in such a manner?
What is the point of that?....
It is clear not only in the exchange with Mike but with others that Jaime is immature, cannot conduct himself like a man, has his feelings easily hurt that then leads to him lashing out (immature) with the ad hominem attacks, but most of all when he is thoroughly questioned down to the nitty gritty he will not explain and instead goes around in circles....and then the attacks start. I have witnessed this too many times. As a Flesh and Blood man Jamie is a fraud. His work may have a bit of merit but he ruins that when he muddles everything up with his childish, immature, unprofessional behavior.
If anyone is 'controlled op' I'm looking at Jaime. He is the one sowing dissent in the movement.
For me it came down to when Eric interviewed Jaime.
Jaime did not give up a good vibe and or interview, nor did he speak well or answer all Eric's questions....and then there is the Jaime behavior afterwards towards Eric all because Eric wants to see the Data.
How can anyone take Jamie seriously at this point with that mouth of his?
Oddly I rather thought the opposite. Admittedly I only listened to about half the interview but I concluded that Eric was doing some sort of a hit job on Jamie. He kept interrupting and chopping and changing during Jamie's attempts to talk and explain, making it very difficult for the listeners to actually get a sense of the points Jamie was trying to make. On top of that Eric seemed to have a very oppositional attitude and to be trying to put Jamie in the wrong the whole time. He did this to such an extent that I concluded it was deliberate.
Eric set the tone for the interview right at the start, that he was going to interrupt and keep it focused on topic. And Jamie went on a monologue raving about himself without getting anywhere near answering the first question why he was calling his initiatives as "control experiments". And then he couldn't even say the title of Lanka's paper he claimed to be dovetailing off. And next he claimed to be engaging a lab but not giving them any samples to test? What kind of lab does testing with their own samples? And the sample from a healthy individual is a "positive control"? After all this nonsense, how do you expect Eric to be any more patient with the narcissistic megalomaniac pretending to be a citizen scientist? You are defending someone who publicly attacks Mullis while in private chat claims that pcr diagnoses sickness. The guy's actions are all suspicious with a clear intent to contaminate and obfuscate the no virus message.
Eric Coppolino is a loon Astrologer that all of you agree with his level of conspiracy psuedoscience.... Has Mike ever asked him about the scientific method of Astrology? Think not... because it is hypocrisy city here........ The bloke didn't even know what a Negative Control was, which is taught at high school... It is no wonder deepely paranoid and mentally unstable trolls like PChefouhevefoiajefpof follow nutters Like Dr. Cappucino
......nevertheless how can you take Jamie seriously with his conduct here on substack?
His conduct is nothing short of vulgar. If you so much as dare to question him you risk being called a 'twat' or worse.
If what Jamie is doing is truly important it behooves him to conduct himself in a dignified manner at all times....even when others may not. Behaving the way he has behaved towards Mike, Eric and other posters on substack is anything but dignified.
That's correct... Mike Stone, Eric Coppolino, The Baileys and Christine Massey have orchestrated direct attempts at smearjobs on me over the last 6 months... It is exceptionally obvious to anyone that does the slightest bit of investigation...
Why? Who knows...Who cares...
Claiming like I am party to this is not true though..
The Baileys managed to do an entire feature length hitjob on a single EMOJI I gave someone online... They will carry out these attacks whether I participate or not... that is the point.
It’s amusing that you view my sharing of your own words as a "hit piece." If you don’t like the impression you’re leaving, perhaps focus on staying civil and respectful in conversation.
Well then - don't participate :-).
JA is clearly clueless about details and his knowledge is superficial and does not come close to that of Mike. He appears to be insecure (and behaves like a cornered dog) as he personally feels questioned every time Mike has a good question. As you say, he's a fraud. One way or another, he's a fraud and he has an agenda beyond the ones he stated.
So your evidence is pointing at the use of swear words.... rather than against the science conducted... which is an AD HOMINEM....
The irony and hypocrisy is off the charts
There's no science coming out of you to speak against. You can't even say the title of Lanka's paper you claim to be dovetailing off. You call a sample from a healthy individual a positive control. And you privately claim pcr detects sickness while publicly attacking Mullis. Zero science and all duplicity & fraud.
Criticizing someone for using swear words isn't ad hominem.
Choosing to take swear words as a character smear on the science is the dictionary definition of Ad Hominem... Do you know what a dictionary is? Or too thick?
I'm so glad that you wrote this, Mike.
David Crowe and his podcast was also a very big early influence on me, and he was very supportive when I ran my FOI wording by him before sending it the first one to Health Canada (
Based on my observations and my own personal experiences with him, Jamie is not capable of having an adult disagreement. He sent me furious but contradictory emails after I dared to "like" Sam's Narcissists video, while in the same breath insisting that it was meaningless when HE "liked" Craig Hutchinson's evidence-free hit-piece on the Baileys. He also accused me repeatedly of lying and attacking his project, but couldn't show even 1 example to back up his accusations.
He was also furious that I chose not to get involved in his project (which I only found out about along with the rest of the world) and acted as though I had some obligation to get involved based on the fact that he had taken the time to answer some questions that I had privately posed about it. After receiving his answers I was still not satisfied or comfortable with the project, for various reasons, and choose not to get involved. Recent events have validated some of my concerns.
Now Jamie admits to having "trashed" my very polite recent emails where I asked him to explain his recent claim that PCR covid tests "correlate with something expelled during respiratory symptoms". He cannot explain what this alleged "something" is, even though you obviously have to know what a thing is in order to observe "it" correlating with something else. This is not a good look for no-virus.
Jamie's outrageous claim that there is an onus on no-virus people to run experiments to refute virology is especially troubling ("incumbent" = imposed as a duty : obligatory). He is feeding the false notion that dissidents of a narrative bear the burden of proof, rather than the narrative-pushers. This is dangerous and illogical. Very strange.
You are very welcome, Christine.
In addition to the concerning behavior you’ve noted about Jamie, I’ve observed that he regularly contradicts himself. For example, he once said, "We are not trying to 'prove a negative,' i.e., prove something doesn't exist." Yet, in another instance, he claimed, "I have run experiments to prove that viruses don't exist." This kind of messaging discrepancy is the same issue that made me wary when he simultaneously claims DNA/PCR is fake and fraudulent, while also asserting that PCR positives correlate with symptoms of disease and detect something expelled during respiratory illness. Either he can’t make up his mind, or he is being disingenuous.
Mike, Jamie's behaviour is typical common purpose. I've seen it time and time again.
How dare anyone disagree with the Reiki Healer, Miss "Light and Love 😂😂
I'm thrilled you "dissociated." That is a perfect description. This person is a toxic, disruptive provocateur. We spend a lot of time wondering who these people are. By their shit ye shall smell them. Anybody who tells me to fuck off when I ask for their data is merely here to disrupt work. Those were his words.
When I first heard of that whole control studies, I responded an hour later with this parody — DIY Moon Landing. We're sick of the debate! We're going ourselves! And let's see if there is a curve! All aboard!
You got told to Fuck off because you were harassing me for private information looking to dox the labs I was working with.... Stick to Crystal ball gazing...
You are immature, make accusation that you can never back up but speak as if they are the truth Jamie.
Now what is Private about a Laboratory?
Care to explain?
..........what the whole control studies are not 100% transparent?
What is the reason the laboratory cannot be known?
Also knock it off with the harassing talk.... you were asked a question and failed to answer when it should not be difficult at all to do so. That is not harassment and it certainly fails at the legal definition.....
Oh and a 'Reply' to a question does not denote an 'Answer' an answer to a question. need to learn to 'answer' questions and not allow your feeling to get hurt when challenged or question....that alone is a blackmark on you, and says more about you than the person that asked the question.
Eric wore your ass out in that interview, besides exposing you and though I am not one to censor or shut off any avenue of information, I have paid much much less attention to you and the cohorts involved mostly do to behavior.
Also you have a problem with understanding language, words, their meanings, etymology and when question you get butt hurt, you cry, whine, is pathetic.
Clearly Mike or Eric did not behave in the same manner....what more needs to be known?
Eric, you banned me from your forum (where I was a paid subscriber) for 100 years, for asking for your US mortality data--isn't that just a woos way of telling me to FO? I see you are still busy trying to convince people the mass casualties of 2020 never happened--no wonder the mortality data scares you so much.
Anyone who is interested in accurate information about official US mortality records during the Covid years may want to check out my reference book, which makes it easy to understand years of US mortality data in minutes:
Jessica Hockett’s Substack exposes the significant issues with the mortality data of NYC, Bergamo, and other places
See the 2nd section entitled "Recent fake death propaganda." I'd suggest you take a hard look at exactly what it is you think Hockett has 'exposed.'
You are banned from everywhere but here, so far as I know. And it was not for asking questions, trust me.
Not to get in the middle of all of this, but people who claim that there was an excess in death in 2020 and want to blame it on an "invisible" virus seem to know nothing about how the lack of early treatment can lead to bacterial pneumonia, how the introduction of Graphene in various items (masks, medications, cereal) increased the ability of people's bodies to pick up EMFs which then increased the bodies absorption on toxins (Glyphosate, etc.) making the detox of 2020 seem more "novel". How lack of sunshine (lockdowns) decreases vitamin D-hormone in the body and thus stifles the body's detox ability. These same people also don't seem to know anything about the ineffective and deadly hospital protocols for treating people with "flu-like" (detox) symptoms i.e. Midazolam and Remdesivir protocols. I have links to expand on this if needed.
It doesn't look like a virus--more like a chemical weapon or some some from of radiation poisoning, due to the pattern of deaths occurring in localized spikes or waves. I am open to any hypothesis--except those that have been repeated often by many for the last 4 years, and still have no mortality data to back them up--not even basic investigations correlating the times and places the death waves occurred with the alleged cause. Pretty obvious that's because the data does not support any of the commonly repeated causes.
You might want to read this--about why toxic Covid treatment and prevention protocols, iatrogenic effects and vaccine--all of which excess deaths are widely attributed to--could not have caused the NYC mass casualty event or the 2 other 2020 death spikes elsewhere.
Prof. Rancourt and his team have done a brilliant job exposing the view that there was no need for the existence of an invisible "virus" to quantify the death tally witnessed pre-jab roll out. They don't seem to include the deaths through the murderous Midazolam and Remdesivir protocols
Midazolam, Morphine & Ventilator caused Deaths in the UK
Fauci & Co.'s Remdesivir Murders
Denis Rancourt also foolishly denies that climate change, now primarily attributed to industrial pollution, is not real, despite the clear ever-increasing evidence to the contrary. He also claims that there was no excess mortality during the viral outbreak beginning in 2020, despite widespread evidence showing otherwise. Rather than addressing the link between pollution and the rise of respiratory viruses and other illnesses, Rancourt appears to downplay this connection.
His views that viruses do not exist align with the "No Virus" movement and their anti-science narrative, and, in my view, seem inconsistent with the principles typically associated with his academic background.
Denying the existence of a viral outbreak overlooks the evidentiary facts of human suffering and its underlying causes, many of which are linked to the overwhelming exposure to toxic industrial byproducts, causing environments ripe for virus manifestation. To dismiss these facts is to disregard human biology and the need for environmental awareness and sustainability.
The is issue is not whether iatrogenic deaths occurred--it is whether they could have been a primary cause of the US death spikes (there were 2 1/2 of them in 2020).
This article addresses the claims of Rancourt et. al. The 3 explanations for excess deaths the authors proposed cannot possibly explain the NYC mass casualty event, for the reasons I explained at this link.
I'm not banned most places, actually. The few places I'm banned, like your site, is of course not for asking mere questions--it is for asking questions about the massive increase in US deaths in 2020, which pretty much everyone no-virus is covering up, or, in your case, blatantly lying about.
This is why you should be banned. You may be right about the increase in deaths, though I've never seen that data anywhere else; but you are speculating about the coverup by no-virus people, which is me kissing your ass reluctantly. In my case blatantly lying? Where is your proof that I KNOW you are right, and am deceiving the public about that? That's what would qualify as a "blatant lie."
You are a second-class operator. Mike Stone is a saint though I've asked him to pay attention to your comments and accusations.
The mortality data is A MATTER OF RECORD--not a matter of opinion, and it is freely available online 24/7 --so there is no excuse for someone who regularly opines about mortality, like you, not to know about the official data. You either DO know you are lying about the data, or you SHOULD know you are giving out false information--especially given the data has been handed to you on a platter numerous times.
I wrote about your most recent deception here, 2nd section entitled "Recent fake death propaganda." You are welcome to try to explain your actions.
No, I rarely discuss mortality. I cover the PCR, the primers, and metratranscriptomics. Mortality is not my story. So you got the wrong guy.
Virginia prove to me beyond all shadow of a doubt that the numbers you have used are 100% Accurate.
Yes the math may be correct but the numbers?
Do not give me numbers alone and call it proof.
If anything can be twisted to back up ones assertions or make a claim that is incorrect it is NUMBERS!
Now I suggest you view the youtube channel "Lincoln Karim"
Lincoln lives in NYC and was a former CNN cameraman, so his camera skills are professional.
From Day one of the so called pandemic Lincoln would record covid news stories of STRANGERS that TELL A VISION of covid deaths, overcrowded wards, hospitals busting at the seems, mass deaths, refrigerator trucks holding all the excess deaths...etc....etc....
Then Lincoln would hop on his electric bike with camera, pulling a cart with more camera equipment and would go to those NYC Covid hot spots and film the so called crowded hospitals, makeshift central park hospital, Javitts Center...etc....etc....all day long, but the best thing that he recorded was how NONE of the refrigerator trailers were used for the so called excess death/bodies at all the hospital locations, not only that Lincoln realized the refrigerator trailers were not even powered on. This led Lincoln to riding his bike to a refrigerator truck mechanic shop and asking a mechanic all the question about their operation and then going back to the refrigerator trailers at the hospitals filming them for hours on multiple days showing that none of them were operating.....It became clear the freezers were NEVER Virginia I need you to tell me where all the excess deaths/bodies were stored in NYC during the lockdown......If your claim is legitimate this fact must be known....correct?
Also for such an increase the evidence cannot only be numbers on paper, there would need to be physical evidence. That many excess deaths should be apparent in physical sense.
Here are all Lincolns Freezer videos.....
Lincoln Karim proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that covid was theater, staged, vision telling, just another branch off of the business model known as allopathy created by John D. and his Rockefeller Medicine Men.
Lastly I call BS on covid simply because I live and spend 95% of my week with Amish on an Amish regenerative organic farm...there was zero covid, no Amish died, and they are out an about as much as anyone else, they travel, they vacation, they go to wal-mart, they ride buses, trains and not for nothing they delivered organic produce to NYC during Covid and through it all zero covid, zero excess Amish deaths....where are the excess Amish deaths Virginia?
There are none, just like there was no pandemic, no virus, no covid, no excess deaths.....just Strangers that TELL A VISION of the aforementioned.
So somehow it isn't enough that I show the official records raise suspicions of mass-murder, that that those records are being covered up? How far can you move that goalpost?
You should explain why 1.2 million US deaths from 2020-2022 were fabricated, and then covered up. You should look at the first section at this link, "Early fake death propaganda," and explain why propaganda was manufactured to make it appear deaths were faked in 2020.
Was the spike in 2020 mortality constant across cities/countries or concentrated in certain cities? All increased mortality in 2020 were iatrogenic hospital murders. Midazolam and remdesivir and ventilator deaths. Look up the sales of midazolam and remdesivir and how they correlate to mortality rates. Midazolam *was* contraindicated in respiratory illnesses prior to 2020. And they revised the guidelines to *increase* the recommended dosage for the elderly. No one from no virus group is covering it up. The data is all out there in public.
I'm open to any hypothesis about cause--but when a hypothesis has been around for 4 years, like this one has, and there still is no basic evidence correlating the cause with the characteristics of the deaths, not even the times and places they occurred, then the mortality data must not support them.
We are looking for something that causes certain things to happen during death spikes. What kinds of things--you can see some info about that here:
I think the spike in mortality is all iatrogenic. Both prior to and post vax rollout.
I'm not clear what point you are trying to make or if you are just saying some unknown truth is being suppressed.
In any case, it isn't clear why you seem to be confronting the no virus proponents.
See the amount deaths changed in each state, each month in 2020-2022 here:
I haven't summarized all the county info in the US, but based on what I've seen, excess deaths were clustered, similar to the way they were in the NYC mass casualty event.
Midazolam and remdesivir and ventilator deaths could not have been primarily responsible for the NYC mass casualty event or the 2 other 2020 death spikes for the reasons I explained here:
Mike, your tolerance of rank assholery is unlike anything I've ever witnessed. It speaks well of you as a man to handle it all so calmly and to take every opportunity to attempt to achieve a peaceful resolution. But when I consider your importance in this arena, it troubles me to consider the time you have given to these fools, that could have been used for your valuable research. I'm not sure that there is a single one of your readers who believe that this clown was worth even half of the time you gave him.
Thank you, Gerald. I agree that it is a waste of time. However, with the amount of baseless accusations directed at me by Jamie, I felt the need to defend myself and clear the air. Hopefully, this has been put to bed now. Thank you for your kind words and continued support. 🙂
Sticks and stones. Propaganda is a lie repeated often enough that people start to believe it. Just remember, most of the troll accounts are bots, government programs or ideologically possessed morons. So do what you think is correct, but do not be discouraged. Keep up the good work.
Thank you. 🙂
The Government programs is called "Signature Reduction"
I am not sure people understand the scope of it.....
I disagree it is a waste of time because we can all learn from this interaction.
I commend you as being very lovely & reasonable in face of glaring troll tactics, & with you gently seeking resolution.
If this interaction is invisible it may make things harder for peoples to see bigger picture.
To me it looks like BOTH camps have opportunist usurpers involved, mangling decent people intentions & efforts.
I think you are with honour & integrity. I do not think Steve Falconer, Eric or Smedley Butler are, nor Poisoned Kiwi fruit, Andrews & many others. SO maybe it is tactic among plants to discredit both sides as bickering obsessive children. From that people feel repulsion on entire topic.
It may seem to some people that I am hypocrite (an epidemic on internet these days!) because I am very horrible to ALL trolls I encounter, but have different ways & I have no patience to please such Time Vampire Space Invaders at all. But still, I make no pretence to be nice or reasonable to unreasonable & 'undeserved' malicious comments.🙂
you paid to read that? lol .... who is next on Mike's "Everything a random person ever said to me" Substack... this really is tragic levels of obsession, I really think that Mike is mentally unwell and needs to calm down.
Jamie, piss off. I'm not responding to you. I haven't Mike's good nature.
Why all the anger? I wasn't rude to you was I ? It seems that you may have the same problem as Mike... unable to debate calmly and in a civil manner....
Huh?🤔 You’re the one using disgusting and rude language to put down others. It’s a terrible shame.
Who are you?
Please get some spiritual and psychological help, Jamie. Your comments are dark and unhinged.
Oh my goodness, I simply have no words for your irrational behaviour apart from GET A GRIP !
How is it irrational?
Well you could start by giving Eric the data that he asked for, not doing so is irrational in light of what you claim to have accomplish.
"unable to debate calmly and in a civil manner"
Jaime you are a Fraud, your studies prove nothing that was not already known.
The demeanor, manners and behavior you display are good for nothing.
You should not be taken seriously at all!
Ironically I checked Mike out of the project for calling me a fraud....
It is all you people have as you are too thick to debate the science...
Just name call and then desperately pearl clutch when I respond....
Bunch of hypocrites
You were never called a fraud by me. That was your incorrect conclusion, and I suspect you are hiding behind this false allegation because you cannot support your positive claim that positive PCR results correlate with disease and detect something expelled during respiratory symptoms.
You are a fraudulent liar. Fraud for claiming the fraudulent pcr detects sickness. Liar for claiming Mike called you a fraud.
What science?
I am wondering why so many trolls who try & get my attention to be abused like desperate masochists are also following you Jamie ?
Can you write me something that can clarify why that is so, you do not have to be scarred or shy of me !
and in English?
Thank you , you have proven my point in 3 words! 😂😆😂
& now there is no doubt.
You really are actually a very stupid & lazy thinking creature, yet still busy like a tentacle interfering in all sorts of events on substack.
I hope your masochistic inclination & lemming process will be as brief as can be here.
How long do you think you have left now after this ?
I just didn't understand what you said... and still don't
Jamie, you have made it pretty clear that you are the one who is mentally unwell. Your antics are harming this important topic and ironically you are starting to look like "controlled opposition".
Hi Mike!!! This was my favorite read of 2024! What a way to end the year and to catch up after being out of the loop for so long. (Oh, and hi Jamie! I see you are reading every comment here, so I thought I would say hi. You don’t know me, I haven’t been involved for a couple years. In fact, this article by Mike was my introduction to you. Made quite the impression. I am looking forward to you finding something insulting to say about me even though you don’t know me…see below for material.)
Mike, hear this: this was not a waste of your time! Not at all. As someone who has supported the building of the “virology is a pseudoscience” rabbit hole and understands its importance, I think your disassociation is a key move in preserving the integrity of this …er, rabbit hole. I never know what to call the “structure” this epic assembly of souls (living and deceased) has built over the years, but I know it’s brilliant and foundational for the future of humanity.
I am not shy about saying that I think you are among the most brilliant researchers and writers alive right now. But your character is what really stands out as exemplary, even beyond your epic skills as a writer. You are a true leader, leading by example. You exemplify courage, grace, discipline, rigor, fairness, and genuine kindness.
You “suffer fools” better than most of us, but that’s because you know how to draw a line and create a real boundary. You know how to NOT react and give people a second chance, but you also know when to disassociate.
In this case, it’s more than blocking on social media. You are a professional making a professional move, as I see it. It is obvious to me that this move was very necessary.
Well done, as usual. Masterful.
I could go on, as you know, so I will stop here. 😎😁
Thank you so much as always for your kind words and support, Carolyn! You always know exactly what to say to help keep me motivated to carry on. I value your insight, and I truly appreciate your friendship. 🙂❤️
that and a paid subscription...
Another baseless accusation. Carolyn and I have been friends well before I started Substack.
Do you not find Andrews a little bit funny though?
He pops up like ghost of Christmas past or punch, in Judy puppet show,
has nothing constructive or particularly insightful or funny to talk of,
just a nasty little quip sputtering from his tight cheeks,
With his avatar image of tiny little goblin being, just appearing among many informative , considerate debates & there he is gloating away with horrible outpourings, I think he is entertaining angry idiot we can learn from, via aversion !
Christmas was last week darling... still hungover?
'Christmas day' was recent , but not the excuse to celebrate what my friend consider 'Christmas' that still occurs into new year in UK & later elsewhere.
Again you prove to me you have a feeble & stupid mind , while addicted to years of lying!
''The 12 Days of Christmas start on December 25th and end on January 5th, culminating with the Feast of the Epiphany on January 6th.''
So Christmas officially & traditionally extends until NEXT WEEK & this time when I write is Christmas still.
I know you are too busy doing furious dancing fairy goblin performance to think like decent human, or even compassionate creature, so you have regressed into mindless protozoa unable to expand & disappearing into the vacuum of your damaged personality instead.
How someone as 'thick' & useless as you , drunk on own delusions of superiority can imagine you will impress anyone here is quite incredible to comprehend. What a way to go out !
Totally agree Caroline.. well said.. ♥️
What she said! ^^^^^^
Thank you, Betsy! ❤️
I just want to add to my own comment above a more substantive critique of what Jamie was doing. My opinions and conclusions are based solely on the information presented here by Mike (that’s the advantage of the way Mike works, he gives us so much in his signature long and “tedious” articles that one feels confident in forming an opinion…it’s called “presenting evidence” in the legal world, not tedium).
I do acknowledge that I don’t know Jamie at all and have had no interactions with him, and that I have been out of the loop for a long time (and never was in the “inner circle loop” so to speak) and thus I am at a disadvantage in terms of making an argument, but it is not a worry for me because this isn’t personal and this isn’t even about current happenings in the “no virus” world.
In this comment, it is not my aim to judge Jamie (I already judged him in my original comment and then in my response to his response to me I explained that character counts and people judge others based on this - and that’s just reality.)
But this comment isn’t so much about Jamie as it is about a pattern that Jamie is illustrating through his actions. (Really, it’s not personal Jamie, I hold no ill intent against you, this comment is NOT ABOUT YOU specifically but is a GENERAL comment spurred by me reading about the conflict between you and Mike. As you will see, I am actually making an argument that in a weird way…plot twist!…ends up defending you in a certain kind of way🤯.)
It’s about the dynamic that occurs in ALL groups I have ever been involved with. And I mean all! This is a dynamic that fascinates and confounds me, and, I think, all of us. Why does this always happen?
The dynamic has been described as infiltration, but that term implies that it is always about a conscious (and presumably paid) operative that has conscious intent and a long term plan that is well thought out. This is the go-to accusation and has many terms associated with it, such as “controlled opposition” etc.
None of what I am going to say precludes that this may be exactly what is happening in many cases. That is, someone is trained and paid to infiltrate and disrupt. I am not naive and I am well aware of this being a very, very real occurrence throughout human history. Because humans do shit like that! All the time. For forever. Absolutely.
BUT! But… not always is the disrupter paid. FACT. Not always is the disrupter even conscious of any ill intent. FACT. This is the confounding part. Human nature, or let’s say “the psychology of humans”, is such that one does NOT need to be a trained or paid actor to disrupt a group! FACT!!!
It only takes a review of your own personal experience with ANY group (family, church, work, neighborhood, city council, school board…) to see that this shit happens without the CIA helping out! Not everyone is a paid agent. That’s my point. It simply cannot be.
If there is a group of humans, there is going to be drama. We are psychological beings primarily. FACT.
So, in my attempt to use logic here, if there are exceptions to the rule the rule isn’t a rule and cannot be applied in all cases (life is always like that, despite our egos wanting clear rules).
So this means that there is a more basic underlying dynamic going on. A dynamic that underlies the paid agents and actors, yes… but also underlies just regular humans doing disruptive stuff in groups.
We must here talk about the human ego. Yes, that is just a word someone came up with. Is it a thing we can measure? NOPE! (We are in the realm of psychology here, and the psyche is not a material object, actually all material objects regardless of their seeming solidity are also psychological in nature which means materialism is bunk, but I digress). But the term “ego” points to a VERY key aspect of ALL humans.
I like to call the ego the “me-go”. Because it’s a focusing aspect that allows us to focus on…me! Me me me me. This isn’t a bad thing. It’s a way that humans focus in order to live in and actually create physical reality. It allows us to me-go! To go go go. To live. To focus. To perceive. To project. It’s our home base. It’s not a bad thing.
But!! It (“it”) can and does get inflamed, inflated, confused, frightened, terrified, and absolutely obnoxious. We ALL do this.
You don’t have to be a paid agent to disrupt your family. You just have to have an ego that wants to be right.
Can you relate? Of course. We all can.
In my opinion, this psychological perspective is VERY OFTEN IF NOT ALWAYS ignored when a “movement” is disrupted. The accusations fly fast and furious and suspicions are raised and all nuanced psychological analysis (let alone compassion and understanding) is left in the dust of the battle of egos. Because ALL the egos involved are triggered and become defensive. And “defense is the first act of war”, as a wise woman named Byron Katie has said.
It’s all very understandable. But I personally think it’s high time that those of us on the “leading edge” of these movements take into the psychological dynamic AS WELL AS the “he’s a paid agent” dynamic, which as I said I am absolutely NOT in denial of.
Why? For many reasons.
For one, the old way of analyzing these disruptions isn’t working. It’s not getting us anywhere. I mean, yes, being aware of paid agents is helpful I suppose, to a degree. But it’s usually impossible to prove so it gets us nowhere.
I do acknowledge that being aware of how the agents commonly work is helpful. When Mike described how Jamie was theorizing that Duesberg et al were controlled opposition etc, I was like “oh God here we go again”. It’s a common tactic of the agents to accuse the leaders of the group (even more effective if they are conveniently dead) of being agents themselves. But I don’t know that Jamie is an agent and I never will. As Tom Cowan say, it’s not wise to speculate on another persons motivations.
Because we don’t know shit about another persons motivations. THEY THEMSELVES don’t know their own motivations, oftentimes.
But it’s a common tactic. But my point is that this tactic is OF THE EGO. The ego LOVES to make up stories, in fact that’s all it knows how to do.
So how do we tell the difference between an agent of the ego (that would be all of us) and a paid agent that is trained and has nefarious, conscious intent? I would argue that usually we can’t. It would be nice if we could and we can try and a lot of the time we might be right.
But so what? Where has that gotten us? I think the “awakening” is not as much about waking up to “the bad guys” as it is waking up to our own psychological nature. Because that’s where the juice is. That’s where the solutions are.
This isn’t about letting the bad guys off the hook or not investigating crime or exposing mass deception… that’s all very necessary and good.
But there’s a reason why all the spiritual teachers say it’s about “going within”. Because it’s about coming to terms with our selves. The enemy is not out there, despite all appearances. It’s all a projection and the projector is… us. Each of us.
So all this to say that this dynamic of disruption CAN be identified and resolved but it’s more about judging character and taking action based on that rather than hurling accusations. In my opinion.
See, Jamie, I am not accusing you. I don’t know you. But your behavior warrants action. That’s all Mike is doing. Maybe you mean well. Maybe you want to expose the lies. If so, I would advise you to be more kind, honest, humble, forgiving. Work well with others. Be transparent. Don’t do what you accusing others of doing. Take your own advice. I will try my best to do the same.
By the way, if I knew for certain that you were a paid agent I would give the same suggestions.
' this shit happens without the CIA helping out' is profound point & that is how it is devised if you read their manuals (available online if you hunt).
Much you say= I say yes to.
ego however is not 'just' an idea it is mythic(*1) process of awareness. EGO & (as) consciousness are inseparable components of being modern individual human. We need ego as constructive force while aware of its indulgently destructive temperament.
Why is there problem with psychological awareness?
1st it is demonised.
2nd it is qualitive not quantitative science as you mention & modern science only deals in quantities, or lack of in 'virology'!
3rd it is not fashionable among uneducated minds of today.
Example with Fancissy Leader when I mention Freud (who I am not saying TRUST, but be aware of, like Machiavelli, War strategists, Albert Pike, Anton Le Vey, or Brzezinski, Klaus the cenobite & $ill Gates etc) she go into little dance of being utter nutter mental screaming hysteric, & call me nasty things & 'to go away to have sexual intercourse in crude manner' , in only 4 letters ! 🙄😂
The same on Iaini Davisis , when mention of reading Pikes ' very excellent ,& useful book 'morals & dogma' was made, suddenly I am called devil worshiper, & calls that no one should ever read that book !
Yet everyone is keen to mis-quote it.
So, what the biggest problem is maybe 'fashion & virtue signalling'. With people very eager to push everyone into partitions? & who would benefit most from that ?
The same dehumanising Navigators, that statisticians of oppression & marketing serve & service.
(*1) = mythic is not meant as 'fanciful' here, that is modern fallacy in thinking, it is the archetypical, 'allegorical science of nature'.
[edit: This comment got obnoxiously long and choppy and rambling, read with caution! lol this topic akwsts gets me going…. ]Hi, yes, the ego isn’t “just” an idea, I probably didn’t word that very well. I haven’t reread my comment but I didn’t mean to apply a “just” to it in the sense of demeaning it in any way. Yes, it is mystical in the sense that it is a creative and essential part of the human experience , messy as it is. I get your point, thanks for the correction. In my understanding (btw I pull a lot from, but not solely from, the Seth material/Jane Roberts if you haven’t read I very highly recommend, for me this work transcends all other teachings in terms of lack of distortion, although other teachings are highly undistorted also) the aspect of ourselves/our psyche that we refer to as the ego (is Freud the one who named it that, not even sure… I think that’s what I meant by “just”, as in “it’s just a word referring to an aspect of ourselves “, because in this crowd 😎❤️ I am wary of the terms I use because I potentially will get back “prove the ego exists!”, that was where I was coming from) is( sorry for this rambling sentence) …the ego is closely related to “the conscious self/ objectively oriented self (Rahu/head of dragon or North Node in astrological terms, imo) and the “unconscious” (which really is conscious, there is nothing in actuality that is unconscious, but in relation to our ego it’s unconscious!) or subjective self (Ketu/south node/tail of dragon) is sort of the opposite of the ego , in that the subjective aspect is the “knowing” part of us, the aspect that knows it is an aspect of the whole. Finally a period at the end of that “sentence”! The objective, conscious “I” or egoic aspect is blind to this whole self because it’s supposed to be. It’s supposed to focus tightly. It doesn’t have to be sooooo ignorant, though, it CAN learn to “know its place in the scheme of things” and stop being such an asshole but it’s not easy as we all know. 🤪 But anyway, my overall point is that “the ego” is NOT BAD (gets a very bad rap) and I think you are emphasizing that point. It’s an important point. I think of it as a guardian that is prone to paranoia lol. Very prone. It’s very loyal to guarding its idea of itself. It’s like a dog on a bone. Don’t fuck with me. It’s fearful of losing that bone. It’s fearful of losing its focus, it’s perspective. This is where it gets interesting and tricky because, why is it prone to fear? Because it’s not actually real. That sounds like I am contradicting myself but I don’t mean to. The ego is an idea (not “just” an idea) that is all about the belief in separation. From the whole, or God. So it’s in error, fundamentally, because there is no actual separation from the whole, or God, or Source. It’s a delusion. Anyway, difficult to word this without creating distortion (words do that!) but my point is that it’s paradoxical because the ego IS a lie and in those terms is not real …BUT our experience of the ego is real!!!!! So both are real, both are true, both perspectives are EXPERIENCED as true and real. This is where we get to the “point of paradox” which is paradoxically 😏 where we get closest to the truth, imo. As I understand it, and I am merely sharing my reading and studying and what I resonate with, we cannot have the experience of physical reality without the ego focusing mechanism which allows us to… focus! In other words, close in the aperture. In other words, deny data inputs. In other words, forget. In other words, go into denial of the larger reality. But we get to experience this magnificent physical reality as a result!!! Wow! How entrancing. How amazing. We are hooked. And then we experienced pain and guilt and really got hooked. A little more hooked than need be. But there are no mistakes. it’s all good, all God. God is nothing if not allowing. We are so free we can create bondage. The gift of free will is awesome in its implications and potentiality. We are free to focus tightly. In our focusing, we are creating our reality experience. It’s a lie, an imaginative experience, a dream of sorts, because it denies its dependence on the whole. Unless we remember, and that’s what we are doing now! That’s a big shift to say the least. The ego thinks it can “go it alone” and be fine. It assumes it has nothing to remember. It’s dis-membered. A head without a tail or body. Yeah, good luck with that, see how that works out! But we simply forgot. It’s understandable. We are so entranced by our projection and creation that we are spellbound and walking around in a daze of believing in objective, material reality and we think it’s not connected to US, to our own creative mind, let alone God. We cut our psyche in half and wonder why we suffer. We don’t know we suffer from believing our thoughts. We don’t know thoughts are powerful projections. We think we are in a material world being material girls and boys. We think things are solid, matter “just is” , and we have no creative relation to it. We don’t realize we are more than our confused and fearful egos. Deep down we know, though. And that brings more fear and shame and guilt and terror. So we need to SOOTHE THE EGO not go to war against it. It’s a lost child that needs a home, a sane parent, a whole self, and a relationship with the whole self, and God, and no longer deluding itself that it can actually be separate from the unconscious, from the whole psyche, from God. It is REAL in terms of VALUE! This is key. The ego is extremely valuable or else why would we have created it? Why would God allow it’s creation? Why would it work at all? Why would we have this magnificent experience of self as “I”? Why would we WANT to forget? And can we be physically focused beings AND be happy and healthy??!!?!?!? Now there’s an idea! It’s all about value fulfillment”, a term Seth/Jane Roberts uses. Consciousness is creation, “it” lives to create and expand and here we are. Seemingly expanded “into” physical reality. But we are creating physical reality and THAT is the truth that the ego denies! And the truth that frees us from the ego’s paranoid fear. We not just our ego, indeed! 😁 We are multidimensional, creative beings of immense accomplishment and potential and the ego would have us stay small and tightly focused because it’s freaked out. Because it knows it doesn’t know. It knows it’s making up a story called “I am separate from God” and the guilt and shame of that lie causes fear. The ego needs our support… “our” being our whole self.
My opinion my be irrelevant on this, but I consider 'god' to be everything in existence, & also beyond comprehension that generate existence,
so NATURE is 'god' , as in Environment, the things within it, & how they grow & flower & die, is all bits of 'god'.
Also our inner Nature is part of that , yet we are all unique individuals (I hope but that is very questionable by internet standards ?!)
The ALL or ONE is self oscillating point that germinate everything , but all things are not the ALL, just part of it, yet interconnected always. So we are not 'god' ourselves but always god is part of us & we are part of god.
One part of this one-ness maybe diametric opposed to another part though, & untimely that antagonism & process is mutual . For example insects & plants are symbiotic, although people do not want insects to life among what they are to eat themselves!
I love ALL the points you make in this comment and especially about everything being interconnected, all these “ bits of god” as you say. And our inner nature being connected always to this Oneness , thus all the bits are “of One” or of God AND ….drumroll … coming into being IN EACH MOMENT (everything is happening simultaneously and our concept of linear time ….past, then present, then future in that order….is the “king” of all illusions) and I only mention this to bring in the concept of pleomorphism which I am sure you a familiar with. Modern science is a creation of the modern ego I would say . Thus it is myopic and blinded and cannot understand pleomorphism because it undermines the materialistic and egoic view of the body. It simply rejects such a wholistic perspective that works outside of our conceptions of time and space. Again, it’s not so much the bad guys and the CIA as it is our hamstrung concepts, bound by our ego, which limit us. And blaming outside agents… the ego LOVES that! Truly the best distraction ever. Takes the attention off of itself as the culprit. True self inquiry and genuine self investigation of taken for granted beliefs is the only way to liberate the ego from its own delusions. Those of us on this somewhat obscure rabbit hole have courageously done this work to some degree. But it’s just a beginning.
'pleomorphism' is a new word for me to digest. Thank you.
I do not know how valid is idea of the 'cell' as some clever people (Howard Hillman ?) have discovered there is no cell membrane/wall & the 'units' integrity may be resonant field, type of static, or similar 'glue of correspondence ?, I do not know the words, but it would not surprise me if almost all we are conditioned to believe is invalid in many ways.
I try not to believe anything, I know something , or I am speculating. Belief to me is another word for THINK, Imagine, 'consider at the moment', but still 'legally' 'Belief & thought 'are different things!
Modern Science was invented to help us forget about the fundamental fact of magic infusing the universe, maybe ?
Of course your opinions are not irrelevant!! ❤️. I agree and align with everything you said and I share your conception of God. Very well said , much more clear than what I said!! In fewer words! These are difficult topics to write about without being misunderstood. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I really think you might like the work of Jane Roberts! Just saying!
Thank you, I will have a look 🙂😁
Ah-ha, I have heard of her works, the Seth communication.
I would be wary, as Seth connect with intimate ways of SET (silent 'H')
& we should all be wary of SET cult inclination.
However all things can become constructive for growth & I have not read contents so can not judge. What do you think she has done that is most exciting to consider?
Hi, I have never met you either... nice to meet you... although you have already A insinuated I am a fool and B Agreed with everything that has been said without hearing the otherside of the story..
That is what I have come to expect of people that have been duped by Mike... prejudice and hypocrisy...
That is precisely what happens when you fail the “good character” aspect of being human. After witnessing abuse, people won’t bother listening to your side of the story any longer.
Those verbal bombs you tossed count (and the internet lasts forever as they say, and that evidently includes Telegram posts, who knew?).
Those contradictory statements count - turns out people actually do remember.
And most of all those of with actual experience in this rabbit hole have learned well and good how to spot a fool, because it’s about logic and common sense and pattern recognition and we have those skills honed pretty well.
Character matters. A lot.
I am surprised everyone put up with you for as long as they did, but then again I understand how that can happen.
In your own way, you taught everyone how this kind of “structure” CAN be taken down. Historically, it only takes one person or a small group to compromise and weaken an otherwise worthy and stable organization (using that term loosely here). Because the general public will not look into accusations tossed around like hand grenades.
“Mike Stone is a liar? Omg! I knew I couldn’t trust this rabbit hole! I’m out of here!” Literally it only takes that much to dissuade the new explorer. The ego craves ammunition that will prop up the status quo belief (virology is a valid science etc) and will take whatever crumb it is given. And of course full on character assassination does happen.
The point is you only get a few chances before the risk analysis doesn’t look good and you are OUT. If it was a real job you would be fired and no one would HAVE to listen to your side. Because character matters.
Character is the way we read each other. That’s why it matters. People wanted you to be legit and helpful and honest and kind. It was your own doing and that’s that.
That’s my assessment and it’s based on my trust DUE TO MY LIVED EXPERIENCE for three years doing work in this rabbit hole (2020-2023), during which I CLOSELY followed all of those same people you worked with. There is a small army of folks like me. Beware. 😎😁😡
Many of us relish the opportunity to defend a man like Mike Stone.
You didn't address your prejudice and hypocrisy... you just doubled down on it.
I am not here to try and get you delusional twats back I am here to say please stay away from my very important science project. Because instead of engaging in the science you have decided to preoccupy yourselves with the STRAWMAN of English verbiage on social media...
'delusional twat'
What more needs to be said?
How can anyone respect someone who runs at the mouth like Jaime?
Do you have pink hair and a nose ring? Do you need a safe space to protect your ears from the naughty words?
All of you have clearly never been on a trading floor or infact ANY high stakes professional setting... That kind of language would be used before your morning coffee..
Try not being Woke tossers... and address the science at hand
What is your oh so impressive professional experience anyway? I am curious, I admit. A tiny bit curious lol. But seriously, I am clueless about you. Do you have a science background or?
Is the science at hand some sort of solution you have magicked into existence from that useless tool you are lumbered with?
How many tissues do you need for all your issues Jammy ?
You raise many questions in my thoughts concerning your petty sadistic masochism dynamics here, while being unable to you raise your own point adequately for anyone at all it seems.
Jamie in this setting I will conduct my self in a serious manner, however I lived in Philadelphia for 35 years and I can talk smack with the best of 'em.
The matter at hand is my feelings do not get hurt when logical common sense questions are asked of me and you do, otherwise answer the questions and don't get upset, miffed or bent out of shape.
If your work is so important why even take a chance at turning someone off to it???
That makes no common sense or logic at all!
The sham "science project" that has zero documentation? Your game is up, Jamie. No one is falling for your bs anymore.
And next week when I post the videos of the Laboratory carrying out the experiment with the methodology I expect your groveling apology...
What experiment?
Anything scientific?
Videos?? 😂😂😂
I promise, cross my heart hope to die, that I will stay away from your “very important science project”. Far, far away.
Sadly, Jamie doesn't realize that his project has nothing to do with science. He’s playing in a pseudoscientific sandbox and falsely claiming it’s legitimate scientific work when, in reality, it is the opposite.
In this blockbuster video of his (25 views, 1 comment) of two months ago he brings up PCR in the first few minutes. Not in regards to saying it does show a correlation to disease though. 🤷♀️
Regarding your comment on him doing the opposite of science, that was a fascinating part of your write up. It truly was a great read. I read every word over a couple hours, taking breaks. I admit don’t always read every word of your posts (I mean, who does? lol). No seriously I usually scan your work now and am ALWAYS massively impressed. But this one was great for me because I knew nothing about this saga.
I have so many questions for you Mike. Like, did he actually get people to give him money? Let’s start there. ❤️😎. This little fucker has been messing with my beloved rabbit hole and I had no idea. I’m a gonna get him. First I need to catch up. (Drawing fire is fun on New Years Eve! lol. I know you love it, too, my warrior friend!)
So the 30yr accredited and experienced Laboratories we have worked with don't know how to conduct a scientific experiment but the former Personal Trainer that goes around with a john wick avatar playing social justice warrior on social media does? Lol..... I will be sure to let them know...
Well done for carrying out my orders... There are enough delusional dullards about wasting my time like Mike.
Carolyn did not need to say one word for me to think you are a fool....I simply read your own words, observe your lack of decorum, politeness, professionalism.
Mike nor Eric deserve any of the vitriol you spew.... you are making your own way in this respect.....
It is certainly good advice not to speculate on what motivates a person that we encounter in daily life. In this case, however, it seems important to try to understand why Andrews is doing what he is doing since it is having ramifications for many. It seems his purpose is to create havoc in the no-virus position. Anyone who reads your even-tempered, unflappable responses to his mud-slinging insults and complete inability to address to your questions can clearly see he has no honorable intention.
This just breaks my heart, on one level, because we are at a critical moment, I think, in getting the no-virus message out, and it hurts to see the waters being muddied yet again. I started my Substack, This Changes Everything, last February when there was suddenly a lot of trolls in social media being jerks to anyone who DIDN'T say "viruses don't exist." Thus attempting to sully the no-virus camp by making them look like a bunch of nasty, intolerant people. But now, there's this happening, which looks like another similar attempt from a different angle. So on another level, it's a reason for hope! Because it is a sure sign that we--you, the good doctors, Alec, Christine, Eric, et al.--are right smack over the target.
right over the target of what? very odd
Idk. I think these people just want everyone to sing cumbaya and hold hands while we sing the monster of allopathic medicine to sleep.
Jamie, don’t you know you shouldn’t insult others?! It’s bad! And that means your work is false!
That's a bit of a strawman, Charles. As I have said, this has nothing to do with the merit of the work commissioned by Jamie. It has everything to do with his slanderous accusations against myself and others. These are separate issues.
Sorry for that misunderstanding, Mike. I was responding to Betsy’s comment mainly.
You have made yourself clear about not wanting to associate yourself with Jamie bc of what he’s said about you. I think that’s ok
The main thing I’m annoyed at with you is the retraction of the article
Cheers Mike. Have a wonderful New Year
Have a wonderful New Year's as well, Charles. 🙂
So you are confirming you are carrying out a Strawman and Ad Hominem on me to attempt to discredit the scientific work...
You can't discredit the scientific work because you are too thick so just stick to writing boring articles about all the times you have been called what you are.
Once again, your reading and comprehension skills are sorely lacking. I never straw-manned you or resorted to ad hominem attacks. In fact, you are the one who has repeatedly engaged in both straw-manning and ad hominem attacks against me. This is a clear case of projection on your part.
That is the literal definition of an AD HOMINEM... literally drowning in insufferable hypocrisy... so funny.
What scientific work?
Ok enough entertainment, it’s time to put an end to this silliness. Mike are you not able to just block Jamie from your group? He is clearly not on the same page as you. Let him be himself and you be you. People with any sense will be able to make up their own minds who they want to support. Sorry but this to and fro-wing is going nowhere.
Keep up the good work, Mike. In my humble opinion, you were too nice to Jamie Andrews and his ilk. The ferocity with which they are going after you in this comments section speaks many volumes. What a piece of work. Good to hear about the dissociation from him by Alec Zeck. His lies about the people who have done the key work regarding the "no proof of virus" position, people like you, Mike, Doctors Sam and Mark Bailey, and the science investigative journalist Eric Francis Coppolino, reveals his method of operation.
People can consult this very revealing interview of Andrews by Coppolino and the complete absence of science in his method.
Thank you, Jeffrey. I truly appreciate your support, as well as Alec's backing throughout this situation. It’s important that we send a clear message: this type of behavior is inexcusable, regardless of the side one is on or the work being done.
lol... Mike and The Baileys are all Team Astrology..... you are correct we didn't note the lunar cycles in the scientific experiments the 30yr experienced and accredited labs that I worked with .
Labs whose identity you keep hidden. You've been consistent,... in being sketchy. The dissociation from you of Alec Zeck, who went all out to promote your work, says enough. Your demand that people like us need to probe there is no virus shows a frightening degree of cluelessness on your part regarding basic science, the impossibility of proving something doesn't exist. Go ahead, knock us out, prove that there are no purple-colored species of canines and felines.
Jeffrey Strahl,
You and this group have continously requested sensitive information that could land people in trouble.
Be that as it may. I would like to know if you are also a hypocrite.
How many of the CROs names and laboratory results did you request for the control experiment that was done by Stefan Lanka? If this lack of information by Lanka is not an issue for you then you are indeed a hypocrite.
But seeing you are a man of high integrity I will assume that you see Stafan Lanka in the same light as Jamie. Have you voiced your frustrations to Lanka as well?
I regard the equating of Stefan Lanka with a charlatan as an extreme insult.
You completely ignored my question. It's no surprise you are good friends with Mike Stone
Can't figure out which you are, MI6 or CIA. Disinformation specialists and trolls are all starting to look the same.
Stefan did not do scientific work as well. He just exposed pseudoscientific methods.
This nutjob is calling out Stefan Lanka... guess the mask HAS fully slipped for Mike "the pathological liar" Stones disciples.
Calling the truth.
Also I am not a Mike's disciple.
What Mike has been doing I have been already doing publicly on social media platforms in direct exchanges with virologists and their supporters since the beginning of 2020.
You are just late to the party.
Ah another thicko that doesn't understand the first thing about experimental science... Not proving a negative that is impossible... Falsifying the positive claim... which we have done COMPREHENSIVELY...
I keep the identity of the independent labs hidden as it doesn't change one iota the results... It would only be of use for some sad twat to dox them... rather like Mike Stone and his publishing of private communications.
Just FYI Jeff... in 2 weeks time I am publishing the VIDEOS of the lab work taking place... I expect your fawning apology when I do so....
P.s What has Mike done with the money you all give him? Has he conducted any experiments to back up his cause or just trousered it and wrote fucking TEDIOUS articles like this?
What experimental science?
A negative can be proven. An absolute negative can't.
Because something is conducted in so called labs, it does not automatically mean it is scientific.
Videos! Now there is something convincing!! Hollywood has proven all sorts of things about the world using videos. 🤣 I bet you have good directors too.
Right, you attacked Christine Massey for not doing experiments to back up her work, which is all about FOIA requests.
so when the videos come out.. you are just going to say they are a hollywood conspiracy... it would cost about 5x the amount to do that than just doing the experiments... are you sure you are OK? Like is everything OK upstairs?
What experiments?
Scientific ones?
Or you are trying to get some effects through trial and error?
You seem drunk in conceits & arrogance still Jammy.
Is it not true that the moon effects menstruation of females?
So, moon obviously effects half of (human) life on planet yet it is insignificant to your thoughts?
From what I have read here from you proves you are actually a very shallow & stupid person, a lost soul in choreography of self destruction.
Maybe you need some love in your life, instead of being fueled by this toxic poison of envy & bitterness? If so please remember a pet is for life, not just Christmas (that is still occurring!).
I looks like Jamie is a PMO (perception management operation). He is trying to discredit you, your work and that of others who have been working in this area for a long time.
"Perception Management Operations (PMO) are designed to control the cognitive environment by influencing how populations interpret events, policies, and people. These operations deploy psyops tactics, disinformation campaigns, and active measures to manipulate the information battlespace, turning narratives into instruments of influence and coercion."
The DS is losing control of the carefully constructed narrative that has been going on for 100+ years. Keep sharing your work. It is much appreciated.
What work is there to discredit? Mike hasn't ever conducted a single experiment in his life... that's the point.
What scientific experiment have you conducted?
This is both fascinating and disturbing. I support you 100%, Mike. One of the reasons for my loyalty to you is the respect, kindness, and patience you consistently showed me, even when I struggled to understand concepts about 'germs' or 'viruses.' As a newcomer, it was evident that you genuinely wanted to educate and inform rather than assert superiority. Even during times when I may have seemed to disagree, your approach proved your authenticity. I could never work with or associate myself with someone who resorts to expletives and vulgar personal attacks. I'm grateful that you've chosen to take the high road and refrained from retaliating in kind. It's commendable that you refuse to speculate on why or how he is behaving this way.
As an outsider, however, I will take the liberty to speculate. I believe Jamie has been consumed by his own ego. While I think his intentions were good initially, pride seems to have overtaken him. He appears to have forgotten that what originally brought him to this fight was a passion for truth and a sincere desire to share it with others. What unites all of us is the humility we’ve had to embrace in order to arrive at the beliefs we hold today. When the goal shifts from seeking truth to proving everyone else wrong and oneself right, pride inevitably fuels irrational attacks and unnecessary expletives.
After dedicating countless hours to his cause, I think Jamie has lost sight of humility. His project now seems more focused on self-promotion than on advancing the truth. This shift is dangerous—it risks undermining the very cause he set out to support. If he doesn’t reflect, regain his humility, and return to working for the right reasons, he may do more harm than good.
I will pray for him and for all of us.
In closing, the opinions I’ve shared here are my own and may not necessarily reflect those of Mike or others.
Thank you for the kind words, Rob. I'm glad that I have been able to help you in any way. 🙂
While I won't speculate, I can easily see what you are saying. It makes a lot of sense.
I think you’re spot on here. I supported the project wholeheartedly at the start, even sending a small donation (all I could afford at the time). In the past six months or so I’ve lost all interest in it, mainly because of the growing hubris of its main proponent and his potty mouth. If you can’t debate a topic without resorting to ad hominem attacks, you’ve got no skin in the game. All you are is a trouble-maker, and we have enough of those in the world to deal with as it is.
There was no debating of topic going on... Mike he made a very serious allegation of calling me a fraud... Instead of backing up his allegations he has chosen to lie about it ever happening...
This "trouble-making" is coming from one side only... a side that desperately doesn't want to provide the experimental evidence.
What evidence?
Alleged bio viruses and nucleotides have never been show to exist and do anything specific. What else do you need?
As far as I’m concerned the methodology used by virologists to ‘isolate’ viruses exposes itself as fraud. You don’t need to be a scientist to comprehend that. As for the PCR, once you know how they came up with the genetic code/s they used as the basis for their ‘tests’, you know it’s all bollocks, so I really don’t understand the point of carrying out endless experiments with PCR.
Didn’t John Magufuli lift the lid on the PCR scam in 2020?!? And look how he ended up. So I’m not sure you’re doing anything particularly radical or useful, apart from trying to undermine an ‘elder’ in the Terrain movement who knew all about the virology fraud years before 2020.
Mike got kicked out of the project for calling me a fraud.
He has then written this pathetic and obsessive article as if like a jilted ex girlfriend it was his decision to leave..
tragic stuff...
The fact that you continue to claim I called you a fraud, despite clear evidence that I never once used those words, makes your assertion unfounded and irrational.
You didn't use those exact words... but the context of what you said is an accusation of knowingly engaging in fraud... hence you were accusing me of fraud.
I would respect you more if you even owned up to your own words... the fact that you are too much of a disingenuous coward to do that is why we are here.
Why would I take responsibility for your misinterpretation? Do you need validation for your inability to comprehend what was written? As you acknowledged, I never accused you of being a fraud. I have no interest in validating your incorrect interpretation just to gain your respect.
No that is right.. you never gave me any respect... you never talked to me like an adult... you chose to try and harrass me on private chats as if it were some court room... of "positive claims".. which is why again you got chucked out for being an annoying twat.
It isn't debatable that suggesting someone is "validating fraud" is an accusation of fraud...
To make any other suggestion is to plead insanity or stupidity
Respect is earned, not given. Your interactions with me and others have demonstrated why you have not earned it. The fact that you claim I "harassed" you in private—without being able to provide any evidence—says far more about you than it does about me.
If you call what you are doing as scientific experiments, then you are validating fraud. Because virologists have not conducted any scientific experiment at all. Reification logical fallacy and confirmation bias say hello here.
I will call you a fraud Jammy!
I will also say I heard you are a petfelcher & dog dicked arsehole!
You are not doing any work, instead you are here being little squealing hypocrite bitch thing.
What is clear is you act mental like werewolf Jackled & Hyde sometime, & you admit this about lack of self restraint & uncontrollable eruptions of passion before to Mike. You even apologies for being petty little bitch towards him, & try & lick his hand like puppy afterwards.
Then a tiny tremor in integrity becomes another earthquake & you quack about like cockless chicken again!
The peculiar fact that I get many trolls baiting me who ALL have you subbed to them is final piece in jigsaw puzzle. I ask you in polite way about this fact, & you play silly games.
So now it is all over, it is the end of your little show , you just haven't comprehended the fact yet & like a headless chicken are still running about making a terrible mess.
Phew! That was a whirlwind! Effective communication requires conflict resolution, humility, kindness, heart-centered dialogue, deep inner work, and a genuine commitment to understanding. Without these, true connection is impossible. Mike, I appreciate your logic, calm demeanor, and respectful approach. Resorting to name-calling, mocking, slander, passive-aggressive behavior, or emotional outbursts reflects a lack of emotional maturity and self-awareness.
As a holistic health practitioner with over 17 years of experience, I’ve had great success using vitamin D (should never be used in isolation, must be with its cofactors). I work with very sick people on sometimes more than 10 different drugs! You have to step them down and supplements are very successful at helping them do so. It’s frustrating to see people, without any hands-on experience, attacking and condemning its use. They blame those of us who work with it effectively, all while having no tangible understanding of its benefits. It has a place!
Back in naturopathic school, I learned about the plan to restrict access to our supplements. So, here I am, risking my career to whistleblow and protect that access—only to see non-practitioners and so-called truthers, with no field experience, throwing them and all those who use them under the bus! We seriously need to break this bad habit of condemning things and people out of ignorance. A compassionate person would listen and strive for understanding, even if they disagreed, instead of immediately blocking and using completely unwarranted, unfounded, and slanderous accusations.
We need to remember love and empathy and give access to the other archetypes inside of us (like the lover and the alchemist), instead of just the burnt-out warrior. We don't have to argue and fight or "win". We need to move from alpha to sigma...
Many aren't aware of our biofield layers and how to shield them. Unfortunately, psychic attacks are real and could be one explanation for ungrounded and negative attacks coming through...basically like a type of possession. Take it or leave it...don't come at me bruh! Lol.
Now onto our dear Bill, RIP. When Debbie Rose died, Bill started to unravel. I tried to help as much as I could but, in my experience, when someone is very ill or dying, their body-mind-spirit complex can be overwhelmed by fear, pain, and unresolved emotions. Unfortunately, it can manifest as paranoia, aggression, or irrational behavior, even toward those who are trying to help. I will post one of his last emails so you can understand the energy. I wasn't the only one he was behaving like this toward, Christine also, and I believe Eric and The Bailey's and I am sure there were more.
He wanted to be seen, so much. He had a huge, core abandonment and self-loathing wound that especially reared up around the summer 2023. Broke my heart... But no one was attacking Bill, he was creating a lot of his own misery.
"Thank you Amandha.
I hope you get people caring for your needs too.
I ADORE Christine.
I have NEVER said an unkind word to her or about her.
It's not just Christine.
It's Mark and Sam, Kevin Corbett, Eric Coppolino
now Steve Falconer....
Everyone is looking for a NO VIRUS CULTIST to BURN.
Everyone is looking for a scapegoat.
Those are good questions.
Am I calm? No. I am deeply disturbed.
I'm a shitty yogi.
My chit is all vritti.
I am plagued by fear, panic, anguish.
I am plagued by DEEP SELF LOATHING.
I am terrified about what will happen to me.
I am frightened by the thought of being homeless
and dying alone, and unwanted.
I do not know what to do.
I do not know what I should be doing with my life.
I thought I was doing it.
But now I am hated by everyone.
Part of my Ho'opono Pono practice
is taking full responsibility for the situation.
I am trying, but I honestly do not know what I have done.
I thought I was doing the work God wanted me to be doing.
I am in such SOUL ANGUISH.
I am sorry to burden you.
Ultimately, I do not matter.
I am a worthless piece of shit.
I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
This is just a small sample of the communications. It got way more out of control from here.
Sending love to you Mike and to all, and may 2025 be the year where more people turn inward, embrace radical self-responsibility, and commit to authentic conflict resolution.
Hi Amandha,
Thank you for the kind words and the insight. It is unfortunate that some on the same side choose to focus on slight disagreements, turning them into burdens that weigh others down like an albatross. They often become so fixated on these differences that they overlook all the good the other person is doing and the common ground they share. They create division rather than the unity that we so desperately need right now.
I appreciate you sharing Bill’s message. I noticed the same thing—a man deeply affected by the loss of a close friend, overwhelmed by sorrow and grief. Bill was certainly in a dark place after Debbie’s passing. I had hoped he might find a way to overcome the negative energy and rediscover the will to truly live. Sadly, it consumed him and ultimately took his life away.
Funny that Bill didn't name drop you in the torment that he received... But he definitely did to me and numerous others...
Trying to play like it was something else entirely that added to his heartache just shows what a sick bunch you are...
Sadly, I can confirm Amandha's assessment re Bill. I also received countless emails from Bill (over a long period) telling me how much he felt hated by the world and that he hated himself and felt lost and didn't know what he should be doing. For me, our relationship was based on the no-virus issue but over time his emails became more and more focused on his personal anguish and disappointments and lack of money (after having earned very well while working) and they were very repetitive, long and draining to read.
I'm not a counsellor and had no money either so could only wish him well and urge him to look for paying work. Only towards the end of our relationship did I learn that he hadn't paid rent for a full 2 years and was facing court and possible eviction. He was not willing to take any responsibility for this situation, from what I saw. This is when he started lashing out at innocent people, from my recollection. I once apologized on his behalf when he went ballistic on someone for sending us info about harm from jabs. And yes, the passing of Debbie was around the same time and a huge factor. From what he told me their relationship had already come to an end before she passed (she didn't want to hear from him anymore). While claiming to "adore" her he also accused her of being unstable, harsh and cruel to him, which I now question based on my own experiences with him.
He also accused me of being "cruel" and "attacking" him, for daring to point out his own logical fallacies in posts where he was condescending and insulting to anyone who had a different point of view on other topics. He was either putting me on a pedestal or accusing me of cruelty. Nonstop high drama. He was a very troubled man when it came to personal/emotional matters (but very clear-sighted on the no-virus issue!) and his troubles began long before he knew us, and no one was cruel to him that I know of. I personally could only take so much drama and had to cut ties.
Jamie and others appear to have taken Bill's accusations at face value. No one, including Bill, was ever able to show me evidence of this alleged cruelty from no-virus people.
I hope he is finding peace on the other side. Anyone reading this might say a little prayer or send him some good vibes.
Dear Amandha,
I read the same '100 YEARS OF "VITAMIN D':" Historical aspects of vitamin D" ( ) and concluded "Vitamin D" has never been isolated. Here is a summary:
I came to a same conclusion on "Vitamin A" and "Vitamin C". The "Vitamin" deficiency game of the early 1900s is today's mRNA script (i.e. immunology hoax).
Isolation is where biochemistry fails to qualify as a proper science.
Wow Amandha. This — — was quite the link. It reminds me of the traditional belief that unclean spirits cause disease and that there is spiritual power over these unclean spirits. It makes a lot of sense to send these unclean spirits into the light. The existence of these “entities” makes a helluva lot more sense to me than invisible and hypothetical bits of RNA, which can be inhaled and exhaled, and which the pseudoscientists say are from 20 nanometers long to 250-400 nanometers long.
Thank you for this.
Saul Alinsky wrote the following rule: "always accuse your opponent of what you are doing."
Exactly the behavior of Jamie Andrews.
One feels entitled to ask if Jamie is a hired troll of someone, and if so, who hired him.
I've been saying for a while: don't eat your own and do not take this issue as unimportant. It is very important to know the causes of diseases, and whether they are contagious or not, and how.
And I've seen multiple trolls out of control. But they usually give up after there is no more attention to feed their narcissism. But in Jamie's case I don't understand why he trolls so much. It's a useless behavior and an ungrateful attitude.
What a sick person! Does he kiss his mother with that mouth? This alone would be enough for any rational critical thinker to kick Mr. Andrews and his project to the curb. What a shame! Maybe someone with integrity will take up the challenge. Those of us who have put and continue to put time and energy into reading/researching and sharing the myths of "science" deserve better. KUDOS TO YOU MIKE!
Did I say some swear words? Oh dear... feints and clutches pearls...
You are incivil by nature to such an appalling degree that it obscures any point that you're trying to make.
Where have I been "incivil" to you? You are all being offended on behalf of other people..
Why don't you find the hole you crawled out from under and go back where you came from.
You are supposed to sub with symbols and caps, like STFU, f**k, sh*t, JFC and the like.
what a punk-ass fool you are!
Hi Mike,
I'm guessing "no-virus" people are making substantive headway, going from these attacks against yourself, the Baileys, etc.
I have never heard Sam Bailey recommend statins, so I'm not sure where all this is coming from. As for the vitamin D thing. I used to take it too. I don't now. People change their perspective, as their knowledge changes. I actually stopped taking supplements because I think it is better to get everything from good food.
Janey here is Sam Baileys video watch 3.3m times still live... still generating income still recommending statins..
This was 5 years ago; before she became enlightened and discontinued her medical practice. She has produced hundreds of videos since, rebuking the Pharma industry and all drugs.
Most of all us shared the same views on this before we saw the light and converted.
There is a HUGE difference between spending a large proportion of your career telling people to what they now admit is poisoning themselves and suddenly "finding the truth"... Have they ever profusely apologized for the people they recognized they poisoned? They took down their recommendations of the HPV vaccine because it didn't really meld with their new found image. But have decided to KEEP vitamin D (rat poison) and Statins up.... seems a very deliberate thing to do...
You can make excuses as Mike has done... infact the REASON why I swear at Mike in the way I have done is PRECISELY because of the hypocrisy of protecting The Baileys STILL pushing this stuff.
If I had ever done a video recommending something which I later figured out was a poison, I would 1) immediately at least put a big fat note on the old video stating that I changed my mind regarding this issue and that I no longer can recommend in good faith whatsoever anyone take this poison, and 2) point to a video detailing exactly why I think this
I might also delete that video if I thought it was harmful enough
Baileys haven’t done that and that is fucking shameful
It's really not that difficult to delete your own video from YT :-/
Apologies, my mistake—I thought this was the comment section of my article rather than a note. I'm still getting used to the SS app. Regardless, you said:
"Thanks, Mike, you are trying to boil a pot with no water in it, just causing the pot to get hot. I'm not interested in a role in your next Tolstoy novel here, we've said our parts so please respect I would not like to continue. Best wishes. -PM"
It seems you are now doing what you accused me of doing. I’ve given you my reasons and have no intention of debating why I unrecommended your SS here or on my article. So, as you said to me, please respect that I would not like to continue. Take care.
Thanks to Mike Stone for his impressive, extensive and valuable work. Thanks to Jamie for his valuable control studies project, that I do hope he continues to advance to completion.
thanks for your measured response and support.
The reason exposing the fraud of virology is a huge endeavor is very simple.
Big P and the Medical cartel is based on this fraud. It is greater than 99% of the rank and file.
Out of these ashes perhaps something resembling health might arise.
Most definitely not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
The battle outlined is a war with many skirmish, more and more about less and less.
Some of us have known the Virus fraud for 3 decades, and we were not early.
Dr. Len Horowitz did an exhaustive documentation re the AIDs hoax in '96, at that time being a virus chaser like many truther physicians who cannot wrap their heads about the fraud.
The more modern virus exposes relevant for newcomers. The fact that it is now common for renegade MD's to blow the cover instead of running cover is commendable.
Very pleased you are in the trenches fighting this "battle". Virus as agents of infectious disease do not exist. Let the walls crumble, no get out of jail free passes. The truth emerges regardless of the silly infighting.