Thank you for all your hard work Mike!! I have been a Registered Veterinary Technician in emergency, critical care, surgery, anesthesia, and imaging since 1996. I currently work for a major medical supply company. My mom was an RN and my father was a paramedic before they were really certifying people for it. So I basically grew up with and was well versed in "germ theory". Because of my medical background, I did not believe the "covid" narrative at all and told everyone I know that it was all a lie.
When I first heard David Icke talking about Drs. Kaufman and Cowan and how "viruses" had never been proven, I was skeptical and unbelieving at first. However, once I heard and read more of the evidence, I am 100% sure that "viruses" have been one if the biggest lies we have ever been sold/told.
Your work, along with that of Christine Massey, Drs. Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey and others needs to be shared with EVERYONE! I tell everyone I meet that "viruses" have never been proven and they look at me like I'm crazy. Oh well, jokes on them. 😂🤣
Thank you so much for the kind words Robin! I, too, thought it was crazy when I first started unraveling the lie. I think most people go through a period of cognitive dissonance. We are lucky in that we were able to push past it whereas many are not at that point yet. Hopefully, they will be in the near future so that we can avoid another "pandemic." 🤞
The first time I ever heard anyone say germ theory was false, it was March 2020 and I was listening to Dr. Kelly Brogan say this. Like you on first hearing it, I was dumfounded and didn't really believe it. But I kept wondering, and then shortly I came across Cowan and Kaufman, and listened to their videos over and over and over as the programmed belief in germ theory and viruses gradually was eroded, and now I can hardly stand listening to virus-talk, especially from the "leaders" of the health freedom movement.
When I came across Dr. Sam Bailey in late 2020 I began asking even more questions about viruses and germ theory. A great example to open my eyes was something I had not had time to think of (clean the fish tank, clean the litter box and wash your hands). The body was built to heal itself with proper maintenance and care.
I finally have my 81 year old mom listening to me concerning additives to our foods. I read out the ingredients on a box of fruit snacks she bought for the great-grands and shared with her the effects of the ingredients. I think I can convince her to return the snacks and purchase something else. I have been reading those food labels carefully for 20 years and then started reading ingredients on personal care products I use. I had already ditched horrible cleaning products and make most of those.
This is a superb and thorough science-based taking down of Monotti, Mike!!
"Instead, these people, who consider themselves well-versed in the scientific literature, resort to selling fear by promoting the scientifically unproven mainstream pharmaceutically-approved gain of function/bioweapon/lab leak narrative, reinforcing the “virus” lie. They treat the non-specific symptoms labelled as “Covid” as if it is an actual new disease in need of pharmaceutical help in the form of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or various other drugs and/or supplements. Willingly or not, they act as an alternate arm of the toxic pharmaceutical cartel, pushing the “viral” lies along with the chemical “cures” that keep people entangled in the germ theory web of deception. Thus, when I see prominent people within this community, or those closely associated with them, continuing to push the mainstream narrative while disparaging those of us challenging the lack of scientific evidence supporting the germ theory house of cards, I feel a need to respond in order to highlight why they are mistaken and how they are playing right into the interests of those who perpetrated this hoax upon the world."
Excellent. Except that i don't think they are simply making a mistake and thus unwittingly playing into the interests of the perps. They, or at least some of them, are invested in this hoax. This could be an ideological investment, because they *want* to believe the virology ideology. Or it could be an emotional investment, because they have adhered to this lie often in the past, and don't wanna be seen as being utterly wrong, and risk the tarnishing of their credibility. Or in some cases a financial investment, be it in "alternative treatments" for "COVID" and "the virus" or in technology which is at the heart of implementing the 4th Industrial Revolution, what the entire Operation "Pandemic" has really been about.
Thanks Jeffrey! I definitely agree that there are most likely reasons why they are not coming out and saying what they all know. These people are smart enough to figure the deception out.
Another brilliantly argued piece, Mike. It's starting to seem like the truth about virology is not going to ever be stated by the biggest names in "health freedom" like Kennedy, Bigtree, Martin, Malone, Latypova, Yeadon (even though he started to go there). They all know, I'd be willing to put money on it, that virology is a fraud and there never was a "SARS-CoV-2 virus" (or any other one), but they have way too much invested in terms of personal power to say so in public.
I watched Alec Zeck's recent interview with David Martin, where Martin's blustering and bloviating and interrupting was not enough to deter Alec from continuing to press the question of why Martin would not publicly clarify what he said to Alec during the interview, that he knows viruses don't exist. Finally Martin played his "I was abused as a child" card, and played it hard, hiding behind his victim story (whether true or not) because Alec's persistence wasn't allowing him to dodge the question any longer.
Martin says the nonexistence of viruses is not relevant to his purpose of marking out the patent trail of bioweapons and building the case for war crimes; Latypova says the same thing. But it's crystal clear to me that these cases will be inestimably strengthened by the fact that the crimes against humanity committed by the governments and agencies were done IN FULL KNOWLEDGE that there was never a pathogenic novel virus in the first place. And on top of the protocols and lockdowns and injections that killed and maimed tens or hundreds of millions around the world, which is plenty in itself to prosecute on, the perpetrators in these agencies based all those harmful policies on their own narrative about viruses and lab leaks and gain-of-function that they knew was a pack of lies. That makes what they did even worse! The big-name health freedom people have their reasons for not coming clean about viruses, and they won't share those reasons with us either, preferring to dodge both questions and put up barriers (often victim narratives, I've noticed).
The Don Tolman piece is truly hilarious, and also excellent for explaining why we get sick, how the body tries to deal with it, and what can happen if we continually suppress those symptoms thinking they are themselves the disease. A huge and humorous indictment of Rockefeller medicine. Thanks for posting that link.
Thanks Betsy! I believe that those like RFK Jr., Bigtree, Malone, etc. and even Dr. Yeadon know the truth about "viruses." Whether they have other reasons for not publically admitting to this or not, I can only speculate. However, they are all smart enough to see the fraud for what it is.
Alec's interview with David Martin was superb! He did a great job of keeping Martin honest and not letting him off the hook. Alec got him to admit to things I don't think he really wanted to admit to. It was masterful!
The Tolman video is so great and easy to understand. I share it as much as I can because I think humor can make the information easier to digest. It really sums the entire process up brilliantly. 🙂
100% on the magnificence of Alec's interview with Martin. His calm, humble way of expressing his masculinity was a stark contrast to Martin's bluster and self-description as an "alpha male." And I think Martin is used to interviewers being overwhelmed by his verbiage and cowed by his self-importance. Alec was not affected by it.
He's always bragging, tries to look like he's some kind of winner with his garb.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
I have to wonder if Sasha Latypova is referring to herself, engaging in psychological projection. She seems to be a lot about maintaining her social status.
There is money to be made by those you listed to keep others in the dark concerning viruses. I have listened to numerous interviews and concluded most are not telling the entire truth (thus they are a limited hangout). I certainly appreciate what you have exposed and shared. This report will be saved and shared on the platforms I use. I will be careful on FB. I am forever grateful for you and many others like you who ask questions, seek factual information and documentation, then put together reports.
The fact that everything was done with no actual "virus" existing should make everyone furious!! I have been angry since 2020. We were sick in January 2020, not because of a nonexistent "virus", but because Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile all fired up their 5G towers during December 2019-January 2020. All around us Its provable. Wuhan did the same in September-October 2019. And on and on across the world.
Thus the increase in radiation poisoning. This was shared by a group member in our Psinergist channel on Telegram. If you are on that platform, please consider joining us.
So many in this movement refuse to look at science when it stating them directly in the face!! Then call us the science deniers… there is nothing to deny if it is, by definition, pseudoscience. Excellent write up Mike, and nice on calling out the number of shills that are ushering in what seems to be COVID 2.0 by continuing to perpetuate the existence of a scary unicorn virus
Thanks Kristen! I get tired of writing these response articles, but they definitely need to be written sometimes. I felt that Robin's high profile due his connection to Dr. Yeadon made it worthy of a response. Hopefully, this can also stand for any of these health freedom people who push fear and pharmaceuticals.
It can be mentally taxing to deal with. You do a fantastic job of doing so and we can only hope that those who push this fear and drug-based approach wake up at some point.
Hi Mike, Yeadon and Monotti are a classic "propaganda confusion duo". Asking them to "shape up" isn't really going to break their covalent bond. Yeadon had told me in 2021 that viruses exist because "antibodies have specific epitopes for them", which of course is not true:
I gave him Fan Wu many times, it was completely incongruent with his resume not to even be curious to read and understand the seminal paper on finding Sars-Cov-2. He now admits respiratory viruses don' t exist, it's too late, the towers have fallen and he now wants to say "your right, there were no terrorists after all". Whoop-de-do!
"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesn’t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a “variant” of a thing that doesn’t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word “variant,” you can rest assured that he is lying."
And the article keeps going on and on about the message of fear Yeadon brought about variants and bioweapons that can't and don't exist.
Thank you so much for responding. There is no doubt in my mind that 90% if not 100% of the current medical/scientific information about viruses is humbug. However, Terrain theory offers no scientifically proven (possible, yes. Proven, no) mechanism to totally explain seemingly spreading communicable diseases like smallpox, rabies, etc. At this point I think “science” needs to drink about a gallon of humility and just start admitting There’s lots of things they don’t fully understand yet, spreading of or catching disease being one of them. In one of the quotes you posted from mike Yeadon, he said something like “viruses don’t exist, but I don’t know how diseases are spread.” I think this makes sense. Then he backtracked of course. Just because virus theory is totally false doesnt mean that Terrain Theory, wonderful as it is, is totally true. Unfortunately, every single thing I’ve read about terrain theory always goes back to the beginning where there were only two competing ways to understand disease, Terrain vs Germ. Therefore, If germ is false, Terrain HAS to be true. But there can actually be three or who knows how many more theories, or combinations of theories to explain disease. Thanks again for your work! Always continue to 100% seek truth!
I agree that terrain theory does not hold all of the answers and that there are some things we just do not understand. Sometimes, it is best to admit that we may never have all of the answers. I still have seen no valid scientific evidence of anyone being able to spread disease to another person, so for me, shared environmental factors and toxins makes the most sense. Hopefully, scientists will stop chasing ghosts and really look at the issue from outside of the germ theory lense and see if they can unlock the mysteries in a scientific way.
An alternative (supernatural/miraculous) way to approach disease?
“... having called together the Twelve, He gave to them power and authority over all the demons, and to heal diseases...”
“... calling His twelve disciples to Him, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits, so that they could drive them out and heal every disease and sickness.”
Being cultural products of the Enlightenment and the Age of Science, we are not programmed to think about power and authority over demons/unclean spirits, are we?
My favorite point is to say that contagion theory has things backwards.
Whatever is "detected" as viruses, or bacterial infection are the RESULT of cell damage, not the cause.
The Spanish flu experiments show this.
Stefan Lanka's control experiment shows this.
Two quotes that explain the psychological blocking that Monotti and others suffer from:
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
The irony of that second quote by Sasha Latypova..... who herself still perpetuates germ theory lies 😂 and refuses to look at the evidence - or lack thereof - that we have presented to her on numerous occasions.
Ms. Sasha Latypova is quickly losing some of her subscribers. I asked her questions and she came back with anger. When I requested she provide laws and documentation for her claims, she clamed up.
Absolutely brilliant, Mike, as per your standard fare. It doesn't matter at all to the detestable demons who promulgated this monstrous criminal hoax for profit and mayhem and their sycophantic swine if you doubt the severity of "Stupid-19", its' fictitious variants, believe the politicians just "over-reacted" to another flu or cold, criticize the harm of the "vaccines" and question their efficacy, etc. ad nauseum, as long as you swallow the gargantuan lie and fraud of virology itself. Then you can be ultimately manipulated and cajoled to go along, however reluctantly professed, with their evil, murderous programs. These controlled opposition idiots who out of cowardice or stupidity (or both) refuse to face the cold, hard truth of what is actually transpiring and its nefarious origins, deserve the same fate as the shadow spell casters for they are tantamount to being enablers and fellow travelers. That fate is execution. This is a war without mercy. No quarter asked, none given.
Having returned from a freedom festival in which Robin Monotti participated as a 'panel speaker' ergo spokesperson. He had some interesting cultural inputs, but in the same event I saw the 'virus question' being denigrated as a divisive distraction by Tess Lawrie.
Patrick Hennison was there - very present and alive - but didn't as far as I recall engage this issue.
I had a distinct sense of a shared decision to suppress the 'virus' issue - which in terms of grass roots there was 'hot' - that is many felt it was a vital part of freedom to a new paradigm not regaining an old normal. We cant go back to unsee what we now see.
However Robin's tweet was a shock to read. Its as if he is identified within Operation Covid from the first while protesting against political measures & bad actors. I engaged many of his points. he doesn't engage or respond. I was not attacking his person but reaching to a meeting of minds.
But there is something I have some sympathy with in those who denigrate the 'no virus' and which frames Monotti's response; the shoutdown of "There is No Virus!" as a stock attack on anyone and anything NOT aligning in that view - often without any real engagement or support.
Frankly, if I was Pharma - nothing would serve to disrupt the virus questioning more than to polarise in a battle of wills from a virus-woke sense of moral superiority. But I don't think they need pay anyone to do this as polarising emotionally reactive identity is a contagion that cares not what side or whatever conflict is involved. Heowever I also feel the emotional pain involved is deep and disturbing so I understand that anger leaks out and hopefully reveals that attacking the 'wrong' in others is not the way to undo the cultural beliefs that are more complex than 'being right' or limiting to a single issue as THE leading or determining basis for 'freedom'.
As I have said more than once - making a counterclaim to the virus claim is setting up an identity to defend, (& thus to double down in its terms when attacked), that can be easily and diversely engaged in false, diversionary and resource exhausting obfuscation and smear by those with enough resources to overwhelm & cast out not just the questioner but to bury the question - as in 'Wakefielded'.
So I invite refining our stance in terms of holding and clearly communicating the rich perspective of lack of factual verification for the basis of virology and its spin off pharma & biologicals.
In my own 'furrow' I am always weaving tis within its larger context - because that is what 'terrain' is - the larger context of which the specific event is an expression of.
Being 'right' is dangerous if it makes us blind or uncompassionate and reactive. Such as to leave no way for those defined 'wrong' to transition. But exactly that mindset is as tangible in the woke and in those claiming to be awake and no less in the agenda pushing of the top-down control mob.
I hold that love of truth opens to the truth of love and vice versa.
Robin sets great store by his 'lived experience' as a covid sufferer along with 'millions of others'.
This phrase is part of woke or disruptive ideology in setting interpretations of our reality over the right to question them. The protected or securitized narrative identity is the means for both masking loveless or manipulative agenda as well as claiming immunity from consequence. It is the necessary basis for tyranny by which a diversity of perspectives are reduced to a monoculture - that of course becomes unfit for life in its own term.
The right to question bent and bought science is the core factor that I hold the virus questions along with many other no less heavily invested and thus defended dogmas, models and applications for social and economic control.
The phrase Too Big To Fail was applied to Banksters - but is applicable to the entirety of a corrupted 'science' and manipulated currencies of thought that are shaped by 'the science' or rather by a technologism set in marketising and weaponising goals.
Is it possible to grow a movement of the freedom to question without being suppressed and denied - not necessarily by 'THEM' but by our own peers or brothers in a shared love of freedom from tyranny?
I don't know - but I live the movement of a reintegration of a mind of judgements to a felt discernment within life. Heart and mind as one.
“I hold that love of truth opens to the truth of love and vice versa.”
“Is it possible to grow a movement of the freedom to question without being suppressed and denied - not necessarily by 'THEM' but by our own peers or brothers in a shared love of freedom from tyranny?
I don't know - but I live the movement of a reintegration of a mind of judgements to a felt discernment within life. Heart and mind as one.”
Thank you, Mike and all the medical truthers for taking on and sticking with the matter of viruses and vaxxes being falsely pushed by the greedy of gain, thieves, and murders behind the rockerfeller et al cabal. I keep praying that more 'physicians' trained in the cesspool of lies will open up their minds, eyes, ears, and hearts to take on personal responsibility of researching what they were taught and what was withheld from them as they invested in becoming healers.
Back in my youth I began to learn about the value of vitamins and minerals when volunteering with brain/neurologically damaged young people. Then, in studying athletic therapy, a whole new door of discovery began to open before me. It lead me to further take on learning about natural medicine methods, which helped me recover from what I was led to believe would be life-long struggles... respiratory in nature.
With the arrival of the internet, I was curious and searched out 'alternative' more real medical information, which brought me to some of the longest standing online sources of information, (Mercola, J Landsman, and others) I even worked in training medical students and professionals in how to communicate with their patients.... which provided an opportunity for me to see that the med. education was not the purified jewel it sought to present itself as.
This whole 'c-vid and virus' fiasco has helped to confirm concerns, open new avenues of information, and helped me to have a sense of belonging, not here-to-for realized to the degree it has been growing.
I so appreciate all those who are standing strong in this path. My prayers are continually for you in the fight for truth to be revealed more and established on a widespread fielding. Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you Val so much for the kind words and support! I really appreciate it. 🙂
Fortunately, there are many who are pitching in on this fight, doing their best to spread the information to those who are unaware. It fills me with hope for our future.
I've finally come fully convinced that viruses do not exit. However, I do not think I've ever gotten an adequate explanation as to what Covid really was. The idea that it was just nothing more than a fear tactic to explain cold and flu symptoms just doesn't fully wash with me. I personally knew healthy young people who got really sick; many of them in the middle of Summer. I know another healthy, young guy half my age who had serious issues with his heart after having "COVID".. And while the idea that the hospital led to some of the deaths might hold some merit it doesn't explain the severe illness in healthy young people who never went to the hospital. I knew many who were just getting knocked-down sick like they never had before. I work at a school and had to get tested from 2021 to 2022 anytime I had symptoms of a mere cold. The rapid tests were always negative even when I felt poorly. One day I woke up not feeling right; worse than usual. My test was positive. A few hours later, my wife felt ill too and tested positive. We both suffered the severe loss of taste that dwindled after a few days, but lasted several weeks. I've lost taste before with colds and flus in the past, but never for more than a day or two. Just for the record: Neither of us got the poison jabs; we were against those before they were even made available. And we were against the lockdowns, masks, and all the other hysteria even though I still believed in viruses at the time.
We know COVID (Virus or Not) was planned in advance. We have history in the form of recordings, videos, and writings to prove this. We know these deadly shots were behind the plan all along. So, if not a virus, isn't it reasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sick in an attempt to scare and persuade the need for the jabs? Whether it was spraying our food and crops or putting something into our environment, something must account for the way people were getting sick when the COVID hoax was foisted on us.
So if not a virus, why is it unreasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sicker than usual?
Hi Rob, thanks for the kind words and support! I really appreciate it. 🙂
It is definitely possible that there were new factors within our environment that could have caused people to suffer symptoms of disease. Some have noted the connection to the ramping up of 5G right at the same time "Covid" hit. There is a highly recommended book by Arthur Fristenberg called "The Invisible Rainbow" that details a connection between increased EMF and disease.
Personally, I always look first to air pollution as to whether there was something that led to a worsening state of respiratory disease. Our air is heavily polluted, and the places hit the hardest suffered from the worst air pollution conditions. I wrote a few articles on this connection that may be helpful:
I also believe that fear played a major role as well, hence the media repeatedly harping on common symptoms as if they were new, keeping a daily case/death counter, showing (fake) images of hospitals overrun, etc. I wrote as well about how fear could have influenced the disease process.
Others have pointed out that new flu jabs were given to the elderly in Italy before the "pandemic" hit. It is possible that the seasonal flu jabs were more toxic than normal.
However, I do not believe it was any one factor that led to disease. I believe that disease is multifactorial, so it is impossible to claim one thing (unless a specific poison is identified). Trying to do so places us right back into the fraudulent germ theory model of one cause for one disease. I subscribe most closely to the terrain theory as for how disease develops.
While some experienced worse disease during this "pandemic," many others were labelled as "Covid" while experiencing no disease whatsoever. The perpetrators were able to rely on environmental toxins, pre-existing conditions, fear propaganda, and fraudulent tests in order to convince the world of a new disease and "virus."
Thanks for the reply, Mike, and the links. I agree on these things: I just think it's hard for one to overturn something they've believed their entire life. The connections are there and seem too coincidental to be true. When I brought this up with my sister the first thing she mentioned was how her and her husband both got sick at the same time. The conversation stopped right then and I couldn't get her to even consider other factors that would explain this. Unfortunately, I think that is the mindset of most people. Our first instinct is to blame someone else for infecting us. 100 years or more of conditioning is hard to break.
Approaching this with others from the side of terrain makes the most sense. Most people that believe in germs and viruses would still agree we need healthy environments and nutrition to ward off illness or minimize it. I also think getting people to realize the dangers, sickness, and death caused by vaccines is the easiest way to open them up to the fact viruses don't even exist. At least that's how it worked for me.
"I just think it's hard for one to overturn something they've believed their entire life."
I agree. The cognitive dissonance is very strong, and in many cases, it may take a long time to help people to ultimately realize and accept that we have been lied to for so long. That's why I try to reach those who are ready today while planting the seeds of doubt for those who are not right now, but may be tomorrow. In time, I believe that they will awaken to the truth through our actions today.
"So if not a virus, why is it unreasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sicker than usual?"
It isn't unreasonable. Especially considering various industries, including the medical industrial complex, have been on a verifiable poison/death campaign going a long way back... if they had a 'new trick', they could just ramp up any of the existing weapons of poisoning air/water/food/"medicine"...and introducing it in the same ole same ole.
Sounds like you took a lot of tests. Did you ever suspect the tests themselves, or the psychological effect of repeating the process? Did any involve jamming swabs up into your brain through your nose at any point? That could affect your sense of smell, I would think- even if the swabs weren't introducing something unwanted by the body.
I tend to agree with Mike that air pollution/environment would be one of the first things I would be looking at.... although, it doesn't appear solid that what we call 'dis'-ease is ever a "single cause" problem. Nothing seems to work that way, as much as we humans want it to. I would also be looking at (prior) annual needle interventions that people received- and the specific ingredients- and how many of the people who felt something 'new' were participants in those rituals. Just another thought in a potentially long laundry list to work through for a proper investigation into your query.
I was fortunate to never get the 'brain' swab. But, yeah. I have thought about whether or not those swabs could cause the loss of smell and taste, if not the actual illness, itself.
It seems very suspicious to me that a so-called 'novel virus' could have had a rapid test produced for it in mass quantities in just a few weeks' time.
Whatever happened in 2020, was well within normal rates.
Perhaps the fear and panic caused it psychosomatically.
Perhaps those you knew who got sick went and got flu shots.
My father got very sick a few years before 2020 with COVID like symptoms.
Thankfully at the time, he was given oxygen and recovered after a few days.
I suspect the shots he got a few months before that could have caused it.
There was a doctor in s Africa who ran a clinic outdoors that saw an interesting pattern to the disease. After the first few days, people got better. Then a day or two later oxygen levels dropped quickly, which responded well to asthma type treatments (steroids etc). He suspected it was an allergic condition, but didn't mention that past shots can and do induce such allergies!
Fear and panic cause stress on the body and thus we can become ill quite easily. Then there is the issue of our DNA generated body part so few speak of where most of our immune system is.
I was seldom ill for many years until 2011 when I had pneumonia. I was working multiple jobs (day and night), driving long distances and seldom home to rest and recover on weekends. It scared my mom and she insisted I get a yearly flu jab. I had the flu every time I had a the jab and concluded it was causing my weakened immune system. I was partly right. Prior to that I was seldom sick except for the occasional sinus crud due to exposure to mold.
I have been sympathetically following the research claiming to debunk the existence of viruses. I have no argument with all that you are affirming here. However, I am wondering in you can comment on and clarify for me how all of this relates to "phages". From everything I read about them they seem to qualify as viruses, yet I get an impression from reading about them that they differ somehow, but I don't know how that is or may or may not be. For reference, I would refer you to the following article found in NIH's National Library of Medicine on "Bacteriophage" discussing the role of phages in nature:
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration, and I look forward to your reply or others from those of your readers.
Hi Craig, thanks for the comment and the link! I have just started to really dig into the origins of bacteriophages. I am planning to do a series on them, but it is a pretty big rabbit hole to go down so it may be a bit. Until then, I highly recommend Dr. Stefan Lanka's work. He explained bacteriophages brilliantly:
The so-called bacteria-eaters
"The source for the idea of a genetic virus in humans, animals and plants, which started to develop from 1953 onwards, were the so-called bacteria-eaters, called (bacterio)phages, which had drawn the attention of scientists since 1915. From 1938 on, when commercially available electron microscopes were applied in research, these phages could be photographed, isolated as whole particles and all their components could be biochemically determined and characterised. This is real, and cannot be contested. To isolate them, i.e. concentrate the particles and separate them from all other components (=isolation), to photograph them immediately in the isolated state and to biochemically characterise them all in one go – this, however, has never happened with the alleged viruses of humans, animals and plants because these do not exist.
The scientists researching bacteria and phages, who worked with actual existing structures, provided a model as to what human, animal and plant viruses could look like. However, the “phage experts” have overlooked by their misinterpretation of phages as bacteria eaters that the phenomenon of the formation of these particles is caused by the extreme inbreeding of bacteria. This effect, i.e. the formation and release of phages (bacteria eaters, aka bacteria viruses), doesn’t happen amongst pure bacteria, freshly extracted from an organism or the environment. When their nutrients are withdrawn slowly or their living conditions become impossible, normal bacteria – that is: bacteria which are not grown in the lab – create the known survival forms, the spores, which can survive for a long time or even “eternally”. From spores, new bacteria appear as soon as the living conditions improve.
However, isolated bacteria, when grown in the lab, lose all characteristics and abilities. Many of them do not perish automatically through this in-breeding, but rather turn suddenly and completely into small particles, which in the “good versus evil” theory perspective have been misinterpreted as bacteria-eaters. In reality, bacteria originate from these exact “phages” and they turn back again into these life forms when the living conditions are no longer available. Günther Enderlein (1827–1968) described exactly these processes more than a century ago: how bacteria appear from invisible structures, their development into more complex forms and back again. That is why Enderlein did not agree with the cell theory, according to which life appears from cells and is organised at cellular level.8 As a young student, I myself isolated such a “phage” structure from a sea algae. and believed at that time to have discovered the first harmless virus, the first stable “virus host system”.9"
Oh wow! Very impressive information! Thank you so very much. This really seals the deal for me. It fits in so perfectfly with the way the reality can and is so often misconstrued in favor of shoehorning it in with favored, preconceived notions. The study of "life" processes is so much more impressive, reassuring and reaffirming of those very processes than when they are interpreted as part of "death" processes instead. Thanks again. I look forward to what you come up with from your own research on their origins.
“Bacteriophages (and “giant viruses”) are unique among viruses in that they can be seen and isolated in nature, often from sea water where they can be found in abundance. The number of bacteriophages on the planet is astounding: it has been estimated that there are more than 1031 bacteriophages, more than every other organism on earth combined.4 When scientists began researching bacteriophages they concluded that their appearance around bacterial cells in test tubes indicated that the bacteria were being “attacked” by the phages and they were gaining entry then replicating themselves inside the cell.
However as microbiologist Dr Stefan Lanka explains they were looking at the phenomenon in a backwards way: “It was only later discovered that merely the bacteria which had been highly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natural environment. In this process, it was discovered that these ‘bacterial viruses’ actually serve to provide other bacteria with important molecules and proteins, and that the bacteria themselves emerged from such structures.”5 So what has been viewed in a pathological light, actually appears to be nature propagating further life in response to environmental stressors. Unfortunately however, mainstream virologists subscribed to the pathological model as Dr Lanka goes on to explain: “Before it could be established that the ‘bacterial viruses’ cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these ‘phages’ were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. It was assumed that the human and animal viruses looked like the ‘phages’, were allegedly killing cells and thereby causing diseases, while at the same time producing new disease poisons and in this way transmitting the diseases. To date, many new or apparently new diseases have been attributed to viruses if their origin is unknown or not acknowledged.”5″
Jeffrey. Thanks so much. Ditto to what I said in response to Mike Stone's reply below. The reality of the situation is always so much more amazing, and cool too! Best wishes.
Mike, thank you for this great article. Many like myself have been debating Monotti on his shared Telegram channel over the last few weeks, with the hope he might actually take a look at the evidence that doesn’t exist. Unfortunately he just can’t go there and is now inventing theories to explain the lack of excess deaths prior to the enforcement of Covid protocols and the data that clearly shows no contagion (Denis Rancourt & Johnathan Engler’s work) - such as viruses are not harmful. I can tell however from the comments, that the number of people realising that there is no evidence of pathogenic viruses, is growing by the day!
Anyway on the 31st August Dr Mike Yeadon posted the following:
Pictures do not tell us that that which is imaged causes any disease or is capable of causing contagion.
Not my words, but I’ve heard the extensive use of images called “the point & declare” school of virology.
It doesn’t advance the cause one way or the other, unfortunately.
I wish it did, as the too & fro on this topic, which wasn’t susceptible to properly evidenced settlement, even before the covid era, isn’t helping our fight against tyranny, which we both agree is descending, and it’s not got any easier now.
I’ve laid out why I’m convinced that the evidence in the current (2020-on) case is a PsyOp:
*No increase in illness or death prior to installation of lethal medical protocols after WHO declared a pandemic*
*Prior evidence against a single successful attempt to transmit respiratory symptoms from a symptomatic person to another person*
*Failure to isolate infectious particles from respiratory symptomatic individuals or from cell / tissue cultures, believed to be infected, when proper control experiments are conducted*
*The systematic failure of flu vaccines to reduce hospitalisation or death is unsupported of annual flu vaccination*
I don’t have an informed opinion beyond respiratory illnesses, but in the respiratory field, I am faced with strong evidence that illness-conveying viruses aren’t a thing.
This is all I have to say on this narrow but important topic & I’d appreciate it being made available for consideration by readers of our channel (with or without my comments in the paper you kindly shared).
Please explain how getting bitten by a rabid dog causes rabies in the one bitten.
Also, in early America British troops caused smallpox outbreaks in Native american tribes by gifting them blankets that had been used by smallpox infected people. How did the blankets transmit the dis-ease? Thanks!
Thank you for all your hard work Mike!! I have been a Registered Veterinary Technician in emergency, critical care, surgery, anesthesia, and imaging since 1996. I currently work for a major medical supply company. My mom was an RN and my father was a paramedic before they were really certifying people for it. So I basically grew up with and was well versed in "germ theory". Because of my medical background, I did not believe the "covid" narrative at all and told everyone I know that it was all a lie.
When I first heard David Icke talking about Drs. Kaufman and Cowan and how "viruses" had never been proven, I was skeptical and unbelieving at first. However, once I heard and read more of the evidence, I am 100% sure that "viruses" have been one if the biggest lies we have ever been sold/told.
Your work, along with that of Christine Massey, Drs. Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey and others needs to be shared with EVERYONE! I tell everyone I meet that "viruses" have never been proven and they look at me like I'm crazy. Oh well, jokes on them. 😂🤣
Thank you so much for the kind words Robin! I, too, thought it was crazy when I first started unraveling the lie. I think most people go through a period of cognitive dissonance. We are lucky in that we were able to push past it whereas many are not at that point yet. Hopefully, they will be in the near future so that we can avoid another "pandemic." 🤞
Definitely! I love that you refute "viruses" with virologist's own papers! And in so much detail! You are appreciated Mike! ❤️
The first time I ever heard anyone say germ theory was false, it was March 2020 and I was listening to Dr. Kelly Brogan say this. Like you on first hearing it, I was dumfounded and didn't really believe it. But I kept wondering, and then shortly I came across Cowan and Kaufman, and listened to their videos over and over and over as the programmed belief in germ theory and viruses gradually was eroded, and now I can hardly stand listening to virus-talk, especially from the "leaders" of the health freedom movement.
When I came across Dr. Sam Bailey in late 2020 I began asking even more questions about viruses and germ theory. A great example to open my eyes was something I had not had time to think of (clean the fish tank, clean the litter box and wash your hands). The body was built to heal itself with proper maintenance and care.
I finally have my 81 year old mom listening to me concerning additives to our foods. I read out the ingredients on a box of fruit snacks she bought for the great-grands and shared with her the effects of the ingredients. I think I can convince her to return the snacks and purchase something else. I have been reading those food labels carefully for 20 years and then started reading ingredients on personal care products I use. I had already ditched horrible cleaning products and make most of those.
This is a superb and thorough science-based taking down of Monotti, Mike!!
"Instead, these people, who consider themselves well-versed in the scientific literature, resort to selling fear by promoting the scientifically unproven mainstream pharmaceutically-approved gain of function/bioweapon/lab leak narrative, reinforcing the “virus” lie. They treat the non-specific symptoms labelled as “Covid” as if it is an actual new disease in need of pharmaceutical help in the form of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, or various other drugs and/or supplements. Willingly or not, they act as an alternate arm of the toxic pharmaceutical cartel, pushing the “viral” lies along with the chemical “cures” that keep people entangled in the germ theory web of deception. Thus, when I see prominent people within this community, or those closely associated with them, continuing to push the mainstream narrative while disparaging those of us challenging the lack of scientific evidence supporting the germ theory house of cards, I feel a need to respond in order to highlight why they are mistaken and how they are playing right into the interests of those who perpetrated this hoax upon the world."
Excellent. Except that i don't think they are simply making a mistake and thus unwittingly playing into the interests of the perps. They, or at least some of them, are invested in this hoax. This could be an ideological investment, because they *want* to believe the virology ideology. Or it could be an emotional investment, because they have adhered to this lie often in the past, and don't wanna be seen as being utterly wrong, and risk the tarnishing of their credibility. Or in some cases a financial investment, be it in "alternative treatments" for "COVID" and "the virus" or in technology which is at the heart of implementing the 4th Industrial Revolution, what the entire Operation "Pandemic" has really been about.
Thanks Jeffrey! I definitely agree that there are most likely reasons why they are not coming out and saying what they all know. These people are smart enough to figure the deception out.
At least some of them are smart enough. :-)
I may be giving them too much credit. 😉
Another brilliantly argued piece, Mike. It's starting to seem like the truth about virology is not going to ever be stated by the biggest names in "health freedom" like Kennedy, Bigtree, Martin, Malone, Latypova, Yeadon (even though he started to go there). They all know, I'd be willing to put money on it, that virology is a fraud and there never was a "SARS-CoV-2 virus" (or any other one), but they have way too much invested in terms of personal power to say so in public.
I watched Alec Zeck's recent interview with David Martin, where Martin's blustering and bloviating and interrupting was not enough to deter Alec from continuing to press the question of why Martin would not publicly clarify what he said to Alec during the interview, that he knows viruses don't exist. Finally Martin played his "I was abused as a child" card, and played it hard, hiding behind his victim story (whether true or not) because Alec's persistence wasn't allowing him to dodge the question any longer.
Martin says the nonexistence of viruses is not relevant to his purpose of marking out the patent trail of bioweapons and building the case for war crimes; Latypova says the same thing. But it's crystal clear to me that these cases will be inestimably strengthened by the fact that the crimes against humanity committed by the governments and agencies were done IN FULL KNOWLEDGE that there was never a pathogenic novel virus in the first place. And on top of the protocols and lockdowns and injections that killed and maimed tens or hundreds of millions around the world, which is plenty in itself to prosecute on, the perpetrators in these agencies based all those harmful policies on their own narrative about viruses and lab leaks and gain-of-function that they knew was a pack of lies. That makes what they did even worse! The big-name health freedom people have their reasons for not coming clean about viruses, and they won't share those reasons with us either, preferring to dodge both questions and put up barriers (often victim narratives, I've noticed).
The Don Tolman piece is truly hilarious, and also excellent for explaining why we get sick, how the body tries to deal with it, and what can happen if we continually suppress those symptoms thinking they are themselves the disease. A huge and humorous indictment of Rockefeller medicine. Thanks for posting that link.
Thanks Betsy! I believe that those like RFK Jr., Bigtree, Malone, etc. and even Dr. Yeadon know the truth about "viruses." Whether they have other reasons for not publically admitting to this or not, I can only speculate. However, they are all smart enough to see the fraud for what it is.
Alec's interview with David Martin was superb! He did a great job of keeping Martin honest and not letting him off the hook. Alec got him to admit to things I don't think he really wanted to admit to. It was masterful!
The Tolman video is so great and easy to understand. I share it as much as I can because I think humor can make the information easier to digest. It really sums the entire process up brilliantly. 🙂
100% on the magnificence of Alec's interview with Martin. His calm, humble way of expressing his masculinity was a stark contrast to Martin's bluster and self-description as an "alpha male." And I think Martin is used to interviewers being overwhelmed by his verbiage and cowed by his self-importance. Alec was not affected by it.
Martin is an alpha narcissist.
He's always bragging, tries to look like he's some kind of winner with his garb.
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
I have to wonder if Sasha Latypova is referring to herself, engaging in psychological projection. She seems to be a lot about maintaining her social status.
There is money to be made by those you listed to keep others in the dark concerning viruses. I have listened to numerous interviews and concluded most are not telling the entire truth (thus they are a limited hangout). I certainly appreciate what you have exposed and shared. This report will be saved and shared on the platforms I use. I will be careful on FB. I am forever grateful for you and many others like you who ask questions, seek factual information and documentation, then put together reports.
The fact that everything was done with no actual "virus" existing should make everyone furious!! I have been angry since 2020. We were sick in January 2020, not because of a nonexistent "virus", but because Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile all fired up their 5G towers during December 2019-January 2020. All around us Its provable. Wuhan did the same in September-October 2019. And on and on across the world.
Thus the increase in radiation poisoning. This was shared by a group member in our Psinergist channel on Telegram. If you are on that platform, please consider joining us.
I located the scientific literature I was looking for on this.
Thank you! Very interesting and I did join that telegram channel.
So many in this movement refuse to look at science when it stating them directly in the face!! Then call us the science deniers… there is nothing to deny if it is, by definition, pseudoscience. Excellent write up Mike, and nice on calling out the number of shills that are ushering in what seems to be COVID 2.0 by continuing to perpetuate the existence of a scary unicorn virus
Thanks Kristen! I get tired of writing these response articles, but they definitely need to be written sometimes. I felt that Robin's high profile due his connection to Dr. Yeadon made it worthy of a response. Hopefully, this can also stand for any of these health freedom people who push fear and pharmaceuticals.
It can be mentally taxing to deal with. You do a fantastic job of doing so and we can only hope that those who push this fear and drug-based approach wake up at some point.
Hi Mike, Yeadon and Monotti are a classic "propaganda confusion duo". Asking them to "shape up" isn't really going to break their covalent bond. Yeadon had told me in 2021 that viruses exist because "antibodies have specific epitopes for them", which of course is not true:
I gave him Fan Wu many times, it was completely incongruent with his resume not to even be curious to read and understand the seminal paper on finding Sars-Cov-2. He now admits respiratory viruses don' t exist, it's too late, the towers have fallen and he now wants to say "your right, there were no terrorists after all". Whoop-de-do!
If you want to understand Yeadon's off-beat propaganda you need to read Omar Jordan's essay at
"Yeadon, a former vice-president and chief scientific officer of the Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer, provided a simple explanation of why lockdowns could never have worked, went on to explain that there is “zero” chance of incessantly reported new variants escaping immunity. Since SARS-COV-2 has never been properly isolated, then there can be no proof of a variant of a thing that doesn’t exist. No scientist anywhere in the world can possibly verify a “variant” of a thing that doesn’t exist, for the simple fact that they have nothing to compare it to. So, anytime you hear Yeadon say the word “variant,” you can rest assured that he is lying."
And the article keeps going on and on about the message of fear Yeadon brought about variants and bioweapons that can't and don't exist.
Thank you so much for responding. There is no doubt in my mind that 90% if not 100% of the current medical/scientific information about viruses is humbug. However, Terrain theory offers no scientifically proven (possible, yes. Proven, no) mechanism to totally explain seemingly spreading communicable diseases like smallpox, rabies, etc. At this point I think “science” needs to drink about a gallon of humility and just start admitting There’s lots of things they don’t fully understand yet, spreading of or catching disease being one of them. In one of the quotes you posted from mike Yeadon, he said something like “viruses don’t exist, but I don’t know how diseases are spread.” I think this makes sense. Then he backtracked of course. Just because virus theory is totally false doesnt mean that Terrain Theory, wonderful as it is, is totally true. Unfortunately, every single thing I’ve read about terrain theory always goes back to the beginning where there were only two competing ways to understand disease, Terrain vs Germ. Therefore, If germ is false, Terrain HAS to be true. But there can actually be three or who knows how many more theories, or combinations of theories to explain disease. Thanks again for your work! Always continue to 100% seek truth!
Thank you Josephine. 🙂
I agree that terrain theory does not hold all of the answers and that there are some things we just do not understand. Sometimes, it is best to admit that we may never have all of the answers. I still have seen no valid scientific evidence of anyone being able to spread disease to another person, so for me, shared environmental factors and toxins makes the most sense. Hopefully, scientists will stop chasing ghosts and really look at the issue from outside of the germ theory lense and see if they can unlock the mysteries in a scientific way.
An alternative (supernatural/miraculous) way to approach disease?
“... having called together the Twelve, He gave to them power and authority over all the demons, and to heal diseases...”
“... calling His twelve disciples to Him, Jesus gave them authority over unclean spirits, so that they could drive them out and heal every disease and sickness.”
Being cultural products of the Enlightenment and the Age of Science, we are not programmed to think about power and authority over demons/unclean spirits, are we?
My favorite point is to say that contagion theory has things backwards.
Whatever is "detected" as viruses, or bacterial infection are the RESULT of cell damage, not the cause.
The Spanish flu experiments show this.
Stefan Lanka's control experiment shows this.
Two quotes that explain the psychological blocking that Monotti and others suffer from:
"And then there is the psychological effect of the Big Lie which is axiomatic in gaslighting. The paradox here is that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for the mind to bridge the gulf between perceived reality and the lie that authority figures are painting as truth. I believe that the prospect of being deceived evinces a primitive emotional response on a par with staring death in the face. We are hard-wired to fear deception because we have evolved to interpret it as an existential threat. That’s why deception can elicit the same emotional response as the miscalculation of a serious physical threat. Lies told to us don’t always bear the same cost as a misjudged red light, but the primitive part of the brain can’t make this distinction and we rely on cerebral mediation for a more appropriate but delayed response. And in the long run, the lie is often just as dangerous as the physical threat. Many government whoppers – ‘safe and effective’ – do cost lives.
To avoid the death-like experience of being deceived, a mental defence is erected to deny that the lie is happening."
(From )
"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "
-Sasha Latypova
The irony of that second quote by Sasha Latypova..... who herself still perpetuates germ theory lies 😂 and refuses to look at the evidence - or lack thereof - that we have presented to her on numerous occasions.
Lol today she was posting about the sv40 thing and honestly, her answer still doesn't address the concerns...
She's on the fence saying that viruses don't cause disease but somehow they're still real lol.
She follows that microbiome woman Sabine Hazan...
Ms. Sasha Latypova is quickly losing some of her subscribers. I asked her questions and she came back with anger. When I requested she provide laws and documentation for her claims, she clamed up.
Absolutely brilliant, Mike, as per your standard fare. It doesn't matter at all to the detestable demons who promulgated this monstrous criminal hoax for profit and mayhem and their sycophantic swine if you doubt the severity of "Stupid-19", its' fictitious variants, believe the politicians just "over-reacted" to another flu or cold, criticize the harm of the "vaccines" and question their efficacy, etc. ad nauseum, as long as you swallow the gargantuan lie and fraud of virology itself. Then you can be ultimately manipulated and cajoled to go along, however reluctantly professed, with their evil, murderous programs. These controlled opposition idiots who out of cowardice or stupidity (or both) refuse to face the cold, hard truth of what is actually transpiring and its nefarious origins, deserve the same fate as the shadow spell casters for they are tantamount to being enablers and fellow travelers. That fate is execution. This is a war without mercy. No quarter asked, none given.
Thanks HereticDrummer! I appreciate it. 🙂
You're more than welcome, Mike. Keep punching.
Having returned from a freedom festival in which Robin Monotti participated as a 'panel speaker' ergo spokesperson. He had some interesting cultural inputs, but in the same event I saw the 'virus question' being denigrated as a divisive distraction by Tess Lawrie.
Patrick Hennison was there - very present and alive - but didn't as far as I recall engage this issue.
I had a distinct sense of a shared decision to suppress the 'virus' issue - which in terms of grass roots there was 'hot' - that is many felt it was a vital part of freedom to a new paradigm not regaining an old normal. We cant go back to unsee what we now see.
However Robin's tweet was a shock to read. Its as if he is identified within Operation Covid from the first while protesting against political measures & bad actors. I engaged many of his points. he doesn't engage or respond. I was not attacking his person but reaching to a meeting of minds.
But there is something I have some sympathy with in those who denigrate the 'no virus' and which frames Monotti's response; the shoutdown of "There is No Virus!" as a stock attack on anyone and anything NOT aligning in that view - often without any real engagement or support.
Frankly, if I was Pharma - nothing would serve to disrupt the virus questioning more than to polarise in a battle of wills from a virus-woke sense of moral superiority. But I don't think they need pay anyone to do this as polarising emotionally reactive identity is a contagion that cares not what side or whatever conflict is involved. Heowever I also feel the emotional pain involved is deep and disturbing so I understand that anger leaks out and hopefully reveals that attacking the 'wrong' in others is not the way to undo the cultural beliefs that are more complex than 'being right' or limiting to a single issue as THE leading or determining basis for 'freedom'.
As I have said more than once - making a counterclaim to the virus claim is setting up an identity to defend, (& thus to double down in its terms when attacked), that can be easily and diversely engaged in false, diversionary and resource exhausting obfuscation and smear by those with enough resources to overwhelm & cast out not just the questioner but to bury the question - as in 'Wakefielded'.
So I invite refining our stance in terms of holding and clearly communicating the rich perspective of lack of factual verification for the basis of virology and its spin off pharma & biologicals.
In my own 'furrow' I am always weaving tis within its larger context - because that is what 'terrain' is - the larger context of which the specific event is an expression of.
Being 'right' is dangerous if it makes us blind or uncompassionate and reactive. Such as to leave no way for those defined 'wrong' to transition. But exactly that mindset is as tangible in the woke and in those claiming to be awake and no less in the agenda pushing of the top-down control mob.
I hold that love of truth opens to the truth of love and vice versa.
Robin sets great store by his 'lived experience' as a covid sufferer along with 'millions of others'.
This phrase is part of woke or disruptive ideology in setting interpretations of our reality over the right to question them. The protected or securitized narrative identity is the means for both masking loveless or manipulative agenda as well as claiming immunity from consequence. It is the necessary basis for tyranny by which a diversity of perspectives are reduced to a monoculture - that of course becomes unfit for life in its own term.
The right to question bent and bought science is the core factor that I hold the virus questions along with many other no less heavily invested and thus defended dogmas, models and applications for social and economic control.
The phrase Too Big To Fail was applied to Banksters - but is applicable to the entirety of a corrupted 'science' and manipulated currencies of thought that are shaped by 'the science' or rather by a technologism set in marketising and weaponising goals.
Is it possible to grow a movement of the freedom to question without being suppressed and denied - not necessarily by 'THEM' but by our own peers or brothers in a shared love of freedom from tyranny?
I don't know - but I live the movement of a reintegration of a mind of judgements to a felt discernment within life. Heart and mind as one.
“I hold that love of truth opens to the truth of love and vice versa.”
“Is it possible to grow a movement of the freedom to question without being suppressed and denied - not necessarily by 'THEM' but by our own peers or brothers in a shared love of freedom from tyranny?
I don't know - but I live the movement of a reintegration of a mind of judgements to a felt discernment within life. Heart and mind as one.”
This is inspiring. Thank you.
Thank you, Mike and all the medical truthers for taking on and sticking with the matter of viruses and vaxxes being falsely pushed by the greedy of gain, thieves, and murders behind the rockerfeller et al cabal. I keep praying that more 'physicians' trained in the cesspool of lies will open up their minds, eyes, ears, and hearts to take on personal responsibility of researching what they were taught and what was withheld from them as they invested in becoming healers.
Back in my youth I began to learn about the value of vitamins and minerals when volunteering with brain/neurologically damaged young people. Then, in studying athletic therapy, a whole new door of discovery began to open before me. It lead me to further take on learning about natural medicine methods, which helped me recover from what I was led to believe would be life-long struggles... respiratory in nature.
With the arrival of the internet, I was curious and searched out 'alternative' more real medical information, which brought me to some of the longest standing online sources of information, (Mercola, J Landsman, and others) I even worked in training medical students and professionals in how to communicate with their patients.... which provided an opportunity for me to see that the med. education was not the purified jewel it sought to present itself as.
This whole 'c-vid and virus' fiasco has helped to confirm concerns, open new avenues of information, and helped me to have a sense of belonging, not here-to-for realized to the degree it has been growing.
I so appreciate all those who are standing strong in this path. My prayers are continually for you in the fight for truth to be revealed more and established on a widespread fielding. Thank you! Thank you!
Thank you Val so much for the kind words and support! I really appreciate it. 🙂
Fortunately, there are many who are pitching in on this fight, doing their best to spread the information to those who are unaware. It fills me with hope for our future.
No virus anti vaxxer 🙋♂️
Tremendous article, Mike. I've upgraded to PAID.
I've finally come fully convinced that viruses do not exit. However, I do not think I've ever gotten an adequate explanation as to what Covid really was. The idea that it was just nothing more than a fear tactic to explain cold and flu symptoms just doesn't fully wash with me. I personally knew healthy young people who got really sick; many of them in the middle of Summer. I know another healthy, young guy half my age who had serious issues with his heart after having "COVID".. And while the idea that the hospital led to some of the deaths might hold some merit it doesn't explain the severe illness in healthy young people who never went to the hospital. I knew many who were just getting knocked-down sick like they never had before. I work at a school and had to get tested from 2021 to 2022 anytime I had symptoms of a mere cold. The rapid tests were always negative even when I felt poorly. One day I woke up not feeling right; worse than usual. My test was positive. A few hours later, my wife felt ill too and tested positive. We both suffered the severe loss of taste that dwindled after a few days, but lasted several weeks. I've lost taste before with colds and flus in the past, but never for more than a day or two. Just for the record: Neither of us got the poison jabs; we were against those before they were even made available. And we were against the lockdowns, masks, and all the other hysteria even though I still believed in viruses at the time.
We know COVID (Virus or Not) was planned in advance. We have history in the form of recordings, videos, and writings to prove this. We know these deadly shots were behind the plan all along. So, if not a virus, isn't it reasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sick in an attempt to scare and persuade the need for the jabs? Whether it was spraying our food and crops or putting something into our environment, something must account for the way people were getting sick when the COVID hoax was foisted on us.
So if not a virus, why is it unreasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sicker than usual?
Hi Rob, thanks for the kind words and support! I really appreciate it. 🙂
It is definitely possible that there were new factors within our environment that could have caused people to suffer symptoms of disease. Some have noted the connection to the ramping up of 5G right at the same time "Covid" hit. There is a highly recommended book by Arthur Fristenberg called "The Invisible Rainbow" that details a connection between increased EMF and disease.
Personally, I always look first to air pollution as to whether there was something that led to a worsening state of respiratory disease. Our air is heavily polluted, and the places hit the hardest suffered from the worst air pollution conditions. I wrote a few articles on this connection that may be helpful:
I also believe that fear played a major role as well, hence the media repeatedly harping on common symptoms as if they were new, keeping a daily case/death counter, showing (fake) images of hospitals overrun, etc. I wrote as well about how fear could have influenced the disease process.
Others have pointed out that new flu jabs were given to the elderly in Italy before the "pandemic" hit. It is possible that the seasonal flu jabs were more toxic than normal.
However, I do not believe it was any one factor that led to disease. I believe that disease is multifactorial, so it is impossible to claim one thing (unless a specific poison is identified). Trying to do so places us right back into the fraudulent germ theory model of one cause for one disease. I subscribe most closely to the terrain theory as for how disease develops.
While some experienced worse disease during this "pandemic," many others were labelled as "Covid" while experiencing no disease whatsoever. The perpetrators were able to rely on environmental toxins, pre-existing conditions, fear propaganda, and fraudulent tests in order to convince the world of a new disease and "virus."
Thanks for the reply, Mike, and the links. I agree on these things: I just think it's hard for one to overturn something they've believed their entire life. The connections are there and seem too coincidental to be true. When I brought this up with my sister the first thing she mentioned was how her and her husband both got sick at the same time. The conversation stopped right then and I couldn't get her to even consider other factors that would explain this. Unfortunately, I think that is the mindset of most people. Our first instinct is to blame someone else for infecting us. 100 years or more of conditioning is hard to break.
Approaching this with others from the side of terrain makes the most sense. Most people that believe in germs and viruses would still agree we need healthy environments and nutrition to ward off illness or minimize it. I also think getting people to realize the dangers, sickness, and death caused by vaccines is the easiest way to open them up to the fact viruses don't even exist. At least that's how it worked for me.
You are welcome Rob. 🙂
"I just think it's hard for one to overturn something they've believed their entire life."
I agree. The cognitive dissonance is very strong, and in many cases, it may take a long time to help people to ultimately realize and accept that we have been lied to for so long. That's why I try to reach those who are ready today while planting the seeds of doubt for those who are not right now, but may be tomorrow. In time, I believe that they will awaken to the truth through our actions today.
"So if not a virus, why is it unreasonable to believe something else malicious was done to make people sicker than usual?"
It isn't unreasonable. Especially considering various industries, including the medical industrial complex, have been on a verifiable poison/death campaign going a long way back... if they had a 'new trick', they could just ramp up any of the existing weapons of poisoning air/water/food/"medicine"...and introducing it in the same ole same ole.
Sounds like you took a lot of tests. Did you ever suspect the tests themselves, or the psychological effect of repeating the process? Did any involve jamming swabs up into your brain through your nose at any point? That could affect your sense of smell, I would think- even if the swabs weren't introducing something unwanted by the body.
I tend to agree with Mike that air pollution/environment would be one of the first things I would be looking at.... although, it doesn't appear solid that what we call 'dis'-ease is ever a "single cause" problem. Nothing seems to work that way, as much as we humans want it to. I would also be looking at (prior) annual needle interventions that people received- and the specific ingredients- and how many of the people who felt something 'new' were participants in those rituals. Just another thought in a potentially long laundry list to work through for a proper investigation into your query.
I was fortunate to never get the 'brain' swab. But, yeah. I have thought about whether or not those swabs could cause the loss of smell and taste, if not the actual illness, itself.
It seems very suspicious to me that a so-called 'novel virus' could have had a rapid test produced for it in mass quantities in just a few weeks' time.
Whatever happened in 2020, was well within normal rates.
Perhaps the fear and panic caused it psychosomatically.
Perhaps those you knew who got sick went and got flu shots.
My father got very sick a few years before 2020 with COVID like symptoms.
Thankfully at the time, he was given oxygen and recovered after a few days.
I suspect the shots he got a few months before that could have caused it.
There was a doctor in s Africa who ran a clinic outdoors that saw an interesting pattern to the disease. After the first few days, people got better. Then a day or two later oxygen levels dropped quickly, which responded well to asthma type treatments (steroids etc). He suspected it was an allergic condition, but didn't mention that past shots can and do induce such allergies!
Fear and panic cause stress on the body and thus we can become ill quite easily. Then there is the issue of our DNA generated body part so few speak of where most of our immune system is.
I was seldom ill for many years until 2011 when I had pneumonia. I was working multiple jobs (day and night), driving long distances and seldom home to rest and recover on weekends. It scared my mom and she insisted I get a yearly flu jab. I had the flu every time I had a the jab and concluded it was causing my weakened immune system. I was partly right. Prior to that I was seldom sick except for the occasional sinus crud due to exposure to mold.
I have been sympathetically following the research claiming to debunk the existence of viruses. I have no argument with all that you are affirming here. However, I am wondering in you can comment on and clarify for me how all of this relates to "phages". From everything I read about them they seem to qualify as viruses, yet I get an impression from reading about them that they differ somehow, but I don't know how that is or may or may not be. For reference, I would refer you to the following article found in NIH's National Library of Medicine on "Bacteriophage" discussing the role of phages in nature:
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration, and I look forward to your reply or others from those of your readers.
Hi Craig, thanks for the comment and the link! I have just started to really dig into the origins of bacteriophages. I am planning to do a series on them, but it is a pretty big rabbit hole to go down so it may be a bit. Until then, I highly recommend Dr. Stefan Lanka's work. He explained bacteriophages brilliantly:
The so-called bacteria-eaters
"The source for the idea of a genetic virus in humans, animals and plants, which started to develop from 1953 onwards, were the so-called bacteria-eaters, called (bacterio)phages, which had drawn the attention of scientists since 1915. From 1938 on, when commercially available electron microscopes were applied in research, these phages could be photographed, isolated as whole particles and all their components could be biochemically determined and characterised. This is real, and cannot be contested. To isolate them, i.e. concentrate the particles and separate them from all other components (=isolation), to photograph them immediately in the isolated state and to biochemically characterise them all in one go – this, however, has never happened with the alleged viruses of humans, animals and plants because these do not exist.
The scientists researching bacteria and phages, who worked with actual existing structures, provided a model as to what human, animal and plant viruses could look like. However, the “phage experts” have overlooked by their misinterpretation of phages as bacteria eaters that the phenomenon of the formation of these particles is caused by the extreme inbreeding of bacteria. This effect, i.e. the formation and release of phages (bacteria eaters, aka bacteria viruses), doesn’t happen amongst pure bacteria, freshly extracted from an organism or the environment. When their nutrients are withdrawn slowly or their living conditions become impossible, normal bacteria – that is: bacteria which are not grown in the lab – create the known survival forms, the spores, which can survive for a long time or even “eternally”. From spores, new bacteria appear as soon as the living conditions improve.
However, isolated bacteria, when grown in the lab, lose all characteristics and abilities. Many of them do not perish automatically through this in-breeding, but rather turn suddenly and completely into small particles, which in the “good versus evil” theory perspective have been misinterpreted as bacteria-eaters. In reality, bacteria originate from these exact “phages” and they turn back again into these life forms when the living conditions are no longer available. Günther Enderlein (1827–1968) described exactly these processes more than a century ago: how bacteria appear from invisible structures, their development into more complex forms and back again. That is why Enderlein did not agree with the cell theory, according to which life appears from cells and is organised at cellular level.8 As a young student, I myself isolated such a “phage” structure from a sea algae. and believed at that time to have discovered the first harmless virus, the first stable “virus host system”.9"
You can find more of Dr. Lanka's work at the end of this article:
Oh wow! Very impressive information! Thank you so very much. This really seals the deal for me. It fits in so perfectfly with the way the reality can and is so often misconstrued in favor of shoehorning it in with favored, preconceived notions. The study of "life" processes is so much more impressive, reassuring and reaffirming of those very processes than when they are interpreted as part of "death" processes instead. Thanks again. I look forward to what you come up with from your own research on their origins.
You are very welcome, Craig. 🙂
In addition to what Mike has below, there is this
What is a Virus? Dr Sam Bailey, 9/6/21.
“Bacteriophages (and “giant viruses”) are unique among viruses in that they can be seen and isolated in nature, often from sea water where they can be found in abundance. The number of bacteriophages on the planet is astounding: it has been estimated that there are more than 1031 bacteriophages, more than every other organism on earth combined.4 When scientists began researching bacteriophages they concluded that their appearance around bacterial cells in test tubes indicated that the bacteria were being “attacked” by the phages and they were gaining entry then replicating themselves inside the cell.
However as microbiologist Dr Stefan Lanka explains they were looking at the phenomenon in a backwards way: “It was only later discovered that merely the bacteria which had been highly inbred in the test tube could turn into phages themselves, by contact with phages, but this never applied to natural bacteria or bacteria which had just been isolated from their natural environment. In this process, it was discovered that these ‘bacterial viruses’ actually serve to provide other bacteria with important molecules and proteins, and that the bacteria themselves emerged from such structures.”5 So what has been viewed in a pathological light, actually appears to be nature propagating further life in response to environmental stressors. Unfortunately however, mainstream virologists subscribed to the pathological model as Dr Lanka goes on to explain: “Before it could be established that the ‘bacterial viruses’ cannot kill natural bacteria, but they are instead helping them to live and that bacteria themselves emerge from such structures, these ‘phages’ were already used as models for the alleged human and animal viruses. It was assumed that the human and animal viruses looked like the ‘phages’, were allegedly killing cells and thereby causing diseases, while at the same time producing new disease poisons and in this way transmitting the diseases. To date, many new or apparently new diseases have been attributed to viruses if their origin is unknown or not acknowledged.”5″
Jeffrey. Thanks so much. Ditto to what I said in response to Mike Stone's reply below. The reality of the situation is always so much more amazing, and cool too! Best wishes.
Craig, yer welcome!
Mike, thank you for this great article. Many like myself have been debating Monotti on his shared Telegram channel over the last few weeks, with the hope he might actually take a look at the evidence that doesn’t exist. Unfortunately he just can’t go there and is now inventing theories to explain the lack of excess deaths prior to the enforcement of Covid protocols and the data that clearly shows no contagion (Denis Rancourt & Johnathan Engler’s work) - such as viruses are not harmful. I can tell however from the comments, that the number of people realising that there is no evidence of pathogenic viruses, is growing by the day!
Anyway on the 31st August Dr Mike Yeadon posted the following:
Pictures do not tell us that that which is imaged causes any disease or is capable of causing contagion.
Not my words, but I’ve heard the extensive use of images called “the point & declare” school of virology.
It doesn’t advance the cause one way or the other, unfortunately.
I wish it did, as the too & fro on this topic, which wasn’t susceptible to properly evidenced settlement, even before the covid era, isn’t helping our fight against tyranny, which we both agree is descending, and it’s not got any easier now.
I’ve laid out why I’m convinced that the evidence in the current (2020-on) case is a PsyOp:
*No increase in illness or death prior to installation of lethal medical protocols after WHO declared a pandemic*
*Prior evidence against a single successful attempt to transmit respiratory symptoms from a symptomatic person to another person*
*Failure to isolate infectious particles from respiratory symptomatic individuals or from cell / tissue cultures, believed to be infected, when proper control experiments are conducted*
*The systematic failure of flu vaccines to reduce hospitalisation or death is unsupported of annual flu vaccination*
I don’t have an informed opinion beyond respiratory illnesses, but in the respiratory field, I am faced with strong evidence that illness-conveying viruses aren’t a thing.
This is all I have to say on this narrow but important topic & I’d appreciate it being made available for consideration by readers of our channel (with or without my comments in the paper you kindly shared).
Best wishes
You are very welcome, Laura. That is another interesting response by Dr. Yeadon. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Beware the pseudoscience of the null ritual:
Please explain how getting bitten by a rabid dog causes rabies in the one bitten.
Also, in early America British troops caused smallpox outbreaks in Native american tribes by gifting them blankets that had been used by smallpox infected people. How did the blankets transmit the dis-ease? Thanks!
Hi Josephine,
These articles should hopefully help with any confusion surrounding rabies:
For smallpox: