Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Mike Stone

Incredible, Mike. Such a comprehensive expose through the early literature.

All too familiar - love "Quackery always has one shuffle left."

Dr. Hadwen then pointed out the fallacious thinking regarding “protection” from vaccination. If the vaccines provide “immunity,” one should not need to be re-vaccinated again and again and again until they die. However, this is exactly what was being proposed and carried out as the vaccines did not actually prevent the diseases they were meant to protect against. He pointed out how easy it is to proclaim that a vaccine is “effective” if one receives the vaccine and goes throughout life without getting the disease. This has been “the sheet anchor of every marketplace quack from time immoral.” During the plague, people were told that wearing a live toad around their necks protected them from disease. When one did not come down with disease, they were assured that it was because of the toad that they were protected. If one did take to disease in a mild form, they were told that without the toad, the disease would have been much more severe. If one had severe disease while wearing the toad, they were assured that without the toad, they would have died. If one did succumb to the disease, it was said that they must have had the wrong toad, or wore it the wrong way, or the toad was either put on too soon or too late, or some other excuse. As Dr. Hadwen succinctly stated, “Quackery always has one shuffle left.”

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Thanks, Petra! It seemed that Dr. Hadwen was a very smart guy, and full of great one liners. 😉

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Aug 23Liked by Mike Stone

Great work. This needs to be spread far and wide. The average person today has no clue about any of this. I keep trying to point some of the people who are very much aware of the Covid scam in this direction, as it seems to be a natural segue to the deeper fallacy of germ theory and its inherent financial incentives, yet it's not as easy to research as what's been forced fed us for the past few years from all angles. Your work seems really important for this. Thank you

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Thank you very much, David. 🙂

It is very difficult to get anyone to look at this information if they are not motivated to do so. I find that they must have a somewhat open mind to challenging preexisting beliefs. Sadly, this is a seemingly rare quality. However, I do believe that more people are aware today than 4 years ago, and we are making progress.

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Yes, the open-minded, truth-seeking mentality is not widespread. Perhaps this is in large part due to the modern education system. I have seen it from the inside as a teacher for over 20 years in even somewhat elite schools. I had the very fortunate chance to have been educated (mostly) outside the system by my parents, so I never developed the level of intellectual compliance and pressure to fit with any form of group-think. The other fallacy the education system fosters is the appeal to authority. This has been shown to be worse the more 'educated' one is, even!

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Great research, Mike! For those who haven't seen it here is my music video about the first major victim of Medical Tyranny in the United States. Watch THE BALLAD OF TYPHOID MARY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-ballad-of-typhoid-mary

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Thanks, Turfseer! 🙂

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Wow! Great research. Thanks for the continued expose.

My main takeaway from this is the huge influence of narrative on disease both in contagion and "cure" by (p)harma

I'm reminded of the book "Spontaneous Healing" by Andrew Weil, some of whose other views will likely be unpopular hereabouts, but in which he leans heavily on the influence of mind in curing of disease.

Again: great work Mike.

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Thank you so much for the kind words, Chris. 🙂

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Aug 16Liked by Mike Stone

Wow, this is so awesome!!!!! I love reading the language they used like "the greatest humbug ever built" lol. Wow, just mind blowing how these articles are incredibly revealing. These doctors who spoke out are heros and yes what a great joy to bring their experiences and insights and totally justified rage 😖😎🧐 to light. I know I always say this, but this is such great work you are doing! I think the reason "history repeats itself" is because all errors are actually corrected as we go along. "The truth always comes out" people will say. It's just that we deny the corrections, we get swept up in the illusions. They compound upon themselves, create momentum. Nothing is more powerful than a story believed! And those who choose to take advantage of this keep the story going for many nefarious reasons. It's up to us to see through the illusions and stop the momentum. My goodness, what a challenge. All the illusionary stories are interconnected. Pull one thread and it yanks on another. All this to say thank you for your work good sir! (Trying to talk old fashioned....lol). Oh, here is a woo woo thought for ya, just for fun: what IF we are living many lives at once, all time being simultaneous, and WE are and "were" those doctors and researchers and scientists who um.....f'd things up "back then", and also the ones who spoke up "back then" ..... and NOW (everything is occuring NOW, but we experience physical life in slow motion through the lens of linear time) we are "here" correcting our own errors!!!! Okay, not asking anyone to believe that, but honestly I do. 😉😁🙄😎. It explains why we are so passionate about correcting these massive errors that have wreaked so much havoc! IMO! 🙂. Reality is self correcting and that is grace.

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Thanks, Carolyn! I love reading these old articles, and the language and phrases that they use are definitely entertaining. I always love giving a voice to those from the past who were not heard, and need to be heard today. Your idea of non-linear time is truly fascinating, and it always gives me a lot to think about. 🙂

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My father would say "Oh Horsefeathers" Eat your Peas! RR

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Superb work there!

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I found this interesting 1970 Lancet article about a trial in 1924? in which Walter Hadwen was accused of being responsible for the death of 10 year-old Nellie Burnham in not treating her for a supposedly obvious case of diphtheria with "anti-toxin".

Hadwen had visited the child four times between 1st and 9th August after which her mother felt that Hadwen's treatment wasn't helping so with his agreement she called another doctor, Dr Ellis, who attended the child late on the 9th. Ellis thought she was close to death at this point and she died at 1:00am on the 10th.

As there is no mention, it is implied that Ellis gave no treatment but who knows whether he did or not and - if he did - if the child died because of it. Interestingly, despite the fact that Hadwen's views were massively against the mainstream he was declared innocent seemingly because of a few circumstances in his favour.


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hi, i just found your blog. do you ever get into the ethnic identity of the major virology figures? that was what really got me to question virology as a legitimate field of research.

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Hi Rurik,

I haven't focused on the ethnic identity of those involved. I have been more focused on showing the lack of valid scientific evidence supporting germ "theory" and virology as well as the logically fallacious of foundations they were built upon. I have been examining the fraudulent history of the entire field and how it came to be.

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Good answer. 😎

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