There is also an intervening and important NY Times article: "Don’t Go Down the Rabbit Hole" https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/18/opinion/fake-news-media-attention.html

Its subhead is that "[c]ritical thinking, as we’re taught to do it, isn’t helping in the fight against misinformation." Some choice quotes: "[T]he way we’re taught from a young age to evaluate and think critically about information is fundamentally flawed and out of step with the chaos of the current internet." That claim is attributed to an academic, Michael Caulfield, "a digital literacy expert at Washington State University Vancouver." He is also quoted directly: “We’re taught that, in order to protect ourselves from bad information, we need to deeply engage with the stuff that washes up in front of us.”

The last quote gives away the game, which is a "media literacy" course, made by Caulfield, teaching how to engage with only the surface features of a claim. That form of menticide gets a high-sounding name: "lateral reading." It's encapsulated in Caulfield's four simple "SIFT" principles:

1. Stop.

2. Investigate the source.

3. Find better coverage.

4. Trace claims, quotes and media to the original context.

Then Caulfield walked the reporter through this "lateral reading" process:

"Mr. Caulfield walked me through the process using an Instagram post from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prominent anti-vaccine activist, falsely alleging a link between the human papillomavirus vaccine and cancer. “If this is not a claim where I have a depth of understanding, then I want to stop for a second and, before going further, just investigate the source,” Mr. Caulfield said. He copied Mr. Kennedy’s name in the Instagram post and popped it into Google. “Look how fast this is,” he told me as he counted the seconds out loud. In 15 seconds, he navigated to Wikipedia and scrolled through the introductory section of the page, highlighting with his cursor the last sentence, which reads that Mr. Kennedy is an anti-vaccine activist and a conspiracy theorist.

“Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. the best, unbiased source on information about a vaccine? I’d argue no. And that’s good enough to know we should probably just move on,” he said.

"He probed deeper into the method to find better coverage by copying the main claim in Mr. Kennedy’s post and pasting that into a Google search. The first two results came from Agence France-Presse’s fact-check website and the National Institutes of Health. His quick searches showed a pattern: Mr. Kennedy’s claims were outside the consensus — a sign they were motivated by something other than science."

Consensus is truth! Dissent is fraud! (The reporter, just by chance, put the RFK Jr. example after one of imagining that "you were to visit Stormfront, a white supremacist message board[.]")

The article sums up the SIFT method as follows: "The four steps are based on the premise that you often make a better decision with less information than you do with more." It could be a slogan for our age.

And, in worse news for us, the "SIFT method and the instructional teaching unit (about six hours of class work) that accompanies it has been picked up by dozens of universities across the country and in some Canadian high schools. What is potentially revolutionary about SIFT is that it focuses on making quick judgments. A SIFT fact check can and should take just 30, 60, 90 seconds to evaluate a piece of content."

In short, they teachi high-school and college-age students how to, in only 30, 60, or 90 seconds, find and subscribe to the current Party doctrine.

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"he navigated to Wikipedia"

Welp, there's the first problem. 😉

"Mr. Kennedy’s claims were outside the consensus"

There's major problem number 2. They love this concept of group think. They want us all in some sort of hive mind. It's sickening how this agenda is being pushed.

Thanks for sharing the article! 😁

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Do NOT do your own research. Just follow "the science," whatever "the science" says at this hour. :-)

The Berggruen Institute, by the way, is a key player in the implementation of The Great Reset. This is one article from the Wrench in the Gears site, which has a bunch of them on that outfit, you can search for others.


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I wear my tin foil hat with great pride. This discussion reminds me of the caution given by medical doctors after they report an upsetting diagnosis, "Now don't go home and look this up in the internet." Thanks Mike!

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Thanks Lynn! They want us to believe that we are incapable and powerless when nothing could be further from the truth.

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The capacity to question (our) reality could be seen as the birth of doubt and division, for one has to define what we are then questioning when we say "What am I?".

To ask "what is real?" is already a position set in a concept of doubt of reality, and therefore of our own.

Yet this is also our basis for creating or thinking as an imaginative modelling or representation of thought and experience, for as we think so shall we perceive and by reaction make experience.

In the Bible symbol of the Garden, Adam & Eve shared a mutually reinforcing way of thinking that they masked over as private - such that God said "WHO told you you were naked?" - which is in my sense; "lacking a masking persona" - not genital embarrassment (though that is the symbol of our physically creative function).

That God said it, is saying that even as the capacity to mask arose in mutual agreement to socially distance as a contract for private thinking in self-image, so does the ability to question our own 'creations' of belief or definitions through which to shape our experience of self and world as 'separate ones'.

But the fascination with self-image, as in Plato's Cave projections, or indeed Narcissus, was jealously protected as our first born 'son' - for what is our thought but part of us?

Yet what we make or accept real becomes internalised as a structural adaptation for the consciousness that operates from its basis, and does not naturally question that basis unless meeting experience of deep discord or dissonance such as to call a re-evaluation of invested identity - otherwise protected as self.

Growing a grounded reference point in place of invested circular reasoning is what Religion and Reason (that begat Science) both ultimately serve, for love or truth and truth of love are heart and mind as one.

As we sow so shall we reap is in current idiom; Garbage in; garbage out.

But garbage out (as self and world gone wrong) can be set by masked fear, in guilt of punishment for sin, rather than error to uncover to correction and reconnection or accord (love restored).

Such as to repurpose the mind of true function (ask and receive) with a masking evasion (seek but do not find).

I was already aware of medical fraud, and its Mafia model of business over some years before 'covid' was hyped up by a shout of Pandemic! Fed by mistreatments and false diagnosis, to morph as a testdemic of narrative capture, all the while diverting from the ratcheting of regulatory controls.

But more than that I was aware of the way of communication for its media & political circus as nothing but a weaponising of fear and guilt to a groomed captive 'market'. So I ignored it until it became apparent that the bait had been deeply taken, to set the way the world thinks. It was that which led me to research more deeply into the whole basis of what is assumed scientific fact by which financial interests drive funding & research for protecting and consolidating its mask of control over a captive fear set in 'protections' that demand sacrifice.

But WHO told you you were vectors of Bio-Insecurity? Said Love & Reason.

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Great comment! You pretty much summarized the entirety of the madness here:

"Fed by mistreatments and false diagnosis, to morph as a testdemic of narrative capture, all the while diverting from the ratcheting of regulatory controls."

"But more than that I was aware of the way of communication for its media & political circus as nothing but a weaponising of fear and guilt to a groomed captive 'market'."

It's all one sick scam built upon fraudulent diagnoses and toxic treatments bolstered by media-hyped fear propaganda which is backed by strong invested interests. I'm glad this is getting exposed as this house of cards needs to come crashing down ASAP.

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