I'll offer two observations.

1. Whenever I sweep my dusty highway-facing 18th floor balcony, within an hour I have the symptoms of an 'allergy': red, runny nose, sniffles, sneezing, sometimes progressing to a sore throat. Usual resolution in 24-48 hours (1-2 days).

2. Whenever I expose my skin to the sun and get sunburn, within a day I have symptoms of a 'cold': red, runny nose, sniffles, sore throat, fatigue, voice change due to stuffiness. Usual resolution in 48-96 hours (2-4 days).

No virus required in either case. The first was dust expulsion from my mucous membranes, the second was, I suspect, an overabundance of Vit. D suddenly becoming available and my body immediately using it to do some automated detox.

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Thanks, Mike. Reading back in my journal entries, i'm amazed how many times in the past, especially this time of year, i "got sick" and stayed sick for weeks at a time, in spite of all the pharmaceuticals i was taking. Since i've stopped reacting to every sign of allergy as if i had caught a "bad virus," i've been very healthy, episodes confined to a part of a day.

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Thanks Jeffrey! I've learned that when I start noticing any symptoms, the best thing for me is water fasting and rest.

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Well, mild allergies i can just get by, neti pot helps if i get too congested. In the SF Bay Area, there is so much vegetation there is something to be allergic to almost every month of the year.

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The Don Tolman link is broken (no longer on BitChute). I think this is it on Rumble. Worth a watch. Laughed out loud. :)


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