I'll offer two observations.

1. Whenever I sweep my dusty highway-facing 18th floor balcony, within an hour I have the symptoms of an 'allergy': red, runny nose, sniffles, sneezing, sometimes progressing to a sore throat. Usual resolution in 24-48 hours (1-2 days).

2. Whenever I expose my skin to the sun and get sunburn, within a day I have symptoms of a 'cold': red, runny nose, sniffles, sore throat, fatigue, voice change due to stuffiness. Usual resolution in 48-96 hours (2-4 days).

No virus required in either case. The first was dust expulsion from my mucous membranes, the second was, I suspect, an overabundance of Vit. D suddenly becoming available and my body immediately using it to do some automated detox.

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Thanks, Mike. Reading back in my journal entries, i'm amazed how many times in the past, especially this time of year, i "got sick" and stayed sick for weeks at a time, in spite of all the pharmaceuticals i was taking. Since i've stopped reacting to every sign of allergy as if i had caught a "bad virus," i've been very healthy, episodes confined to a part of a day.

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Thanks Jeffrey! I've learned that when I start noticing any symptoms, the best thing for me is water fasting and rest.

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Well, mild allergies i can just get by, neti pot helps if i get too congested. In the SF Bay Area, there is so much vegetation there is something to be allergic to almost every month of the year.

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it’s also a little like how most drugs have an identical or almost identical side effects list

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i have finally come to the conclusion that my partner and i suffer from “allergies” (outside of the usual pollen season) and “cold and flus” when they chem spray the skies the heaviest.

where we live it’s been almost daily for the past few months and when they really go all out and seriously blanket the sky my partner is sneezing and sniffling like crazy (one night recently he was so stuffed up he actually had trouble breathing). i find that i start to get a razor blade throat and wake up with a headache, feel “off” and start coughing and sneezing…. now that i dont take ANY vitamins or any pharma meds to address the symptoms but instead drink my homemade ginger, turmeric, apple cider vinegar, manuka honey and lemon drink, do a nasal rinse with salt water and a throat/mouth gargle with the same (maybe some iodine or H2O if feeling really rough), have a hot bath with epsom salt, celtic sea salt and tea tree oil and the symptoms disappear within hours.

all these years of taking “vitamins” when i felt “off” (and i now realise was prolonging the “illness”) i feel really quite silly (and angry about all the money i wasted!)

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i think you were arguing with a bot, mate 🤣

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The Don Tolman link is broken (no longer on BitChute). I think this is it on Rumble. Worth a watch. Laughed out loud. :)


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