The Poolio Paradox
If you go searching for a "virus" in sewage, expect to find nothing but BS.
Apparently Polio is back. Or at least the vaccine-derived version of the “virus” is as wild-type Polio was supposedly eradicated from the US in 1979. Somehow, an unvaccinated person in New York acquired the vaccine strain of Polio even though that particular vaccine is no longer given in the US:
“In this case, sequencing performed by the Wadsworth Center – NYSDOH's public health laboratory – and confirmed by CDC showed revertant polio Sabin type 2 virus. This is indicative of a transmission chain from an individual who received the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is no longer authorized or administered in the U.S., where only the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) has been given since 2000. This suggests that the virus may have originated in a location outside of the U.S. where OPV is administered, since revertant strains cannot emerge from inactivated vaccines.”
According to a case study by the CDC, the patient was suspected of having acute flaccid myelitis (otherwise known as non-Polio Polio) yet as part of the AFM protocol, his samples were checked by both the NYSDOH and the CDC for Polio-Polio. They confirmed each others genetic sequencing and determined the man did indeed have vaccine-derived Polio even though he was unvaccinated and had no history of international travel to areas the vaccine is used. However, the man had attended a large gathering 8 days prior to symptom onset so this obviously meant that he must have shaken the poo-covered hands of an unidentified walking, talking vaccinated Polio spreader in order to become infected.
The good news is that there were no other cases of Polio detected from that large gathering. The bad news is that the filthy mystery assailant remains at large:
“In June 2022, a young adult with a 5-day history of low-grade fever, neck stiffness, back and abdominal pain, constipation, and 2 days of bilateral lower extremity weakness visited an emergency department and was subsequently hospitalized with suspected AFM; the patient was unvaccinated against polio (Figure). As part of national AFM surveillance,† the suspected case was reported to NYSDOH and then to CDC. The patient was discharged to a rehabilitation facility 16 days after symptom onset with ongoing lower extremity flaccid weakness. A combined nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab and cerebrospinal fluid sample were negative by reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) testing for enteroviruses and human parechovirus, as well as for a panel of common respiratory pathogens and encephalitic viruses by molecular methods (2). RT-PCR and sequencing of a stool specimen by the NYSDOH laboratory identified poliovirus type 2. Specimens were tested at CDC using RT-PCR (3) and sequencing, confirming the presence of poliovirus type 2 in both stool specimens. Additional sequencing identified the virus as VDPV2 (4), differing from the Sabin 2 vaccine strain by 10 nucleotide changes in the region encoding the viral capsid protein, VP1, suggesting transmission for up to 1 year although the location of that transmission is unknown.
Based on the typical incubation period for paralytic polio, the presumed period of exposure occurred 7 to 21 days before the onset of paralysis.§ Epidemiologic investigation revealed that the patient attended a large gathering 8 days before symptom onset and had not traveled internationally during the presumed exposure period. No other notable or known potential exposures were identified.”

So where did this mystery assailant come from? Could it have been in London where Polio was detected in the sewage in June 2022? According to the national incident declaration made by London public health officials, this must have been the case. However, they also state that this person couldn't possibly have been a resident of the UK and must have come from outside the country due to the non-use of the oral Polio vaccine there as well. Unfortunately, most Polio cases are ASYMPTOMATIC (yes, you read that right) and to date, no active cases of Polio have been detected in the UK outside of the unlucky sewage samples. Thus, the origin of the Polio pooper-spreader remains unknown:
Poliovirus in London sewage sparks alarm
“Yesterday, declaring a “national incident” after poliovirus was detected in London sewage, public health officials in the United Kingdom asked physicians to be on alert for polio cases and urged residents to check whether they are up to date with their vaccinations for the now-rare disease. The source of the virus is still a mystery, but was likely someone from outside of the United Kingdom who had recently received the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which uses a live, but weakened, virus and is no longer given in the United Kingdom.
Most polio infections are asymptomatic, and no cases have been found in the United Kingdom so far. But with vaccination rates below 90% in some London communities, there is concern that won’t last.”
The only other possible identity of the mystery assailant is a potential link in Jerusalem. In March 2022, Polio was detected in the sewage there as well as in an unvaccinated 3 year-old girl with acute flaccid paralysis:
“One indirect link to the New York man may be in Jerusalem where, in March 2022, poliovirus was found in sewage and one case of paralysis occurred in an unvaccinated child.”
However, I have it on good authority that the 3-year-old was not on the guest list at the party in New York so it seems we are once again stuck at a dead end in regards to the mystery assailant. We may never know how Polio arrived in the sewage in Israel, London, and the US. It's unfortunate that none of these three countries have any agencies that could identify this person. 🤷♂️
Nevertheless, apparently all it takes to declare a state of emergency in the US these days is diagnosing Polio in a single patient and then finding computer-generated sequences in the raw sewage of multiple counties. This testing was admittedly done in an effort to boost vaccination rates to protect against the “virus” strain said to be caused by the vaccine. New York is looking to bump their vaccination rates for Polio from 79% to 90%. What better way to do so than a good old-fashioned Polio scare?:
New York declares state of emergency over polio to boost low vaccination rates
"New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Friday declared a state of emergency over polio to boost vaccination rates in the state amid further evidence that the virus is spreading in communities.
Poliovirus has now been detected in sewage samples from four counties in the New York metro area as well as in the city itself. The counties are Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, and the latest, Nassau.
The samples tested positive for poliovirus that can cause paralysis in humans, according to state health officials. Unvaccinated individuals who live, work, go to school or visit Orange, Rockland, Nassau, New York City and Sullivan are at the highest risk of paralytic disease, officials said.
New York began wastewater surveillance after an unvaccinated adult caught polio in Rockland County in July and suffered from paralysis, the first known infection in the U.S. in nearly a decade.
The emergency declaration will expand the network of vaccine administrators to include pharmacists, midwives and EMS workers in an effort to boost the immunization rate in areas where it has slipped."
"The polio vaccination rate is alarmingly low in some New York counties. The vaccination rate is 60% in Rockland, 58% in Orange, 62% in Sullivan and 79% in Nassau, according to the health department. The statewide average for polio immunization is about 79%.
The goal of the vaccination campaign is to boost immunization rates well above 90% statewide, according to the health department."
Granted, they claim that only the oral Polio vaccine can cause paralysis. Since that version of the vaccine is no longer in use in the US and London, vaccination with the inactivated Polio vaccine (IPV) should cause no problems, right? However, a careful reading of the vaccine insert for the IPV states this:
Although no causal relationship between IPOL vaccine and Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) has been established, (28) GBS has been temporally related to administration of another inactivated poliovirus vaccine. Deaths have been reported in temporal association with the administration of IPV (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section).
For those who may not know, Guillain-Barre Syndrome is one of the alter egos for the symptoms known as Polio these days, with the other major one being acute flaccid paralysis. According to the CDC, these are the common symptoms of GBS:
What is Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS)?
Guillain-Barré (Ghee-YAN Bah-RAY) syndrome (GBS) happens when a person’s own immune system harms their body’s nerves. This harm causes muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis.
What are the symptoms of GBS?
Early symptoms of GBS include weakness and tingling. People with GBS usually first feel these symptoms in both legs. Some people then have weakness and tingling in their arms and upper body.
The weakness can increase until people cannot use some muscles. In severe cases, people can become paralyzed.
With the push to get that 79% statewide vaccination rate up to 90% by way of Polio boosters, we can expect to see more cases of paralysis from vaccine injuuries which can either be diagnosed as GBS, AFM, or as Polio depending on the whims of the CDC.
In any case, after the CDC diagnosed Polio in a single patient and “found” its essence in the poo from the citizens of New York, the WHO decided to add the US to the list of countries with actively circulating Polio. The power of genetically sequencing a Polio “virus” never scientifically proven to exist has shown the WHO that undiagnosed Polio is circulating amongst the population either as a flu-like illness or presenting asymptomatically with no illness at all. In other words, you may have Polio and not even realize it:
The World Health Organization has added the U.S. to its list of countries with circulating polio. It joins the likes of Somalia, Yemen, and Israel
Every one case of paralytic polio likely represents hundreds of additional infections presenting with flu-like symptoms or no symptoms at all, experts say.
“In July of this year, an unvaccinated 20-year-old man in New York’s Rockland County was diagnosed with polio and paralyzed by the virus. Since then, polio has been identified in wastewater samples in neighboring counties.
Genetic sequencing has connected the paralyzed man’s case and wastewater specimens from New York to wastewater samples in Jerusalem, Israel, and London, indicating community transmission, according to the CDC.
Every one case of paralytic polio likely represents hundreds of additional infections presenting with flu-like symptoms or no symptoms at all, experts say.
Last week New York Gov. Kathy Hochul issued an executive order declaring a state disaster emergency as a result of the polio outbreak, in an effort to expand vaccination efforts and surveillance.”
“Eradicated polioviruses are not returning. Instead, the bodies of those vaccinated outside the U.S. with live, attenuated vaccines rarely—but sometimes—mutate inactivated virus into an activated one.
That virus can be excreted through the GI tract. In this way, the vaccinated can unknowingly vaccinate others—or set off the spread of an activated virus, experts say.”
However, should the use of genetic sequencing be allowed in order to “find” a “virus” in wastewater in order to call for increased vaccination to combat the invisible enemy assumed to be unknowingly circulating amongst the population? If the results from this 2019 study is any indication, the answer is a clear and definitive NO:
Environmental Surveillance for Poliovirus and Other Enteroviruses: Long-Term Experience in Moscow, Russian Federation, 2004–2017
“Here we summarized the results of 14 years of environmental surveillance at four sewage treatment plants of various capacities in Moscow, Russia. A total of 5450 samples were screened, yielding 1089 (20.0%) positive samples. There were 1168 viruses isolated including types 1–3 polioviruses (43%) and 29 different types of non-polio enteroviruses (51%). Despite using the same methodology, a significant variation in detection rates was observed between the treatment plants and within the same facility over time. The number of poliovirus isolates obtained from sewage was roughly 60 times higher than from AFP surveillance over the same time frame. All except one poliovirus isolate were Sabin-like polioviruses. The one isolate was vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 with 17.6% difference from the corresponding Sabin strain, suggesting long-term circulation outside the scope of the surveillance. For some non-polio enterovirus types (e.g., Echovirus 6) there was a good correlation between detection in sewage and incidence of clinical cases in a given year, while other types (e.g., Echovirus 30) could cause large outbreaks and be almost absent in sewage samples. Therefore, sewage monitoring can be an important part of enterovirus surveillance, but cannot substitute other approaches.”
“Sewage monitoring also has theoretical and practical limitations. In Moscow, there are about 200,000 children born per year and according to the vaccination schedule, each has received several doses of live OPV, meaning that millions of Sabin strains could have been excreted in Moscow over 10 years. Only 499 of these were identified by sewage monitoring. Therefore, this approach in its current state is theoretically incapable of detecting low-level circulation of a particular virus, including epidemically significant polioviruses (wild or VDPVs). It is likely that more viruses will be identifiable upon introduction of high throughput sequencing, but the survival rate of enteroviruses in sewage remains a major knowledge gap. In particular, it is not clear if the observed high year-to-year variation of isolation rates at the same facility is dependent on sampling methodology, sewage content, climate or some other factors. There have been attempts to correlate the number of poliovirus shedders to the concentration of poliovirus in sewage, but they were done on much smaller treatment facilities [29]. In large cities it may not be realistic to infer poliovirus circulation rates from sewage monitoring due to both lower detection rates and higher variance of virus prevalence, as observed in this study.”
“Sewage monitoring is also considered as a supplementary type of enterovirus surveillance. It is assumed that it has prognostic capabilities. That is, the emergence of a previously unknown type of virus in wastewater in the absence of manifest cases may indicate the beginning of its circulation among healthy population. However, significant differences in clinical incidence of infection by certain types and their frequency in sewage probes were found. There is no explicit evidence that enterovirus types are equally stable in sewage, especially as other contaminants and detergents can vary over different collection points and seasons. Moreover, there are examples of uneven stability. Echovirus 6 was the most frequent type isolated in sewage monitoring in Tunisia, and it was implied that E6 is more resistant to sewage treatment than other types [30]. Moreover, in our study, it was the type that featured a fair correlation between disease incidence and detection in sewage. Even different genotypes of a same type, such as E11, could be differently represented in sewage and among patients with overt disease [31]. It is not entirely clear if the observed differences in detection rates between sewage and incidence-based surveillance represent virus prevalence in the population, levels of the fecal excretion, virus stability in sewage, or efficiency of enrichment and isolation. In any case, it is obvious (and best exemplified by E30 incidence in AM cases and wastewater) that the sewage monitoring is not representative of clinical disease incidence caused by distinct EV types, in spite of the fact that in our research the same methodical approach was used for cell culture isolation of the viruses from wastewater and AM patients.”
The genetic sequencing methods used to detect Polio and other “viruses” in sewage are theoretical and have considerable limitations. As stated, this method is theoretically incapable of detecting low-level circulation of a particular “virus” such as would be the case with Polio as, based on their fictional narrative, it is not said to be circulating at high levels in the US, London, and Israel. In large cities such as New York, this study stated that “it may not be realistic to infer poliovirus circulation rates from sewage monitoring due to both lower detection rates and higher variance of virus prevalence, as observed in this study.” There are too many confounding and unknown variables that can and will affect any results obtained from monitoring raw sewage for imaginary entities. Thus, it is best to flush this whole Poo-lio narrative down the toilet where it belongs.
For those who, for some reason, have yet to check it out, please see Dr. Mark Bailey's new essay “A Farewell to Virology.” Mark is a brilliant researcher and has definitely outdone himself with his latest masterpiece. It clocks in at a full 67 pages of meticulously detailed analysis and investigation. Included in the article below are links to a 19-page abridged version as well as Mark's first masterful essay:
Recently, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Kevin Corbett, and ex-scientist Mike Donio joined Regis Tremblay to discuss all things virology. Please check out these excellent interviews:
Toxicology vs Virology: Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud
By F. William Engdahl
12 July 2022
Just shaking my head that people believe the rubbsih from Hochul and all the other perpetrators of deception. Thanks Mike for this, and LOVE your photo captions! They make me laugh out loud!